[mrkrndvs][wiobyrne] that is kind of what I do with my newsletter. Create a post then paste into Tinyletter. I am sure I could automate it but I actually enjoy the process even if I always feel rushed doing it
jgmac1106Okay on Day 5 of WordPres only I think I will be deciding if I just need to walk away from WordPress to get this all working. This is just too much work to mantain and everything is still broken. I can’t …
jgmac1106sorry [jeremycherfas] i don’t mean to blast the channel with my woes but I get an hour or so of good work time before kids wake up, and I can’t ue this in class until I can get my system as turnkey as possible
jeremycherfasNot a problem. I have a rapid habituation to identical stuff coming from every direction, and only occasionally call it out, like when someone with automatic cross-posting asks a question in an entirely unrelated place.
jgmac1106[wiobryne] [mrkrndvs] or anyone else using ReClaim Hosting can you try a micropub client so I can try and figure out what is going on? I want to see if you have header issues
jgmac1106[pfefferle] yo saw the note that setting a destination for homepage webmentions in SemPress is what enabled the webmention form on my website, not sure if that bug or simply feature that needs documentation
jgmac1106Trying to figure out what I need to do to the plug-in to have the box checked by default, the array but the arry seems to be calling post line 28 doesn’t make sense
jgmac1106[pfefferle] is there an easy way to make it so an included image doesn’t become the featured image. It add u-photo to this. Maybe I could make an img class and set the opacity to full to hide it.
[pfefferle]there might be a bug in the current version, that adds u-photo to every image… I have to recheck that… u-photo should only be used if it is a photo post and u-featured should be used for the featured images