#wordpress 2018-04-28

2018-04-28 UTC
hmm. I tested WP IndieAuth plugin with Quill and signed in just fine but now my syndicate-to targets are missing
[miklb]: That shouldn't be.
[miklb]: What is generating your targets?
[miklb]: The Bridgy plugin? It works for me. But I do want to update it.
just noting my experience. I’ll investigate.
hadn’t had a chance to test the IndieAuth plugin yet.
[miklb]: That would be great to get another implementation story
I had no issues fwiw. Just worked™
[miklb]: I'm glad you like it
I’m not sure I understand using it to login to your own site, or is that not something it does?
But yes, using my own WP site, that uses a login that has OTP 2fa for Micropub is nice. Well, well done.
gwg has 58 karma in this channel (337 overall)
Oh nice you have a 2fa plug-in installed too?
Fun enhancement
[miklb]: if you try to sign in at https://pin13.net/login/ you should only see that site and yours and not the new indielogin.com
error `Redirect not on same host as client`
[georgestephanis] two-factor: Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress.
And I use OTP w/1Password
[kevinmarks] and [matthilt] joined the channel
@GWG If I use the Reply Post Kind to a WP blog will I still need to fill out the URL to my post and then click "Ping Me" on the other blog?
Post Kinds sends a webmention automatically if you have the webmention plugin installed
OK I do. That makes it much easier, thanks.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Chris Aldrich] Setting up WordPress for IndieWeb use I spent some time this morning doing a dry run through setting up a suite of IndieWeb plugins on a fresh WordPress installation. Going off of a scant outline I talked for almost two hours describing IndieWeb fun...
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[miklb]: oh oops, hmm
yeah hm, I was trying to make it show the client id of the site you're actually logging in to on your indieauth prompt instead of it saying indielogin.com
Quill seemed pretty smooth already.
GWG how close are you with the additions to Syndicate (Links) plugin? Should I wait to try & implement auto-syndicate Twitter links?
I hope to get it done this week
miklb, I don't think I ever did get that indiewp email... no rush, but when you get a chance.
oh, sorry, where did you say your email was? h-card on boffosocko.com?
I'll try to poke around a bit tonight
[matthilt] joined the channel
Is there a good reason why I wouldn't want to auto-update the plugins I've installed on my WP site?
no different than having Windows or macOS, or iOS auto update your stuff. Generally hassle-free and convenient until that one time a bug slips through and crashes your stuff.
If you’re someone who’s in your WP admin a lot, you can check the release notes for plugins to see exactly what’s changed. if you’re not, and only have a handful of plugins, it’s safe to do and errs on side of fixing security issues asap.
I remember when we used to worry about automatic updates in Windows. Now I generally update and wait for a problem and then just deal with it. For the most part the only plugins I have are the Indieweb ones. I have a backup running, I'll go ahead and enable that.
OK new question. I syndicate to Twitter. Someone responds to my post on Twitter. Is there a way I can reply to the comment on my WP site that brid.gy put there and have it post to auto publish to Twitter? I have all the Indieweb plugins except Microformats, Bridgy, and Simple Location. Or should I just reply directly on Twitter and let Brid.gy bring it in?
I use another plugin that posts the original posts to Twitter. I just can't figure out how to use Bridgy Publish to work correctly with Ownyourgram.
But that's another issue.
I done think there's an easy way to do that yet Matt. I typically do it manually
[chrisaldrich] Ok, thanks. I'm watching your video now. Thank you for making it.
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
[matthilt] I too post manually and past the link into the syndication links
Feel free to make notes on the video for things that aren't clear so the next iteration is better...
[mrkrndvs] If it was just a reply to someone else's post or Twitter I would just do a regular post. But I wouldn't want to make a new post to reply to someone who replied to another one of my posts. For the time being I'll just reply in Twitter (I probably already have it open in another tab.
No critiques so far. I wish I'd seen this two weeks ago when I began the journey into Wordpress and Indieweb
[matthilt] that’s something I want to figure out, responding to Twitter replies from my site. But I also reply natively on Twitter and let it back feed.
in theory it should be doable as webmention comment replies work. Meaning, if you send a reply from your WP site to a note on mine, I can reply to you from within the comments form and it will send a webmention back to you. So just need to tie the bridgy/twitter reply into that
[matthilt] in regards to the new post to reply on Twitter, it may seem like overkill but I have found it has made me more mindful of what I post
drkokandy, [miklb], [jeremycherfas], EmreSokullu, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
mornign all. I have found the only way to keep the thread going is to reply to each tweet. That seems to nest the comments with my original post and keep it on Twitter (using Known not WP) though it isn't perfect
EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_, [stefp], [snarfed], [kevinmarks], [miklb] and [matthilt] joined the channel
We can move on from this subject. I just wanted to know if my workflow could be simplified. Thanks everyone for the replies.
To what subject next?
Haha you aren’t tired of me yet?
I’m actually trying to not computer today
Failing of course
Not tired yet
EmreSoku_, EmreSokullu, [miklb], dougbeal|iOS, dougbeal|mb1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[matthilt] you will find @gwg a tireless help.
[miklb] Done.
jgmac1106 and [miklb] joined the channel
I switched to grunt-svg-sprite, which is a wrapper around svg_sprite, which allows for a lot more automated transformations
And could in future generate CSS for me
also an active project maintained by a community member
[asuh] joined the channel
GWG is there a reason you have the category list section commented out here? https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb/blob/master/inc/template-tags.php#L138
jgmac1106 joined the channel
I don't display categories.
Microformats 2 doesn't distinguish between category and tag
Good to know, indiewebify.me says that tags or category should have `.p-category` on the anchor and I was looking for this when I noticed that section was commented out
I do it for tags I believe
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Do you mind if I just cut up your video into short clips for each plug-in? Evidence emerging <7 minute videos lead to largest learning gain. Since it is unlisted I thought I should ask
^ I was thinking this as I saw the beginning of that video as well. It also makes it good for SEO and will be easy to update when they update
jgmac1106 and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Right now Bridgy is linked to a Twitter account, I want to unlink that and register/link to a new Twitter account.
@GWG - What's an easy way to unlink an account from within the Bridgy Registration plug-in interface?
I deleted the plug-in, reinstalled it, even deleted the plug-in via FTP, but when I reinstalled it, it is still linked to my old unused Twitter account.
[unoabraham]: There isn't one.
You have to go to Bridgy itself.
I'm not even sure snarfed created a way to do that remotely
I'll have to look
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FAFBU8N9K/image.png?pub_secret=49453abcdb&name=image.png [chrisaldrich] Webmention still giving errors on Boffo Socko.
[unoabraham]: What are you trying to do there?
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FAEGQ0QN4/image.png?pub_secret=3ededf7c37&name=image.png Bridgy is registered to a Twitter account, I want to register a new Twitter account in its place.
That Twitter User Page takes me to a test account.
And I cannot seem to find an easy way to de-register and register a new account in its place.
[miklb] joined the channel
Did you try looking brid.gy like he suggested?
And Facebook too. It is linked to a Facebook test page, but I want to link to my profile.
[miklb]: Anything else you want to suggest re SVG before I go back to syndication?
that was the only thing I’d seen.
[miklb]: It is fixed in Post Kinds and will be in Syndication Links the next time I push an update
I last pushed a Post Kinds update this morning, so not sure when the next one is