#wordpress 2018-03-27
2018-03-27 UTC
tantek, chrisaldrich, j12t, [tantek], kaushalmodi, [aaronpk], [eddie], [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, [unoabraham] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[unoabraham] And updated Simple Location plugin today.
[unoabraham] Error in My Profile settings.
[kaushal_modi], [kevinmarks], Kyle-K, tantek, kaushalmodi, tbbrown, [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], sebsel, gRegorLove_, [jeremycherfas], j12t and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] Hey folks jumping back in with a new microformats hurdle & I'll get a bit more specific about my blog post

[kimberlyhirsh] First: Bridgy Publish is throwing me another can't find the reply-to error, this time with a Facebook event: http://kimberlyhirsh.com/4071-2/

Loqi [Kimberly Hirsh] Interested in Attending https://facebook.com/events/2073083996302762/

[kimberlyhirsh] "This looks like an RSVP, but it's missing an in-reply-to link to the Facebook event"

[kimberlyhirsh] Post Kinds embed is disabled.

[kimberlyhirsh] As for the issues I wrote about:

[kimberlyhirsh] "Sharing links in a POSSE way and having them actually look good" What I have to do right now is grab the featured image manually and upload it, then POSSE via either Bridgy Publish or Jetpack Publicize.

[kimberlyhirsh] It'd be cool if Post Kinds pulled the image in and set it as the post's featured image. (My understanding of the inner workings of WordPress is fairly limited so it's possible my wishes are beyond what's currently possible.)

chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich kimberlyhirsch, I suspect that snarfed or GWG may be able to give you some details on the event piece. I've done some RSVPs before, but never done one for Facebook which might have some sort of quirk with Bridgy Publish.

[kimberlyhirsh] "Posting notes to Facebook and Twitter without weird link previews or my Gravatar popping up" This is a two-part problem. The h-card widget appears to apply the class u-photo to my avatar. But even after I disabled it, somewhere the Independent Publisher theme was still doing the same thing.

chrisaldrich As for the manual uploading of a featured image, I know that GWG has been working on that and it's on his roadmap. Currently Post Kinds is parsing the page and is saving the link to the image, but the plugin isn't doing anything with it (yet).

[kimberlyhirsh] Yep, I can see that when I view the details. Exciting stuff!

[kimberlyhirsh] The weird link previews stopped when I really leaned into Bridgy Publish for notes instead of using Jetpack Publicize, but then because of the u-photo issues I would get a good, link-free note, with my Gravatar attached.

chrisaldrich I've been using the External URL Featured Image plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/external-url-featured-image/ to display those images as a stopgap in the erstwhile and just dumping his link into it for display on the page by transclusion.

[kimberlyhirsh] Ooh. Thanks for that plug-in.

chrisaldrich I suspect that when GWG finally adds a more native Featured Image functionality one could simply disable the plugin in exchange for Post Kinds doing that piece instead without much damage or adding further issues to one's database or general install.

[kimberlyhirsh] Sharing on mobile I figured out because of [chrisaldrich]'s post about doing it with Post Kinds and URL Forwarder, though I set up URL Forwarder without @url just for sharing from Twitter - I copy and paste the tweet's permalink.

chrisaldrich As for the photos attached to link previews, it's definitely being caused by the u-photo being on your gravatar. I suspect it's not properly nested and as a result Brid.gy thinks you intend to send it to Twitter (or the like).

[kimberlyhirsh] That's what I figured, but I only figured that out because I found you mentioning it as a possibility in chat. That's what I used Chrome inspector to figure out. Looks like a problem with both the h-card widget and the Independent Publisher theme.

chrisaldrich I can try to tweak around with a test install I've got with Independent Publisher to see what's causing it, but I know that GWG had been doing some pull requests against that theme to improve it's microformats support so things like your u-photo problem don't happen with the Bridgy Publish Plugin.

chrisaldrich That u-photo quirk in combination with Bridgy Publish Plugin is relatively common with several themes.

chrisaldrich kimberlyhirsch: to temporarily fix your u-photo problem, you could try commenting it out of the code manually, though depending on how you're doing your primary h-card your webmentions might not include your photo properly.

chrisaldrich I think the particular line you'd need to look for is this one: https://github.com/raamdev/independent-publisher/blob/824710f67a8cc11edda7a486e0bdd2211b026226/inc/mf2.php#L45

chrisaldrich You could also file the u-photo as an issue to the theme's primary issue queue. https://github.com/raamdev/independent-publisher/issues

chrisaldrich If you don't have the ability to do that easily, let me know and we can do it for you, though GWG may have a better idea of what's specifically going on there.

[tantek], tantek, [kevinmarks] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] For now I've turned off gravatars, which I don't mind.