#wordpress 2018-04-03

2018-04-03 UTC
Cycho joined the channel
Yay, PHP version update seems to have fixed this.
does a happy dance!
What else are you looking to do?
[kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
Cycho there is also Slack if your network allows that.
j12t, j12t_, tantek, tbbrown, sebsel, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Been talking to Ian O'Byrne a bit about how an indieweb newsletter could work. I am too lazy to publish a newsletter. I just do the default weekly summary email to subscribers. I suggested that I am sure this exists already but a newsletter post-type as a bookmarkelt that also syndicates has to be possible
j12t and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] isn't that what MailChimp does? Allows you to combine posts into a newsletter. I think that in that case the 'kind' would probably be whatever the object is (article, photo)?
@gwg is my memory testing me, but did you say on the first podcast there was a blank framework available for building out new kinds?
yes but my point is you do not need to use mailchimp (though I never use Wordpress mail and always connect a different email server). Any subscriber plug in, then you use a postkind or only share out a specific category ( say...newsletter) in your weekly digest. Just publish your meta post last before the newsletter goes out. We are just brainstorming these ideas but base on what Ian was saying it sounded like he was talking to residen
There's a filter
[kevinmarks] and j12t joined the channel
@gwg that is what I am thinking. I am trying to think about how I can easily hack together a newsletter solution just using subscriber plug-ins and a weekly digest emails. i don't want one more thing to do, newletters feel like so much more work than just blogging
tantek, j12t, [manton], [kevinmarks] and Cycho joined the channel
I will be joining the Slack shortly. That will be a lot easier than trying to maintain the webchat session.
GWG - Other things I'm looking to do are: to actually write more that matters. : )
[jjdelc], [kevinmarks], [aaronpk], [stefp], GWG and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Clint Lalonde moved his newsletter to MailPoet, a WordPress plugin https://edtechfactotum.com/blog/reclaiming-the-edtechfactotum-newsletter/
[jgmac1106] I collect my newsletters using a tag, would that do as a trigger?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
that would work, tag or categories, one of the OG messes
[kevinmarks], j12t, [aaronpk], [cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel