#wordpress 2018-05-15

2018-05-15 UTC
so I was going to try Wordpress tonight to see if I could keep everythign there but the number of buttons I have to hit to publish a reply to a tweet is just too many. I could never keep up with a Twitter chat
I will try again later but it just didn’t work for me. I couldn’t figure out where to drop the url if I was replying to a Tweet and didn’t try Bridgy syndication to Twitter
It's way faster if you use Quill and the bookmarklet, or a browser extension like Omnibear. That's why Micropub is so important
Have Omnibear can hook through there. Haven’t used Quill yet
I was trying last minute so was destined to fail
[miklb] joined the channel
jgmac1106 just curious, how familiar were you with WordPress before using the IndieWeb tools?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FAPKGM5JP/screenshot_2018-05-14_21.01.55.png?pub_secret=ac12d37cd4&name=Screenshot 2018-05-14 21.01.55.png I could use a form field or people able to chage the current page url in OmniBear so I can cut and paste in links to individual tweets
[miklb] About 5 years of experience. I was basically trying out SemPress and and other themes
I have been pumping status updates through Known but wanted to try them all on WordPres, haven't used a MicroPub solution yet
cool, thanks. I just try to gauge where the bottle necks are.
So I wasn't anywhere near set up for a fast paced twitter chat
the bottle necks for me were, remember to deactive Medium plug-in, and when doing a bookmark or reply post kind where do I put the link? In th body of the message and it just unfurls?
there isn’t a per post option to syndicate to Medium?
just ended up removing Medium plug in. I can import stories when needed
I tend to only do a the original note or original reply and then let everything else backfeed from Twitter using Tweetbot, though I still would like a smoother experience starting the replies from my site.
the import is easy so just removing that one, bridgy syndication on my last post always pulled in the image from the hcard on old theme. Seems like it would do same, don't want that
I like the way Known has handled the note and resply with the status update
I have also found using GWG’s post kinds plugin makes it much for doing replies/bookmarks
I think I just need to use a MicroPub client. no way I can publish 30-40 posts in WordPress in an hour
much easier
I use post-kinds
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FAPNGQG2E/screenshot_2018-05-14_21.11.00.png?pub_secret=fafeb61eb9&name=Screenshot 2018-05-14 21.11.00.png still wouldn't know where to put the link I am replying, bookmarking or liking
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Are you attending WPCampus https://2018.wpcampus.org/? I wish I had thought of doing a presentation for it...
no by some miracle I fell into tickets to see the MLB all-star game with the kids so can’t make it
jgmac1106 it looks like you are missing a UI element for post kinds. There is suppose to be a field to paste the link in and it will automagically retrieve the reply context and additional info about the link so all you have to do is type your reply in the editor.
and now checking my site, it’s not there in Firefox nightly.
aha, need to show it now using Screen Options tab.
“Response Properties” needs to be checked.
[grantcodes], [eddie], tantek__ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Thx [miklb] thought I was gonna have to play conflicting plug in bingo
[miklm] Went with emPress from Hueman as that was easier then trying to figure out a filter to remove featured images from soem post-kinds but not article
I tried ZenPress but couldn’t ass a header using Customizr I could have gone in and added it in the ditor but testing things to decide on the workflow for my students
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Hmmm, but this should work, it is a wordpress core feature
Can you try to sum this up and file a github issue?
good morning
man of the few words 😉
What words should I say?
[pfefferle] sure I didn’t know if not allowing header images was a feature or a bug
repo link?
Anyone have experience with https://wordpress.org/plugins/display-posts-shortcode/ womdering i can do that to control what post-kinds get put where
[Bill Erickson] Description The Display Posts Shortcode was written to allow users to easily display listings of posts without knowing PHP or editing template files. Add the shortcode in a post or page, and use the arguments to query based on tag, category, post ty...
jgmac1106 it should allow header images!
[pfefferle] hold on I will install it again and give it a try. Weight it better than greyscale IMHO anyways
ok, thanks
jgmac1106 that is how it should look like
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I need to go back in and the fontawesome link in my header
[xavierroy] joined the channel
intersting though [pfefferle] it does appear here. Is my front page copy being treated as a post? https://jgregorymcverry.com/firehose/
do you have caching enabled?
or a plugin that does caching
it loads the header only for archive pages… home, archive, tag-archive, category-archive…
for single posts it hides the header, because the post can add his own header images
not sure but will poke around. what is strange is that my front page is displaying as a post rather than an edited page
ah, you have a single post as static front page
never thought about this case
will file a bug for that case
I thought I made a static home page not as a post
jgmac1106 left the channel
post/page is the same handling for ZenPress
if you disable the static page, you should see the header image on the front-page
GWG never mind… just joking behause of your short answers on github
[pfefferle] does it not allow sidebars on static homepages? You will see my right side bar fall under the content
zenpress has no sidebars… only footer…
it has 3, so it does look strange if only one is filled
should fix the default content
I get that alot
[jeremycherfas], tantek__ and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Going back to Hueman for a bit I think I figured out a workflow that will function. I set default post categorty to "uncategorized" I exclude uncategorized from front page. I then add .hu-.img-placeholder { display: none; } to custom css, and then I add [chrisaldrich] menu
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
crap: This plugin was closed on May 14, 2018 and is no longer available for download.and I install a backup from 5/13
I will have to solve this problem for people
jgmac1106 joined the channel
.hu-img-placeholder {display: none; } did not work on https://jgregorymcverry.com/kind/reply/
[gwg] simple category excluder did the job. The dream world would be a post-kind exclusion list and possibly even a toggle whether to display a thumbnail with that post-kind
but way easier to dream than build
was/is that plugin open source and could be adopted by someone from here?
doesn't say
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FAQ5P6N9K/screenshot_2018-05-15_09.09.47.png?pub_secret=f78dfc8ff5&name=Screenshot 2018-05-15 09.09.47.png And I find it. Couldn't override it with css. Would have had to create a filter but it looks like it is native in customizr now
[chrisaldrich] not sure if you have added a certificate of done a find/replace to find all your http/https mixed content but I noticed youe menus need updating to https if you are trying to remove mixed content warnings
tantek__ joined the channel
Woo hoo I am done: https://jgregorymcverry.com/ Now two weeks of WordPress only #indieweb workflow can begin. Next step, figure out why I get stuck on waiting for endpoint with OmniBear when signing in
Greg McVerry
@gwg [pfefferle] probably can't get into the quick edit menu but having post-kinds there would be amazing
[zegnat] I am not either except what Jetpack does and I don't check those, to me good content better community equals more readers, but I don't have to sustain myself as a blogger. Iam sure if it is how I fed my kids I would pay more attention
oops wrong room
[stefp] joined the channel
Updating the quick edit menu is more complicated than people think, but I have it as an issue
The properties are stored based on the kind, so the update function has to change the storage
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Set that to true to get post kinds in quick edit
Don't do that
It's not that simple.It will erase any properties you have
That's why I disabled it until I build it right
I am trying to focus on getting my summer courses ready but I thought about going into the database and seeing if I could change properties there more quiickly. …but I only have 30 or so more to change
[dshanske] Oh. what properties does it remove? I never noticed anything or am i not seeing the properties?
For example, the like properties are stored in like-of. If you change it to bookmark, it will be looking in bookmark-of
I didn't build a function to move it on quick edit yet
When something comes in via Micropub, the properties set the kind
In the editor, the kind sets the properties
In Quick Edit, I'd need to move the property... that's what I haven't done yet
Going to try SNAP and deactivate JetPack
but digging into settings that is not exactly what I want either. Time to hit pause and get back to designining my summer courses
[kevinmarks], [kim_landwehr], gRegorLove, [grantcodes], [eddie] and [manton] joined the channel
Bridgy is working minus the gravatar. I would pull that completely [gwg]
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Posting speed is definitely an issue with WordPress, particularly when you're trying to do quick posts or conversations and syndicating to Twitter. Bookmarklets have helped me a lot in that area, but also not using every single meta field in the admin UI is important as well. I think this is an area where micropub clients could help a lot.
yeah that is what I am thinking. Can’t get OmniBear or Indigidenous flowing yet but I am working on it
Playing with just using titles and having blank notes to see what links post and don’t post. Some bugs in Bidrg but I think [gwg] knows about them or is just ready to walk away from the plug-in. Both logical
I also doubt many folks need to syndicate up to 70 posts an hour beyond me
jgmac1106: your gravatar still shows up with bridgy because it's marked with u-photo, and not inside an h-card
I wonder since I had originally hard coded an h-card before adding the indieweb plugin that turns your profile page into an h-card is messing it up. Will make it tomorrow’s mission
[cleverdevil], [schmarty], [kevinmarks], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
I am not walking away. I am merging it
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is WordPress FAQ?
WordPress Frequently Asked Questions or WordPress FAQ are frequently asked questions encountered when using WordPress to run one's personal website https://indieweb.org/WordPress/FAQ
edited /WordPress/FAQ (+741) "errant syndicated avatar to Twitter via u-photo from Brid.gy"
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thx [chrisaldrich]