#wordpress 2018-04-24

2018-04-24 UTC
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
created /WordPress/Onboarding (+2605) "Adding a self-assessment survey."
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I took a stab at writing a short self assessment survey for the Wordpress crowd. I went with four items (personal preference for not liking middle ground in Likert scales) and I feel the first is response is multidimensional. You could have heard of something but not used it.
I alsotried to go from basic to complex wordpress skills and then indieweb plug ins from basic to advanced
not to be pedantic but the WP community prefers WordPress
Thx for heads-up. Will revise in morning.
they don't just prefer it, it's the correct legal representation
I like having a self assessment before doing cognitive labs with users
I also understand that lumping all indieweb plug ins, protocols, and standards into "tools" but I needed one word most would grasp. Figure tools casted a wide enough ontological net while also being technically correct.
This is the same person who was having trouble with the IndieAuth plugin right? https://github.com/snarfed/wordpress-micropub/issues/112#issuecomment-383780001
[vishae] I just attempted to post using Quill and I got the "Your endpoint did not return a Location header." error. I'm using micropub 1.4.1, installed it from WP and not manual install though. That shouldn't make any difference right?
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
There are some days/weeks where I keep up with what is happening in here, but then there are others when I just need to wave the white flag
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm often in the same boat, and on those weeks, I pay special attention to schmarty's podcast...
[jgmac1106]++ for jumping in with both feet
jgmac1106 has 1 karma in this channel (3 overall)
Agree. Love the podcast 👍
Write more blog posts so he summarizes them on the podcast
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Some weeks I add stuff to the wiki or IndieNews and it makes me feel like schmarty is my own personal podcast producer because he goes into some solid depth.
[pfefferle] and tantek joined the channel
Btw... I pimped the indienews plugin for Wordpress, so you can read the streams in the dashboard
Also added „this week in the indieweb“
[pfefferle]++ very cool!
pfefferle has 21 karma in this channel (52 overall)
Have to push it to the wp.org repo at some point
[tantek] thanks ☺
[unoabraham] joined the channel
I'm not giving up, but it seems to me that it is going to be much easier to learn PHP and stick with WordPress than learn Hugo.
Now coming to Hugo, I'm having to not only learn Hugo, but also Github.
Not entirely true, I am trying to learn Github and Hugo.
WordPress has a lot more development when it comes to themes and plug-ins, and is a lot easier to learn.
Case in point, my WordPress theme has an inbuilt CSS builder as well as a PHP builder. It's all point and click and totally visual, and that means even someone like me who has never learned to code can change the background color, font size and color, insert titles, or remove elements, etc.
Just that I have way too much free time on my hands, and I don't like quitting so I'm soldiering on.
And I cannot seem to find a way to delete a Hugo website. i mean the command for it.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning
GWG I thought about the WordPress plugins a bit… And I think we should start smaller… Before we plan merging stuff, we should start to make plugins simpler… I had a deeper look at the webmentions and semantic linkbacks plugins and they are mainly complicated because of the wordings…
noone understands the spec names… so we should start fixing the settings and to write some nice help texts…
I will try to improve the webmention settings and to add some help texts…
I am working on a settings page for Microformats 2. We get too much confusion over what it does and doesn't do
I saw you added something in the Dashboard for Indienews. I have to install that
I added the news-feeds
so that you can read them directly in the dashboard
Yes. I want to see what it looks like.
have to add some changes, so that you can cite/reply to them dircetly
[pfefferle]: Not bad.
and it also pings indienews if you use a tag like “indie*”
If I get my Micropub syndication code off the ground, I might send a PR to integrate it.
I am talking with my employer to donate our plugin/theme wizard to the indieweb project… perhaps we can make an installer based on the indiemark
What does that look like?
first you choose plugins, it supports recommended (which are checked by default) and optional plugins… in the second step you choose from a list of themes and then it installes everything and redirects you to a page of your choise
you can find an older version from 2015 here https://community.1und1.de/1und1-wp-assistent/
[Philipp Bellmann] 1&1 WP Assistent – 3 Schritte für den einfachen Start mit WordPress
[Philipp Bellmann] 1&1 WP Wizard – 3 Steps for a Simple Start with WordPress
Looks nice enough
this, in combination with UX and UI imporved indieweb plugins, might perhaps be better then a monolith plugin (I still try to argument for the single plugin approach 😉 )
[pfefferle]: I just raised the issue of fewer plugins. I'm not sure I'm in favor of one single gigantic plugin.
I raised the issue because we keep adding more.
I am also against fewer plugins, I must admint… I love the indieauth plugin but I still don’t use the micropub plugin… for example
not really against… it depends
[pfefferle]: Exactly.
I must admit, that it really makes things easier, after I merged the webmention-forms and webmention-for-comments plugins into the core plugin… and perhaps to add SL some time
That's why I keep asking the questions, for discussion.
but I vote against the indieauth/micropub merge
The other option is for the Micropub plugin to require the IndieAuth plugin and deprecate just the duplicate code.
But plugin dependencies are messy
but is it so much code?
isn’t it a simple indieauth.com integration?
haven’t had a look at the code
ah, I see
the authorize code for example
It isn't much code.
So, if it stays separate, it isn't so bad.
what about an extra class for the authorisation/authentication stuff? so that it’s easier to enable/disable it?
The code that finds the mapping between user account and URL is more extensive.
[pfefferle]: I want to split micropub.php into sections like I did webmention, which was also originally in a single file.
gwg has 56 karma in this channel (335 overall)
what about using the rest-api?
[pfefferle]: I'd love to rewrite it with the REST API
It is something I'll probably try doing.
[pfefferle]: Incoming
indents, indents, indents… 😄
zb111 joined the channel
I'm challenged int hat area
Also, this was hard because I don't use the UF2 plugin
[pfefferle]: I did this because people keep commenting on how the_author is messing up their site. So I tried to address it. I was going to challenge people to help add more text to the Microformats settings page I just added in future.
[kevinmarks] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Noob question... how much different is coding a plugin vs. a theme? Why not a single theme that has all the functionality built in?
[unoabraham]: All what functionality?
jeremycherfas joined the channel
IndieWeb. All of the bits like post/format types, webmentions, IndieAuth, etc.
schmarty1 and [pfefferle] joined the channel
because not everyone wants the same theme
and then you have to code all of the stuff in different themes
and that makes changes very difficult
[unoabraham]: Reusable Functionality goes in plugins, appearance goes in themes.
It's the interaction with social media and other websites that drew me in. Like being able to reply to comments and tweets from my website.
That's what sets IndieWeb about from other independent and self hosted blogs.
So I don't think people will not want all of the functionality. Remove that and IndieWeb is no different from anything self hosted.
I am not sure I understand your point
@GWG, My theme has WordPress format support inbuilt, so I don't need the Post Kinds plug-in. If other functionality like webmention support can be added to my theme then even better.
[unoabraham]: You can add the files to your theme, if you want.
But that would have to be something you'd do.
but why not use the plugin… there is no disadvantage
[unoabraham]: As for Post Formats...that is built into WordPress, it isn't built into the theme.
Most theme developers have moved away from trying to put all functionality inside the theme, because it locks people into a specific theme
[pfefferle] I have been self hosting and blogging from 2004. Pretty much a WordPress user from back then.
It's the IndieWeb functionality of webmention support, IndieAuth, etc. that has got me interested in IndieWeb.
I'm sure there are many bloggers like me who would be more interested in the IndieWeb functionality. I believe they're already a part of the IndieWeb philosophy as long as there are already self hosting their blogs.
IndieWeb will give them the option of posting to Twitter from their blogs, as well as being able to reply and comment.
I understood that point!
we are also working on a simplification of the plugins and/or the installer
So my thinking is that's exactly what bloggers want. Being able to use their site as a central hub.
we hope so, at least 😉
And what sets IndieWeb apart from everybody else.
also agree on that
I also think IndieWeb will be an easier sell with such functionality. Who doesn't want to reply to Twitter from their website?
ok, but this is something we don not have properly integrated yet… at least into wordpress…
Selling owning your content, owning your domain, privacy, etc. doesn't sound that much exciting as being able to host all tweets on your own site and posting from there.
[pfefferle]: You can do it, but not seamlessly.
Not just WP. I'd take any CMS. The functionality would win people over.
[pfefferle]: My next project involves making syndication easier.
GWG I fear the GDPR 😞
[pfefferle]: I fear it too. You should see what my employer is making me do.
