#wordpress 2018-04-30

2018-04-30 UTC
EmreSokullu joined the channel
[miklb] Maybe this won't be finished this week.
[miklb] joined the channel
I think I remember now we discussed that what I want to do doesn’t have anything to do with syndicate-to targets.
[miklb]: I think the tools may help though.
[kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, EmreSokullu, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106_, Loqi, kaushalmodi, [snarfed] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Do I need the IndieWeb and IndieAuth plug-ins if I'm not planning for domain identification/login?
I only need the functionality of Semantic-Linkbacks, Syndication Links, and Webmention, so I'm assuming I can run with only these 3 plug-ins.
That would be correct.
wiobyrne and [unoabraham] joined the channel
jgmac1106, EmreSokullu, [snarfed], kaushalmodi, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], tantek, [cleverdevil], [manton] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel