#wordpress 2018-04-25

2018-04-25 UTC
tantek_, [tantek], zb111 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Hey @gwg I was trying to go through each program and realized something broke for me with Indieauth still trying to figure out what changed
You are hopefully long in bed and we can catch up in the morning
[jgmac1106]: Long in bed?
Why would you think that?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
In a momentary loss of thought I oplaced you east of the Prime Meridian., but its NYC correct?
Not like you keep some kind of cool card on your website that would let me find out
brb going to go chat with Matt
Matt: here is the protocol…I just typed this up. Thanks for letting me test out the questions. Want to make this as painless as possible for participants
[matthilt] joined the channel
Sure that sounds great.
Do you want me just to type out the answers or do you want to do a call still?
I just realized I took out my location from the contact card I think.
@matthilt I was talking to @gwg. I had a brain fart and mixed up his 1020
I'm in NY. I was just up early this morning
jgmac1106: I work with a company in Europe.
That's why things get confusing.
[snarfed] and zb111 joined the channel
GWG: You and Europe are the only one’s up with me sometimes
thx @matthilt for joining me
My insomnia is not something I should brag about.
No problem [jgmac1106]. I appreciate your time.
of course I forgot to ask about ideas you had that could make thigns better, feel free to add them to the wiki page where I am collecting and posting data and thoughts
Ok. Is that the onboarding link you posted before?
I just want everyone to know that [jgmac1106] said I could ask questions so if I'm annoying you its really his fault.
[miklb] joined the channel
ask away. and if you start your question with “what is…” Loqi may have a wiki link for you
what is wordpress
what is post kinds plugin
The Post Kinds Plugin is a WordPress plugin that adds support for responding and interacting with other sites to WordPress https://indieweb.org/Post_Kinds_Plugin
WordPress is open source CMS software used by many on the Indieweb as well as a blog hosting service https://indieweb.org/WordPress
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
The Post Kinds Plugin's Reply function. Is it meant for replying to blogs or other silos like Twitter or both?
edited /WordPress/Onboarding (+1062) "Adding first user interview"
(view diff)
@matthilt I meant to ask after you learned you needed an h-card how did you go about installing one?
Did you use the widget? Another method?
I ended up hard coding it to the footer on the child theme.
thank you. I will add that to here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Onboarding If you feel my summary doesn’t reflect our conversation feel free to add
As of today I use the widget. Just saw that today.
also feel free to just add any recommended changes you would make to either the onboarding process or to getting started documentation
[matthilt] yes, the reply can be to any URL.
[miklb] For Twitter though I'd still have to have something like Bridgy post it to Twitter correct?
[jgmac1106] OK thanks. I'm heading for bed soon, but I'll look at it tomorrow. I'm sure I wasn't misquoted 🙂
Bridgy ended up posting both the original message and the reply. So the format was weird.
So it looks great on the blog, but bad on twitter.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
just always offer my interviewees a chance at a member check, thanks it was fun
I understand Gary. I enjoyed my time as well.
I’m about to turn in myself, but will need to look at what theme and the mf2 used.
No worries. I'll play with it tomorrow some.
might need the modification I made to my reply kind templates to work with the Twitter embed. I don’t recall if that made it into the latest version or not. the `u-url` needs to be on the embed Twitter url.
[eddie], [mrkrndvs], zb111, [pfefferle], [kevinmarks], gRegorLove, [deeden], jeremycherfas, [jgmac1106] and syamkumar joined the channel
Can not figure out why I am getting “Did Not Receive a Valid Authorization Endpoint” using IndieAuth
what gives you that error when?
What sknebel said.
@gwg @skenbel When I try to log into https://jgregorymcverry.com/wp-admin
jgmac1106: Are you trying to use the 'login via domain' option?
Yes, and it must be a WP issie use a different blog to log into indigienous @skenbel (that works) and I can use jgregorymcverry.com to log into indigenous
Why would you use a site to log into itself.
with what site are you trying to log in?
@gwg not sure, it has always worked for me. I logged into my domain with my domain. I would authenticate with Twitter
jgmac1106: Did you set up the built-in IndieAuth endpoint?
@gwg yes I tried buth the indieauth endpoint and the local endpoint
The IndieAuth endpoint would log in via Twitter. The local one logs in via WordPress
currently using the indieauth endpoints
have to head to campus, will try to figure it out later. Its just a log in and I have five other ways to do it
if I go to that login page, click "sign in with your domain", put in "https://jgregorymcverry.com" it sends me to Indieauth.com like it should. does it fail after that?
Greg McVerry
It shouldn't.
[kimberlyhirsh], Ruxton, drkokandy, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yes. I don't get the message about missing endpoints until it goes back to WP from authorizing using what ever third party I am using to authenticate (usually Twitter, all my other choices went away
Will record a gif when I get to campus. Sitting in my kids school parking lot now
[snarfed] and [matthilt] joined the channel
@GWG I tried a webmention, but I don't know if I've botched something on my site. I just wanted to say thank you for the update to how you set your blog up. Its helpful.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek], kaushalmodi, [eddie], ben_thatmustbeme, j12t, wagle and [matthilt] joined the channel
Indeweb Plugin H-Card Widget is it only for posts or for the home page as well? I can only get it onto posts.
[eddie], Ruxton, drkokandy, [tantek], dougbeal, jeremycherfas and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
@matthilt stick the hcard widget in a sidebar (which you don't use I recall) or the header and the footer. Given that you already hard coded your h-card into your child theme's footer means you should be all set.
tantek, doubleloop[m] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
@unoabraham I was able to gather a user interview from @matthilt and filled the new to WP and indieweb box. Would be willing to do an interview as a skilled WP user new to some indieweb stuff?
[kevinmarks] and [matthilt] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] It apparently only shows on the individual article pages not the home page when I do that.
I may just use the hcard creator and do a custom HTML widget.
Nevermind. Somehow I have two Author H-Card Widgets and one will only go on article pages.
I just checked your page looks like you put in a right sidebar and dropped an h-card widget there
jgmac1106 has 2 karma in this channel (4 overall)
jgmac1106_, tantek, sebsel, sebsel_, [kimberlyhirsh], kaushalmodi, wagle and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
By the way, you can use the h-card function in a theme if you wanted to.
[matthilt] joined the channel
I just ended up using a Custom HTML widget so I could format it like I wanted to.
I’m still not comfortable editing themes yet.
[matthilt]: The goal of the h-card widget was to make it easy. Plenty of people like to code their own
Now that I'm in for the evening....how may I help?
@GWG How would I edit the spacing of the widget? That's part of the problem. The other part is it only shows my name and location, nothing else.
[matthilt]: What do you want it to show?
I'd like to enhance it
actually just my email address.
that's all I'd like to currently add.
[dshanske] #101 Optional email for h-card
I've noted that
If I were to be crazy and wanted to edit the code of the widgit, which file would that be?
[matthilt]: If it is on the list in Github...whenever I'm looking to do something, I tend to review
[miklb] joined the channel
I assume that’s the widget you are referring to
That would be correct. Thanks.
you should be able to pull the email address from the existing user profile field
[miklb]: You can. I just never added that feature
And its over my head. I'll let you guys continue to be the programmers.
I agree
Loqi you're the best
Loqi is a bot correct?
That was amazing
[matthilt]: I will try to do that for you. Not everyone wants it
I get it. Its not a big deal. The custom HTML does it for me.
At some point if there was a way to just let us check mark the info we wanted included in the H card, that might be cool. But if I'm the only one that's said anything, it should be fine as it is.
[matthilt]: I wanted to do that
[matthilt]: what else are you looking for?
Maybe the bio from a user's profile?
Basically to make the indiewebify.me h-card validation come back without something else to fill in.
[matthilt]: A lot of that stuff is optional. You don't need an email
But I should allow any of the details.
tantek joined the channel
I know. I just looked at it as an easy way to display that info for contact info. However I just figured out how to add my email it to the rel=me widget so, that may prove unnecessary for me.
[matthilt]: But if it is a feature people want...
I just wouldn't want to be the only example of the people you speak of.
Especially if you are doing other work which I imagine you are.
[matthilt]: I put everything on the list for future
OK, well I do appreciate the work you put in on this.
I hope others do as well
I like to think that every person who speaks up about a problem represents at least 10 others who had the same problem but didn't say anything
aaronpk: Exactly.
[matthilt]: I appreciate that people enjoy the work.
[unoabraham] joined the channel
Yeah sure.
[unoabraham]: Sure what?
jgmac1106 wanted me to answer some questions on WP and IndieWeb.
[unoabraham]: Any time
[unoabraham]: Did the update to Microformats 2 help you?
I did not check it. Update to the plugin or on GitHub?