#wordpress 2018-04-29

2018-04-29 UTC
[miklb] Tried that. On Bridgy the accounts linked are not the test ones. I unlinked them on Bridgy a while back. The WordPress plug-in seems to be caught in a time loop. And because of this the syndication links are not showing up i.e. backfeed is not working.
ah, OK, that’s useful information.
[unoabraham]: You are saying you want a way to delete the stored user account inside Bridgy Publish?
That wouldn't have anything to do with backfeed.
The only thing the stored user account does is display the link to the user page on Bridgy
It doesn't do anything else.
it doesn’t cache the twitter account then?
[miklb]: Why does it need to?
Okay. But how do I link to the new/updated accounts from within the interface? It should have an option of re-authentication that takes in new profile data.
Just checking. Seems like he’s stuck with the test account so just thinking through what could be causing that.
[unoabraham] is this for new interactions or old ones?
For everything, backfeed has not worked for me.
This might not be the cause/reason.
if you create a note right now and syndicate through bridgy, what Twitter account does it post to, your test account or the correct account?
I am posting to Twitter using the Jetpack plug-in and it posts to the correct account. I have installed the Bridgy plug-in only for backfeed.
[unoabraham]: The Bridgy plugin doesn't do anything with backfeed
Other than allowing you to register.
[miklb] But I'll try via Bridgy and see where it posts to.
@GWG, I seem to be a bit lost here, I will go back to the IndieWeb website and read it once more. I initially set up this plug-in only for backfeed.
Bridgy will backfeed if it knows about your tweet and can see a syndication link, right GWG?
[unoabraham] have a public link you can share of a post?
[unoabraham]: It say it is only a UI for Bridgy.
You don't need it at all to get backfeed.
Bridgy !== bridgy plugin
But, if it can't see a Syndication Link, then it needs a link in the tweet back to the article or it can't tell the difference
So, either the post has the link to Twitter or Twitter has a link to the post
Rajiv Abraham
That's the post.
bridgy the service doesn’t like your mf2 it seems
[unoabraham]: Did you try to Publish to Twitter using the Bridgy plugin? Did you check the box?
The one that said Twitter?
By the way, looking at your microformats, all it sees on the page is your h-card
That it does, Jet Pack has posted it to my Twitter profile. But nonetheless the syndication links don't show up. Not even for Facebook, however Facebook likes do show up.
You have no h-entry, no e-content.
[unoabraham]: The Twiter checkbox is the one to have Bridgy publish your tweet. But you want Jetpack to do that
Bridgy can't backfeed for you, again, not the plugin, the service. That's because yyou didn't link to your tweet on your page or your page on your Tweet.
This brings us back to the issue of the microformats plug-in. If that is enabled the backfeed works, but it breaks the permalinks. An issue we have already talked about, a week ago or so.
[unoabraham]: The Microformats 2 plugin isn't a substitute for having a theme that supports Microformats.
@GWG - Used the Bridgy plugin correct. Checked the box.
I did go and add the ability to turn parts of the plugin off.
[unoabraham]: Again. You published using Jetpack. The box is for Bridgy to publish.
no, he said he tested the bridgy plugin, that’s how he got the mf2 error from bridgy
Right... I published with both plugins. Jetpack worked, Bridgy shows error.
the solution either way is to fix the mf2 in the theme. [unoabraham] can you define “breaking permalinks” again for me?
[unoabraham] are you using the syndication links plugin?
[miklb]: He is.
hmm. I thought I had read that Jetpack worked with syndication links.
[miklb]: Nope
[kraftbj] #7359 Publicize: Store the syndicated URLs on the local site
[miklb] Breaking the permanent links is probably the wrong choice of words. However, WordPress uses the title for creating permanent links. When posting status updates without a title, it creates the permanent links with Post ID and Post ID.
My permanent links are /%post_id%/%postname%/.
So the issue is if I enable the micro-formats plug-in, the non-title permanent links stop showing up on the content, archive pages, etc. In other words no easy way to link to a post or even grab the URL to share it.
jemostrom says April 20, 2018 at 2:35 pm @unoabraham Kind of ironic with the “be prepared to move hosts” … I always had problems movin... https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09e45c579da7692b5cc4e3d0705d64ee?s=96&d=https%3A%2F%2Fmicro.blog%2Fimages%2Fblank_avatar.png
Rajiv Abraham
Not sure why Loqi and Slackbot are all over the place.
Loqi is a bot that bridges from IRC so it unfurls links as well as Slack for all URLs it can parse
so the issue is with your custom theme and how it’s coded for permalinks?
I tried hacking the theme but even with hooks the permalinks don't show up.
and this is a Genesis theme?
Some plugin or setting is blocking.
Yes. The Dynamik Child theme.
ugh, it’s a page builder like theme
However, hooks and widget boxes work perfectly fine for everything else, only the permanent links don't seem to work.
Nah... it's a front end developer like theme. Visual developer kind.
Lets you even write some PHP code.
yeah, sorry, just a personal dislike for those kind of themes, no offense meant.
[unoabraham]: If the Microformats 2 plugin isn't helping you, I would disable it. It does not work for every theme.
[miklb] None taken, and I have those too like Elementor and Thrive Architect.
This theme isn't one, it's more developer types in fact.
[unoabraham] if your theme is in GitHub repo or somewhere I could look at, I’d be happy to try and fix the empty title permalinks. Without seeing the code however, we’re a little in the dark to go any further.
I used to do quite a bit of genesis work.
@GWG Yes, not using it. Permalinks are more important as 99% is status blogging for me with no titles.
[miklb] I can share my WordPress login. Don't believe that the theme code is shared anywhere.
This theme actually lets you export all the settings as a child theme for the Genesis framework. I was hoping to incorporate IndieWeb functionality and export as a child theme and share.
well, just as a general suggestion, you should always have local backups of your theme, database snapshots and your uploads folder,but if you want to point me to your admin, I can take a look to see if I can see where that can be fixed.
jgmac1106 and Gab1 joined the channel
OK, looks like the `genesis_post_title_output` is where want to hook into.
and thinking out loud, just need to check if `the_title` is empty and then what, show a 🔗 image for the clickable link?
Yes... or even genesis_before_post_content hook.
I was wanting a permalink in the title or before the post content.
Right now it shows up below the post content in archive pages.
we need to clarify what you mean by permalink and the title.
I personally link the date with the single post’s permalink https://miklb.com/blog/2018/04/24/3776/
[Michael Bishop] I am thoroughly enjoying the Electron vs Native battle going on right now. 🍿
If that permalink can show up before the content.
In the image.
Would that be dates for all content or only those without titles?
OK, I’m going to tackle this a little more holistically and install Genesis on my local dev and test with the mf2 plugin
just notes
actually, not true, I link articles in the date as well
but that’s just me. Just trying to figure out what you want, which I understand to be the URL as a clickable link.
above the content
You have date and title. I use post ID and title.
I started out with just ID, then switched to date and ID/title
WordPress handles redirects so well I didn’t worry about the switch.
It's more of an SEO thing I learned. G likes fresh content and folks too... so hide the dates from plain sight. I don't show them... not even in the metadata.
sorry, I don’t prescribe that line of thinking.
So I’ve been tempted to play with mf2 and Genesis anyway, so this just dovetails into what I was half thinking anyway. I’ll have a solution by morning.
[miklb]: If you document, there is a file in the Microformats 2 plugin no one has done much with for genesis
Yeah, I'm not into marketing and e-commerce anymore... but old habits.
GWG sounds good
look at that, my studiopress account still works 🙂
I still use mine. Never had any major issues. Some like Thesis have become totally unusable unless you are a rocket scientist. Thrive Themes always had issues on my websites. I've had memberships to a few more over the years, but StudioPress is something I've always come back to.
it’s just been a few years since I’ve logged.
I quit blogging in 2014, came back in January of this year, so even I accessed after a few years.
The Internet itself has changed, and I am not talking about the silos.
Everything is so much more secure these days, everybody has 2 factor authentication these days.
Even the Web standards have changed so much, I need a refresher course on the latest in HTML and CSS.
Don't know PHP... the one thing that's holding me back from rolling my own theme.
grr. For some reason my child theme stylesheet isn’t loading wiht genesis
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Which child theme do you need?
[miklb] Are you replying to tweets from your website with the Post Kinds plugin?
sknebel and Zegnat joined the channel
I reply to tweets via Twitter. I haven’t figure out how to reply to a tweet yet and have it POSSE to Twitter.
Well, I take that back. Some notes are replies to tweets. If someone replies to a note that I syndicate to Twitter, then I’ll reply to them on Twitter.
if that makes sense
I was trying to use the sample Genesis child theme and somehow broke it.
sknebel and Zegnat joined the channel
Are you using a custom CMS or a custom theme?
For a second I thought the tweets were showing inline.
[dshanske] #102 Bridgy Registration
GWG is that because you’re looking to deprecate the bridgy plugin and roll syndicate-to into the Syndicate plugin?
[miklb]: Yes.
I'm not sure I want to take registration along
[unoabraham] the tweets do show inline because I use oembed
I think its a good plan
I should have the interface ready in the next few days. Then I can start hooking up Bridgy Publish to it.
It's using the `micropub_syndication` action I added to Micropub and a new action with the same parameters I'm adding to the post editor that will trigger on a property being set.
[unoabraham] joined the channel
@GWG Just wanted to clarify, the Bridgy WordPress plug-in doesn't work for backfeeding, only the web service does. And for the web service to work my WordPress theme needs microformats 2 functionality inbuilt?
Anything I'm missing?