I think I have to quit using brid.gy 😞
[pfefferle]: I'm still not 100% sure about that
who does not 😉
[xavierroy] joined the channel
right now I'm documenting how GDPR affects the customer at my workplace
But, either way, you saw the list of ideas I put into the plugins for functionality around the rights inherent in GPDR?
[xavierroy]: Me too. And I'm not even in IT
yes, but sadly this does not help with the brid.gy “problem”
thing is it doesn;t affect us directly.. but customers using our products need to say that they are compliant 🙂
[pfefferle]: I know. But I think all of those things show we are giving choices to people about data storage.
[xavierroy]: It affects my employer directly, but only because we store customer data. But we only use it to fulfill our contractual relationship.
!tell [unoabraham] I see what you're saying, but the point remains, that themes are mostly about what the site looks like, while IndieWeb is based on what the site can do. People choose different themes for their look. Until most themes support all of the things that can be done through IndieWeb, the place for those functions is plugins. Could be one plugin, could be several. That's not an argument I can add anything to.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Wow 1&1 was my original shared host. Didn't know you worked there. I am intrigued by the interest from big hosting companies
I've used them. I also left to host my own VPS
Or rather, to manage my own VPS on a hosted service
Thx [chrisaldrich] I try to donate 15-20% of my time to Open Source projects and with Mozilla withdrawing from the learning space I needed new community
Already enjoying open source where project leads don't have bosses, no Board of Directors changes the goal post every quarter, a day there are no grant funders that must be pleased
Plus I can get behind the indieweb community principles and I want to empower my students to own their data.
So I will work on WP documentation and onboarding while I personally try to think about microformats and scholarly activities in open source
[jgmac1106]: I just updated a post that someone asked me to redo.
@gwg cool. I am going to do another dry run and then check out each plug in activation for users.
I hate making tables in wiki markup but will create a place as a punch list.
[pfefferle]: Just installed Indienews. I don't speak Swedish, should I really have a widget for that initially?
but it seems not working correctly
but you can hide it in the settings on the top right
[pfefferle]: I'm going to have a look. I have a syndication project I'm working on, and I may do some PRs.
[pfefferle]: Stay tuned.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
Here was my first video: https://s3.amazonaws.com/indiewebvideos/indiewebwalkthroughraw1.mp4 Got a phone call in the middle and missed the directions on the indieweb plug-in installer completely.
ohh and @gwg bumped down to 720p
edited /WordPress/Onboarding (+117) "Fixed the P, added video from first walk through attempt."
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Thinking about person tagging in WordPress.
Is that a new taxonomy or enhancing the existing 'tags' taxonomy?
I use the People and Places plugint o do this
[xavierroy]: I know.
[xavierroy]: I read your filed Issues.
@gwg can this work like a webmention or linkback through bridgy? So if folks link to a page with an h-card or something you could get a message, "You were mentioned...."
[jgmac1106]: Yes. This is just a question about how to classify something
You can have a tag that is a URL.
Although there is no URL field in the taxonomy.
May have to add that
Finally, a use for taxonomy term meta
ohh you actually menat tag in the traditional wordpress sense
[xavierroy]: I'm aware, but I was thinking of doing it in using Indieweb methodology. We'll see if I do.
Venues, which is the equivalent of his 'Places', has been on my list for ages
One use case for me is to find who i had lunch with 🙂 or what movies I had watched with a certain someone
[xavierroy]: Stay tuned, I guess.
It is possible I may try to do a PR rather than my own thing
He seems amenable
I have both enabled, but I kind of use his for the Places as it integrates with Swarm and yours, i just use for weather 🙂
[xavierroy]: The two are conflicting items. I'd have to figure out how they might not conflict.
As I said, I think he'd be onboard
[dshanske] #3 Work with Simple Location
[kevinmarks], tantek, [snarfed], [kaushal_modi] and [miklb] joined the channel
how difficult would it be to create a monolith plugin that uses composer to pull in all of the individual plugins and loads them?
or git submodules
IndieWeb All-in-One
[miklb] It works closely to that now, but you still have to individually activate each plug-in (which I like I don't want them all on)
yes, I understand how the plugins work, but if we could automate most of the work to build a monolithic plugin so the individual plugins could still be installed separately then it would be worth exploring.
The expectation of what IndieWeb means today vs even a year ago is very different.
wagle joined the channel
Not sure how this relates to WordPress being spelled with a capital P
^replying to [unoabraham] from earlier. I really loathe threads in Slack.
alex_mayorga joined the channel
I get that it was different. It was very interesting to try and do it from a clean install having the wiki open and comparing it to my experience
kaushalmodi and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[miklb] it is either too nerdy https://github.com/indiewebpress/composer or you have to deal with “class already exists” errors https://github.com/willnorris/wordpress-hum/issues/16
[indiewebpress] composer: A composer version of the IndieWeb WordPress plugin
[kevinmarks], tantek, [jgmac1106] and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
so the main IndieWeb plug-in (and I know I am wrong just assuming persona of new user) is what gives you the IndieWeb menu in your dashboard
That is the first use case for the plug-in @gwg I think new users want that feature and as you get more advanced you get more and more particular to the company you keep in your dashboard sidebar
tantek and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Oops... wrong chat. My bad.
Seems to be no way to delete.
kaushalmodi joined the channel
[unoabraham] yeah it's okay this Slack instance a bridge to irc. Some functionality doesn't exist
I lost the indieauth option on my log in screen when I updated this morning: http://jgregorymcverry.com/wp-login
i believe there's a checkbox now to enable that
remembers GWG trying to explain this on the last podcast
ahhh now I see what you were saying
tantek joined the channel
but nowhere can I find checkbox. Will have to go listen to podcast
ahh general settings page
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Maybe there should be a link to options in the plugin activation section? I didn't think it was obvious either.
it always confuses me when plugins add settings to the main wordpress settings pages. i always expect settings for a plugin to be on a plugin's own settings page. but that may just be my old wordpress showing.
I just recorded a quick Indieweb in a minute to show: https://s3.amazonaws.com/indiewebvideos/IndieAuthUpdate.mp4 but I cut off the last five seconds because it didn't work for me
access denied?
[matthilt] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I agree. It took me forever to figure out that I didn't have to hard code rel=me even after I'd installed the Indieweb Plugin
no, there is no indieauth log in on wp-admin
[matthilt] that happened to me but that was because I did it before the rel=me and h-card were included in the plug-ins
I expected it to be IWC>Options>Checkbox
Yes, now I know to look elsewhere, but as a new Wordpress user. I just wasn't aware that that was an option. Live and learn I guess.
nevermind. It was working. I was signed into WP in another tab from filming. Had to close all the other tabs and check the box
[matthilt], trying to help. If you have just started as an indieweb user I would love to get some feedback from you on the onboarding
[jgmac1106] Sure I'd be glad to help. Now isn't a good time though. Should I DM you later?
yeah no worries here, Drop me a note here or anywhere on the web. pretty much jgmac1106 everywhere
and I went to go back to add the last 5 seconds showing it working and got "Did Not Receive a Valid Authorization Endpoint"
edited /WordPress/Onboarding (+146) "Added video of enabling IndieAuth 2.0.1"
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edited /WordPress/Onboarding (-9) "/* Random Video */"
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tantek and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /WordPress/Onboarding (+609) "Added my list of recommended changes"
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[jgmac1106] Heads up, I could search for both themes in my install.
[cleverdevil] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
@matthilt strange. I will rerecord. That was my first attempt at a think aloud
I also noticed that I can have the IndieAuth plug in but not the IndieWeb plug in. When that happens the rel=me links are not added from the profile and you must manually add rel=me links…I think
can’t get IndieAuth to work on https://indiewebsandbox.jgregorymcverry.com but that was just me trying to see if adding to the profile without me manually adding links worked. I get nothing there with IndieAuth didn’t try to validate with any service
[miklb] joined the channel
[pfefferle] I was thinking of using composer to build a finished plugin, not require the user to run composer.
when trying to log into https://indiewebsandbox.jgregorymcverry.com using https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com I authenticate using Known and then get a message: The authorization endpoint did not return a JSON response
have to go get kids, then its coaching baseeball and running cub scouts.back at this tursday and friday enjoy all
or use submodules and build in Travis/CircleCI add a big wrapper function to load all of the plugins. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[miklb] look at the second part of my answer
if you install other plugins as dependencies, you have to get sure that you do not produce duplicates
because the plugins still can be installed by hand
but sure, feel free to try a prototype 😉
tantek, kaushalmodi, jackjamieson, [jgmac1106], [kimberlyhirsh] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
What did I miss? Missing setting?
[cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel