#wordpress 2018-05-02

2018-05-02 UTC
[jgmac1106], tantek and [unoabraham] joined the channel
@GWG - Heads up, started using the Post Kinds plugin on my site. I'll probably be hitting you up with a ton of questions.
[unoabraham]: That's fine.
There's a lot of improvements to make there
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[unoabraham] I've documented some details about the plugin here: http://boffosocko.com/2017/08/11/post-kinds-plugin-for-wordpress/ if you're interested in some of the hidden pieces.
[chrisaldrich] Awesome. The WordPress documentation is rather limited especially in relation to the IndieWeb. Many thanks.
[chrisaldrich]++ for the amazing push on indieweb documentation lately
chrisaldrich has 6 karma in this channel (86 overall)
[tantek], kaushalmodi, [Thom_M], [kevinmarks], [snarfed], tantek, sebsel and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]++ for great walkthrough. Just when I thought you knew what I was talking avout, Chris shares a few things I seem to have overlooked
chrisaldrich has 7 karma in this channel (87 overall)
jeremycherfas, [unoabraham], tantek, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], jgmac1106_, [matthilt], [snarfed] and [Vanessa] joined the channel
That's great. Really helped me to understand the scope and usefulness of Post Kinds. Another thing to add to my list of "stuff to play with".
jgmac1106_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
can anyone point me to the post-kind WordPress plug-in. Found a bunch of forks? [aaronpk] I won't be able to but after last nights talk I have this idea of could we have a "credential" post-kind
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: "credential" may already be overloaded in online terms (security related)
moving to dev since not wp specific
[mrkrndvs] I'm curious which parts you hadn't seen/heard about? May give me ideas of what to delve into next....
sknebel: is that linked from /WordPress/Plugins ?
what are WordPress Plugins
WordPress Plugins are plugins that can help make your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins
[jgmac1106] I don't think the github master is usually ahead of the curve for the Post Kinds Plugin, but the official WP version is at https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/
[David Shanske] Description Post Kinds adds support for responding to and interacting with other sites using the standards developed by the IndieWeb by implementing kinds of posts. It can also distinguish certain types of passive posts in a manner similar to post ...
tantek yes
[jgmac1106]'s question is a good one, and the right answer is to update /WordPress/Plugins so it links to the definitive / right one to install
sharing URLs to specific plugins here helps one person one time
whereas if you update the wiki page, you help everyone who comes along whenever
its in the wiki
is it clearly the authorative one? or is it one among a list
it has to be in the wiki as definitive
gRegorLove joined the channel
and if it is, then share a link to the wiki where it is rather than sharing a direct link to a specific plugin, so folks learn/known where to look next time
[chrisaldrich] I never knew WP kept a different code directory. I need to play with it I couldn't even find a donwload button, but yeah I agree with [tantek] need a wiki page with all the current repos. Searching GitHub is hard
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] If you look at most of the /WordPress pages they've got a template on them with most (all?) of the big plugins listed on the {{WordPress}} template.
looks like I could download each file an assest as once, but is there a zip. Take me long time to figure things out but just want to stare at it until I see the text structure
Links out to them typically have an official WP repo location as well as a github dev location if one exists
GitHub will give you Zip files. You can also download them directly via the Plugin page within your WP admin UI
If you go to your site and the path /wp-admin/plugins.php you'll see a button at the top labeled "Add New" which will let you search for and download directly without needing a zip file, command line, or ftp.
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
thx [chrisaldrich] of course I can download them from my plugins
I'm pretty sure all the IW WP plugins have links directly to their canonical versions within their definitions via links on the defined plugin.
like I said I won't be able to figure out how it works but I want to try and draw the model
edited /Wordpress_Webmention_Plugin (+208) "make definition link to the official WP repo; recommend the Semantic Linkbacks plugin in conjunction"
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[John] joined the channel
edited /Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin (+146) "link to canonical Word Press repo"
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GWG, when you get a chance, it looks like the /Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin page could use a hint of love after your recent update.
jgmac1106_, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], tantek, [John] and [tantek] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] any posts in your archive on creating a filter so only post-kind “article” shows up.
[gwg] yeah, today was last day of classes so I have a few days to play. While I think Known as my micrpub engine will be where I end but I want to give the [chrisaldrich] [gwg] approach the college try
I had a proposal to exclude post types from the main page
as I was saying earlier I am going to take my “Post” page and rename it Firehouse and remove from top navigation. Then I want to make a new page and have icons for each post-kind like you and Chris can do at top. In a perfect world I will also be able to add a feed of /kind/article that displays the featured image and a snippet
but I could also just make an article link
I tried to build it flexibly
[gwg] it is flexible. I peaked under the hood at [chrisaldrich] and your page and I believe it will be possible. Just need to figure out if I need to add something like feedburner to make it happen
Feedburner is for RSS feeds, isn't it?
yeah that was what I was going to do. Create a feed for each post kind and put those on a page with icons. Better idea?
trying to do what Chris does on top of his site: http://boffosocko.com/
Chris Aldrich
Wondering if I should make that a widget
Would people like that?
GWG, how would you use it?
tantek, a UL of links to archives by post type?
I have one...
Might as well widgetize it.
[gwg] interesting idea, sorry broke from the conversation as I had this thought from a convo last about disruption. Had to write it real fast
[gwg] will play this week just to learn. Between past posts you and Chris wrote I should be able to give it a go
[tantek] I have a static homepage and every post gets published to a page. Trying to WordPress not to publish everything on that page (with a Grey box for missing featured image) isn't something I have solved yet. Figured just hiding that page as "firehouse" would work. But @gwg idea of a ul of post kind feeds might work as well
globbot, tantek and [manton] joined the channel