For the Publish service to work. For backfeed to work, you either need a link to your post in your tweet or to you tweet in your post. You can manually add the link to Syndication Links and it should work.
In theory backfeed should work because Jetpack syndicates my content to Twitter and Facebook and both of them have a link back to my content. Twitter used to work when I was using Bridgy WordPress plug-in for syndication, but doesn't anymore. Facebook doesn't, but likes and comments show up in my WordPress comments section.
I'm not sure whether Semantic-Linkbacks or Syndication Links is responsible for showing the syndicated links on my website, both are enabled, but right now only Mastodon links show up in Syndication Links below the content. And Mastodon needs its own plug-in for syndication, doesn't work with the likes of Jetpack or IFTTT.
Methinks way too many plug-ins. A single theme or plug-in with options to turn features on/off would be easier... like Jetpack.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[unoabraham] Semantic Linkbacks works in conjunction with the Webmention plugin to make the webmentions in your comments section parse and look like you'd expect them to. Syndication Links is responsible for showing the syndicated links on your site (and wrapping them with the correct microformat.)
I suspect the Mastodon plugin you're using allows the syndication link to show up because it's returning the permalink to your database and Syndication Links knows where to find it to display it.
I'll imagine that you're using Mastodon Autopost (see https://github.com/L1am0/mastodon_wordpress_autopost/issues/4) or its successor which I suspect will have similar functionality when its fully deprecated.
[chrisaldrich] #4 Syndication URL returned for possible display?
Currently neither JetPack nor IFTTT return or store the permalinks, so Syndication Links can't find them. If you're using them, then you'd need to put those syndication links in manually.
BTW, JetPack is aware that it doesn't return the data and may add the functionality in the future: https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/7359
[kraftbj] #7359 Publicize: Store the syndicated URLs on the local site
[unoabraham] It might help to read the Brid.gy about page, but it's possible that because of recent changes you've made that this particular piece is the issue you're seeing: https://brid.gy/about/#domain ??
[chrisaldrich] Thanks Chris, I watched your video yesterday, and I have my website set up pretty much the same way but with a different theme.
Cannot seem to get anything other than Mastodon links and comments from Micro.Blog to show up on my WordPress blog.
Going to go through the Bridgy documentation once more.
That last link may have your solution, but reading through that entire page can be helpful so you know what's going on a bit better.
I've been using SNAP for a long time for twitter and some other silos, primarily because it pulls back syndication links and displays them automatically. Sadly it does take a bit of work to set up with API keys etc, but it works relatively well.
What is SNAP?
SNAP (Social Network Auto Poster) is a POSSE plugin for WordPress https://indieweb.org/SNAP
Though honestly, I do notice that quite often I even skip SNAP and syndicate things manually and add the links to syndication links manually as well.
Syndicating out is one of the more difficult pieces because there are such a large variety of ways of doing it and various plugins which support it.
Not a lot of those syndication plugins return the proper data for your site to know the permalinks of the copies, so you're stuck with cutting and pasting them manually.
👍 Thanks. Going through the Bridgy documentation.
So I need to change the Webmention endpoint in WP or in Tumblr? If WP won't that break it for other services?
EmreSokullu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
The screenshot shows indieauth, not Webmention
EmreSokullu and [unoabraham] joined the channel
LOL... that's the only endpoint I've on my site. So I need to add one for Webmentions too?
If you could point me in the right direction.
EmreSokullu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
An you send me your domain?
You do not have to add the endpoint by hand... the plugin should do everything for you
The webmention plugin is what receives the backfeed
Oh, and good morning pfefferle
Good morning :)
I sent you a PR for local token verification in IndieAuth
[pfefferle] Abraham.Uno is the domain.
EmreSokullu joined the channel
Putting that in WP Custom Authorization Endpoint.
Just for future reference, where/how do I get it for the next site?
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Don't do that. That is for IndieAuth endpoint
EmreSokullu, [kaushal_modi] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Ok. So where do I put it?
And the IndieAuth Settings should be Local Endpoint?
Local or Indieauth is fine. I recommend local.
You don't put it anywhere. Sites discover it
So what was the above endpoint for?
This week I'll go through the IndieWeb site.
He was saying he saw it on your site
Makes sense now on reading it again.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
You do not have to do anything
I only wanted to tell you what the url of your webmention endpoint is
[pfefferle] Do you POSSE anywhere?
Twitter and Facebook
[pfefferle]: What do you use for that? Or do you do it manually?
I'm looking at POSSE
wiobyrne, jgmac1106, EmreSokullu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
wiobyrne joined the channel
pfefferle, what are you thinking of working on next?
EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_, kaushalmodi and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Any issues you want to write code for?
jgmac1106, [snarfed], EmreSokullu, chrisaldrich and [miklb] joined the channel
I think I've figured this out.
How to get a filter that only works with syndication but not without it.
wagle joined the channel