#wordpress 2018-05-14

2018-05-14 UTC
I think I'll do the same fixes I did for the SVG icons that I did with Syndication Links...though I need to fix the CSS there
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm writing a reply to a support request on WordPress.org asking about GDPR on my own website.
I feel the meta here.
speaking of GDPR, I got a chuckle out of the tweet going around about now using GDPR for excuse of not remembering people from work conferences.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[David Shanske] I am very well aware of it, as a contributor, though I don’t live in the EU. And the author/creator of the plugin lives in the EU. The latest version adds some information on this into the plugin to try and make it clearer, but we continue to try t...
Was it wrong to manually POSSE that? Considering the subject?
IMO, it’s never wrong to post your thoughts on your own blog along with any context necessary.
I just hate to offend.
[colinwalker] joined the channel
pfefferle++ for the updates to the webmention plugin (+ GWG and chrisaldrich)
pfefferle has 22 karma in this channel (54 overall)
[kevinmarks], tantek__ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
thanks 🙂
good morning
good morning!
good morning [pfefferle] !
[pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning tantek
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
jgmac1106 and [pfefferle] joined the channel
pfefferle, what else do we need to do for Semantic Linkbacks?
fix the functions that I changed in the Webmention plugin
The whitelist one?
can we refactor that to use a hook instead of the direct call of the function
It should be possible, yes
Basically, we add a filter for webmention_comment_approved and it should do it.
Hmm I meant a Filter to not call options or functions directly
I will see what I can do
Other than that we're fine?
Will see about a fix
tantek__, [manton], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], [eddie] and [stefp] joined the channel
anyone do micro.blog and a Wordpress set up? I am trying to determine the best package to recommend to my students. I want long form posts but also microblogging. Just trying to figure out how much support I would have to provide. I have never done just micro.blog since it is iOS only but with indigienous folks on Android (mainly my audience) could post to either
gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
jgmac1106: lots of micro.blog users use wordpress. I'm not sure what the best practices are for setting it up, but there is probably a micro.blog help page about it
GWG: i'm getting an error with the wordpress indieauth plugin... "Did Not Receive a Valid Authorization Endpoint" which doesn't mean anything to me
@aaronpk I was getting same thing. It just stopped though not sure why
I did toggle the endpoint choices in the general settings
I think I see a problem
I wonder if this is fixed in the latest commit. looks like there have been some changes since the last published version
ah yeah looks like the local verification stuff isn't in wordpress.org yet
aha well one of the problems is again that my local wordpress can make HTTP requests to itself because of the dumb "wp_safe_" functions
[gwg] is IndieAuth going to be stable for a bit? If so I will make a quick tutorial video
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] #173 changed text
[aaronpk] #50 local verification of authorization codes
will have a look
I can't quite keep your multi-site use case straight so double check that still works for you.
spaceoyster, [manton] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[pfefferle] going to give ZenPress a whirl
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I would recommend using a tag as a trigger. Therefore, students add say 'microblog' or 'mb' as a tag and it would get pushed through. Then you can decide if you include a title or not to decide short or long post. That is my take
GWG wondering about webmentions and your point about the 'listening' post kind. Is it possible to listen AND reply? Is this a limitation to post kinds? Just wondering
GWG++ for the podcast
gwg has 62 karma in this channel (350 overall)
@mrknvds that would be goal. One the template page will add an aside that says use "this tag" then one day when I have a reader I can find it
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] I know GWG has said he wouldn't do multikinds in the past because of significant complexity. I often post listens with comments/replies and rely on the receiving site to choose what they want to do with them.
Shortly there should be code within the wordpress side to make changing the type on the receiving side more easily.
You can do it manually now by changing the correct field in post meta from 'listen' to 'reply'.
I don't think there is enough demand for the benefit
[jgmac1106] joined the channel