#wordpress 2018-04-26

2018-04-26 UTC
I'm building 2 sites with Hugo. After that a WP child theme where I'll bake in as much of the IndieWeb as possible. Hence put the WP on a back-burner.
Github, I believe we haven't yet pushed it to the repo.
Ok. Let me d/l it and try. WP I usually wait for the updates.
Leaning the Git and GitHub now.
[snarfed], [matthilt], Kaja___ and chimo joined the channel
[aaronpk] When OYG posts to my website I get a horizontal line at the top of those posts. Is that controlled by you or is it a setting I have to figure out on the Wordpress side?
Yeah I have no idea what that's about, certainly nothing OYG is doing
OK thanks
It's me, probably.
LOL I just started looking through Post Kinds.
It's that
I'll add an issue.
[matthilt]: If you have a URL as an example.
[matthilt]: The line isn't supposed to appear if there is nothing there. You put a name in, which would be for details on the photo.
But, you want the line always gone?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
iirc it's a piece of CSS in one of the .response portions that adds a line between the context and the response
I tweaked it in my CSS once, but I'm not finding it at the moment
I would prefer it gone. Most of my pics will be from OYG and this is an example of an auto imported one. https://matthilton.us/2018/04/26/298/
[matthilt] it's: border-bottom: inset #D6D6D6;
on the .response {} piece\
I'll see what I can do.
I did want to work on media at some point.
I did a little
[chrisaldrich] Its a bit over my head there.
Would I be editing a PHP file or adding Additional CSS in the theme? Or neither.
You'll want to go to Appearance >> Editor and in your theme (or child theme) add the following:
.response {
margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 5px;
margin-left: 0px;
font-size: 16px;
border-bottom: none;
The style.css file?
changing the border-bottom: field from inset #D6D6D6 to "none" in the last line should override the settings that GWG is setting explicitly in the plugin
yes, in the style.css file
If you want to remember what it's doing at a later time add the following just above it:
/* The snippet below removes the black line from between the context and the response of the Post Kind Plugin */
I really want to put something useful above the line.
Should it be live? Once I update the file and refresh the page it should be gone? It's still there.
you may have to flush your cache to see the change.
or try looking at it in another browser to doublecheck
Yep, that's what it was. Thanks.
Let me say, I get why the line is there. This fix is perfect.
Given your grey theme changes you may want some other way of differentiating between the context portion of the post and the response when it occurs. On mine I use some color in the blockquote area and add some additional spacing. See: http://boffosocko.com/kind/read/
I see. I'm interested in that for some of the other post types. For me, the photos are just imported IG photos that will end up getting autoposted to Twitter via plugin. I like having just the photo and then whatever text I post underneath it.
Thanks [chrisaldrich] and @GWG
GWG++ for Post Kinds flexibility awesomeness
gwg has 57 karma in this channel (336 overall)
[chrisaldrich]: By the way, scope support just merged into Micropub
But IndieAuth breaks storing the client_id, so I have to fix that
[kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
But it is more a grassroots movement inside the company… so nothing official yet… 🙂
[kevinmarks], doubleloop[m] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
guten morgen
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Morning GWG
[chrisaldrich] thx for helping with the self-assessment items
[kevinmarks], tantek, [jgmac1106], [eddie], jeremycherfas, [cleverdevil], [snarfed] and jackjamieson joined the channel
edited /WordPress/Onboarding (+1308) "Added Cathie LeBlanc User Story"
(view diff)
[sebsel], sebsel, gRegorLove and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
can someone with the new indieauth plugin installed in wordpress go here and try to sign in? https://pin13.net/login/
tantek and [matthilt] joined the channel
that is after i click sign in
what is the URL in the address bar?
It looks like we don't have a page for "URL in the address bar" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "URL in the address bar is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantek joined the channel
Sorry [aaronpk] Now its going through
Should I go ahead and go through the whole process?
yea it should just take you back and tell you the domain you signed in as
sweet that worked
Sorry I kinda got started with you and then had to step away.
did you figure out what the first error was?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
worked for me as well
tantek joined the channel
No, I wonder if we are still having web filter problems here at work
tantek, [kim_landwehr] and [tantek] joined the channel
Howdy David
how goes?
Off work so it can’t be that bad. Hope you are well.
I just got off work
Accident on road, so decided to stop for food
I’m trying to motivate myself to cook
Have to go to my second job as an Indieweb developer
Ha I’ll bet
I cooked last night, and my dishwasher broke and I am too lazy to wash my own dishes till the handyman comes
Oh man. It’s always something. I still have to fix my water and ice dispenser in my fridge
I want to get my syndication target code built, but the Facebook publish thing is disappointing. I worry syndication will die on all platforms
I need to get more Indieweb interactions
I guess it makes sense from their business perspective since that’s all that’s going to matter. For me it’s likely going to kill my using that platform
I don't get enough webmentions
Native webmentions
tantek, [snarfed], [tantek], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@gwg don't feel bad if you make a theme and charge for it. I purchase open source themes to support developers and then get the 1:1 help that many build into freemium models
[jgmac1106]: Charge for it?
If I thought my design work was that good...