[chrisaldrich][jgmac1106] Unlisted?! I thought I'd fixed that, but the setting wasn't sticking for some reason. Do feel free to repurpose that video if you'd like. I've been considering doing shorter 5-20 minute versions on setting up each plugin individually.
tantek, [unoabraham], [kevinmarks], [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]Okay YouTube standard license doesn't allow remix so wanted permission. Though I also believe YouTube ToS doesn't allow you to comply with the CC By Sa license you can choose
ZegnatI don't think the CC licence says anything about how something has to be available? So not being able to download from YouTube may not be in breach with the licensing terms.
[jgmac1106]Good point @zegnat but the book doesn't explicitly ban you from copying. Actually had major court case around CC BY SA NC. Publisher tried to argue going to FedEx to make large copies made it commercial. Luckily courts disagreed. My reading of YouTube ToS seem to make copying and downloading a violation
ZegnatI am not a big fan of NC. Lots of people forget that lots of things can be "commercial". But probably not a discussion for the WordPress channel :-)
[snarfed], [John] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]I don't post much to YouTube or know how their particular terms work, but for [jgmac1106] I'll grant you a CC0 for whatever you want to do with that video.