#wordpress 2018-05-03

2018-05-03 UTC
tantek, [tantek], [jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Here a gist that has the raw html as well as the CSS I'm using to generate most of the menu on my homepage. You may need/want to edit portions, but if you're using WP's built in Post Formats and Post Kinds plugin, it should hopefully just work.
GWG, if you want to borrow ^^ for a widgetized version, please do. Could be a cool widget to have.
Which gist?
Yeah I was reading the source code, it looked real simple, talented simplle. Nice job
do you use filters to remove blank featured image boxes?
to my knowledge I don't use any filters to do that, or the theme is doing it natively if no featured image exists
do I need a link to the icons in my header? What are you using
If those icons aren't built into core, they're probably coming from Better Font Awesome: https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-font-awesome/
[Mickey Kay] Description Do you find this plugin helpful? Please consider leaving a 5-star review. Better Font Awesome allows you to automatically integrate the latest available version of Font Awesome into your WordPress project, along with accompanying CSS, s...
I think I contemplated filtering the content on my main /blog/ page (or what the WP Customizer calls the "Posts page") at one point, but decided against it. iirc Snarfed had recommended https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-category-excluder/ for doing that which also lets you filter things out of feeds, RSS, and search as well.
[DjZoNe] Description This plugin was born because there was a no other real alternative to enable content sparationd and some CMS like functionalities in WordPress. The main goal was, to enhance WordPress’s functionalities, to hide some unwanted categorie...
I suspect there are similar plugins that will do something similar if you need it, though it would be useful if Post Kinds Plugin would let you choose one or more kinds via checkbox settings to be your "Posts page" within wordpress.
[chrisaldrich]: It's on my list.
GWG, I suspected from earlier comments, but hadn't looked through the repo yet to capture it if it wasn't there.
I think I added it.
tantek, Kyle-K, [kevinmarks], Strypey, what, jeremycherfas, Lukas1, AlsoLakas, [colinwalker] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FAHGZFVCK/screenshot_2018-05-03_06.48.27.png?pub_secret=746dd92f90&name=Screenshot 2018-05-03 06.48.27.png Did not realize the bridgy to Twitter publishes the image associated with my h-card and not the featured image assigned to the post. Would prefer the featured image.
That's a Microformats 2 issue on your site
thx [gwg] I will go back to syndicating through my theme
jgmac1106: This is why I'm discontinuing Bridgy Publish the plugin. Too many people think it is my plugin causing their problem.
[gwg] I read the post. It makes sense and there are so many native solutions that already work
jgmac1106: I just get the feeling that I am setting myself up for having to write API integrations.
It also doesn’t effect any MicroPub or webmentions and I amnot using social share plug-ins but native cross posting in my theme. Almost every theme has this function
Not sure what you mean.
I mean without bridgy for wordpress plugin all the other indieweb stuiff still works
the publicize feature from JetPack works. I just wonder if I am sharing too much data using it. Only reason I tried Bridgy
[gwg] will try this: How to use Publicize with your Custom Post Types
By default, Publicize is only triggered when you publish a new post. You can, however, extend this to other Custom Post Types. You have 2 options to add Publicize Support to a Custom Post Type:
jgmac1106: Different POSSE plugin
Publicize makes it easy to share your site’s posts on several social media networks automatically when you publish a new post. Our Premium and Professional plan users can also share content that has already been published, and schedule their posts...
yes I know, but I am thinking no problem retiring bridgy for wordpress
how is a post_type different than post_kind?
but the privacy policies are explicit and clear with Jetpack so that is a bonus
jgmac1106: One is a content type, the other is a taxonomy?
I will experiment over the next few days. Blocked out 3 hours each day next two days for indieweb wordpress play
currently I am assuming jetpack will syndicate every post-kind because it syndicates all posts.
It should, but isn't aware of the mf2 markup. That's the same problem Bridgy has...it isn't aware of WordPress
[gwg] so we need a wordpress bridgy dating plug-in to bring em together
that's what having correct mf2 does, and with that we are back with templates and stuff
(there's been talk of giving bridgy an API to submit posts as well, but the mf2 approach is elegant in that webmention comments, indiereaders, bridgy, .. all use mf2 once you got it right)
sknebel, I am building a bridge inside WordPress between Micropub and any arbitrary POSSE plugin. We'll see how it works out
It is taking a while
I have to build it abstractly
[kevinmarks] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Jetpack syndicates post formats and post kinds.
@unoabraham How? when I was reading through the functions the array seemed to mention Post_Types. I figured that equaled the native Post Format choices. and not kind
@unoabraham where is your wordpress blog? I only see superfeeder picking up your Tumblr blog
Rajiv Abraham
thanks Rajiv
was looking for your post on why WordPress is the best choice. I am going to try but thinking the exact opposite
Most of my posts these days are Aside or Status. I am not using the Post Kinds plug-in, my WordPress theme has inbuilt support for WordPress Format types. All are syndicated to Twitter, Facebook, etc. without any issues and only using Jetpack.
andlooking at your latest food post my kids will let you cook for them any time. That looks like a dream meal
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Ha ha not me... wife's a damn good one though.
[unoabraham] okay we were talking though hwo syndication through jetpack doesn’t play nice with microformats if that matters to you.
Regarding WordPress, it's not my first choice, I certainly feel it's way too heavy for just microblogging. However, I have not been able to get Known, Hugo, and Grav working to my satisfaction. OTOH, WordPress is very easy to customize, so I have continued to stick with it.
going to move off WordPress channel, but that’s what i am saying. I think we are close to just having mywebsite. The plumbing will just work
I have disabled the micro-formats plug-in, it doesn't play nicely with my WordPress theme. And without any micro-formats support, Jetpack is continuing to syndicate all types of status updates without any issues.
[unoabraham] Cool. Still gets to the heart of owning and controlling your data.
and you can still be added to any reader throuh a feed to each Post_Type
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
still getting no syndication targets found with Quill now that I’m authenticating with IndieAuth plugin. Not sure if coincidence or related.
But I’m going to backlog that until the new version of Syndicate is done.
sebsel and [davidmead] joined the channel
[miklb] I have a GitHub issue about ownyourgram open and authentication _may_ be part of it
[davidmead] #64 Nothing posted to blog from ownyourgram in over a month
tantek, [jgmac1106], [deeden], [tantek], [eddie] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Getting_Started_on_WordPress (+662) "WordPress video and pencast for getting started"
(view diff)
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
I'm getting this error with the IndieAuth plugin: "{"error":"parameter_absent","error_description":"Missing Parameter: redirect_uri"}"
[cleverdevil], [manton] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] When/where are you getting that error? Logging into something with it?
And which setting are you using it with at /wp-admin/options-general.php ? Local endpoint, indieauth.com, or custom?
Yeah. I had it a couple weeks ago trying to use ownyourgram, ignored it at the time, but today I was trying to use IndieAuth.com.
Local endpoint.
If I switch to indieauth.com endpoint I get a different error... hold on.
If you're using it as a local endpoint, you wouldn't/should need to use IndieAuth.com anymore.
If you had set up ownyourgram previously and then changed your endpoint, you may need to reauthenticate with the new endpoint to continue getting photos posted across via micropub.
I'm getting that error both there and if I try to log in to the wiki.
This might require some troubleshooting with GWG or aaronpk...
do you have "nice urls" turned on for your wordpress?
(i forget the actual name)
I probably do.
I don't have time to work on this right now (kid getting out of daycare) but I'll check back in. My instinct tells me I changed something somewhere in WordPress weeks ago and this is the result.
My links are set to post-name.
what's your URL?
i can look at a couple things from the outside
[Kimberly Hirsh] About
Looks like nice urls are on...
wagle joined the channel
yeah something really weird is going on
GWG: the plugin isn't recognizing the query string parameters. any idea what could cause that?
aaronpk, I just left work.
wagle joined the channel
redirect_uri is definitely there
I think I may have looked at this already
[dshanske] joined the channel
IRC went down
I will fix my bouncer later
But this seems very familiar
I know we were having some urlencoding issues
I fixed them some, but that didn't get to stable yet, still waiting on pfefferle to push
That made snarfed's implementation work again
Okay, back
GWG also what are the chances of being able to work on this soon? https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/issues/41
[dshanske] #41 Redirect_URI whitelist
I could try my hand at that tonight. Maybe it would be enough for a push, along with the local token verification code .
that sounds like a good update to push out
I would just need to put a warning, I suppose, rather than going for finding the headers
aaronpk, I defer to pfefferle, although I might be able to push it myself. His script is an issue for me.
yeah, just a small warning showing the redirect URL is good for now
I wrote the code the night you opened the issue
For local verification
ah great
aaronpk, it is in master but not WordPress.org
But I am glad to stop the other project, it is slow going
But it is the future of POSSE
it'd be great to get this indieauth stuff sorted out so that it's solid
That's why I keep stopping. It is solid... although I haven't checked in on Swarm to check that. I should
But it should be for everyone
but it's clearly not because people keep having trouble with it
As I just said, for everyone.
I agree, it isn't
the local token verification should help a lot
Unanticipated consequences
I have someone who is having issues when Jetpack is installed
[idallas] #45 Fatal Error when attempting to post via micropub
that's bizarre
I have SSL issues
I think I could fix the simple ones tonight
Like disabling the token endpoint page if not in use
great! it would be much appreciated!
I intend to try
Still waiting to see my doctor. Appointment was half an hour ago
[kevinmarks], chimo and tantek joined the channel