#wordpress 2018-05-17

2018-05-17 UTC
chrisaldrich has 8 karma in this channel (90 overall)
This is a great resource
Nice weather we're having
yeah awful but if it holds through the weekend I might get two Saturdays in a row
@gwg can I look at your .htaccess file? I know I can't copy and paste that but just want to see more examples
I run nginx. No htaccess file
[xavierroy] joined the channel
This saves the image onto your Media gallery so that you have a copy even if the original one goes down
[Minnur Yunusov] Description Import files from or create external links from third-party services (Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, Instagram, CloudApp and any other external file from URL). This plugin provides convenient way of linking and using files from th...
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
Thanks a ton [xavierroy]. I'll check it out in the AM. :)
[grantcodes], [manton], dougbeal|iOS, dougbeal|mb1, tantek__, eureka, jeremycherfas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] Are your webmentions working based on my curl test you have the same header issue I do so i am wondering it is a Reclaim hosting problem
If your webmentions I want to peak at your .htaccess file to see if it is different than mine
tantek__ and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
I meant publishing with MicroPub not webmentions, mixing up my Known and Wordapress problems
[chrisaldrich] you may want to look into Screncast-o-matic for your tutorial videos, You get bumped down to 720p if using your camera (atleast on my iMac) but the editing suite of tools is so dead simple for $15 bucks a year it is amazing software
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
Not sure if my webmentions are working. In my initial tests of my two sites, I can send out posts...and get comments/notifications to come back to my site when posted out in the socials. How do I test to see if the webmentions are working?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
you can test it with webmention.rocks
On it. Begin testing now. 💥
[wiobyrne] after that please go to https://quill.p3k.io and let me know if you can publish to your WordPress site
and [aaronpk] [tantek] spent a long time thinking about how webmentions.rocks could actually be modified to be a badging platform where a badge is nothing more than a webmention with a permalink back to criteria and submitted evidence.....I really think theoretically it could work.
Okay, stupid question. I RSVP'ed using post kinds to the Virtual Homebrew meetup using my site. The original post from [chrisaldrich] is showing that I like his post because of Twitter. But, how do I have that RSVP show up on the original site?
do you have the rsvp post-kind active
[gwg] [chrisaldrich] I just noticed that even though I have "Show a Webmention form at the comment section, to allow anyone to notify you of a mention." checked this box doesn't show up on notes.
is that normal for SemPress? Anyone know
I think I'm getting it. I copy/pasted my URL to Chris's post. It gave me an error, but said that the webmention worked. I'm showing up as attending on the post...but my image/avatar is now showing.
[jgmac1106] no it is not normal… do you use the JetPack comment feature?
no, but I can uninstall jetpack and see if that fixes
@wibyrne you have webmentions plug-in and rsvp post-kind
you din't need to use that box. You got an error because the webmention was already there
I have been trying to think about the wording on that box, it is a common issue. People don't know when their webmentions will work or when they have to add a webmention in the comment box. Need to tweak the language a bit
[pfefferle] Forgot SemPress is yours. I did use Custom CSS to make my main section bigger and set the adide to displaY: none, but my hcard is still there and hidden
I just dig symmetry and my menu ,header image, and body were different sizes
what is the URL of your page?
It looks like we don't have a page for "URL of your page" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "URL of your page is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ok, it is no css problem
do you have a caching plugin on your site?
I have gone through and deactivated everything but indieweb
hmmm… will have a look later today
but still can’t get the webmentions box working, it does confuse the crap out of peopel when they see it and I never get a webmention that way
yeah have to go get my car to the shop and then have to sit through a lame as graduation. Only thing worse than going to your own is having to sit through a few every year
do you also use the webmention-forms plugin?
no I do not
@wiobyrne I think what you needed this to say If you don’t use indieweb technologies you can still send me a webmention. Write and post soemthing on your blog, website, or social media. Then paste the link below. Your webmention will show up as a comment. Want to update or remove your webmention? First Update or delete your post. Then repost the link below. To learn how to bring the indieweb to your blog check out th
site “#"
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[pfereffele] has this: To respond on your own website, enter the URL of your response which should contain a link to this post's permalink URL. Your response will then appear (possibly after moderation) on this page. Want to update or remove your response? Update or delete your post and re-enter your post's URL again. (Learn More)
we just have a different audience than [pfereffele] but I see this as a point of confusion all the time
Yeah, I think my RSVP is showing up now. I didn't know that I needed to copy/paste it over. I thought it happened automagically like some other things here. 🙂
It appears to be working...my avatar isn't showing up appropriately...but still learning.
yeah and my directions assumed that too, would need to rewrite those
your avatar is yoru gravatar through jetpack
[pfefferlle] not sure if header image is supposed to link back to homepage or not but I went in and added a link
I like the theme
This is my first attempt at SemPress
[jgmac1106] to be sure… is the box not working (technically) or do you think it is not a good feature?
no, I thinnk we need to do some serious testing around the language
There are three conditions people need to know about:
-I have all the indieweb stuff installed and I linked to the target in my post-kind
-I responded to the post on social meda
-I have none of the indieweb stuff installed
the only thing you need is the webmention plugin
nothing more
but keep it as simple for localisation as possible
that is a point
but everything else is really simple
Okay then I would say: If you would like to send a <a href=“#”>webmention> to me but do not have an inidieweb powered site you still can. rite and post soemthing on your blog, website, or social media. Then paste the link below. Your webmention will show up as a comment. Want to update or remove your webmention? First Update or delete your post. Then repost the link below. To learn how to bring the indieweb to you
blog check out this site “#"
[wiobyrne] is a perfect example he got confused on the workflow to have his webmention not show up (Ian if you linked to Chris post in the correct field and still had to copy and paste link something went wrong) and he cut and pasted
I would not use the word webmention
and you also do not have to know anything about the indieweb
I have been testing this workflow to see what happens. The error message you get when you have webmentions plug in could use love too
I know you don’t but I never miss an opprtunity to evangelize
went back and forth on the using word webmentions, settled on a link to a no-existent gen3-gen4 description page
[prefferle] the comment box isn’t an aside is it? I wonder if I just hid the display
no it is not
i think it is a simple form
[pfereffle] if you write in dev communities your description is fine. [wiobyrne] are working with people who may not know url
I can’t find link to webmention-forms plugin
you do not have to
I have merged the plugin into the webmention plugin
Understood, perhaps you can file a bug where we can brainstorm about a good wording...
And/or we can make the wording editable... so that site admins can change the text to fit their needs
webmention-forms plugin I missing this
okay link to github repo? or better yet link to wiki article with all the wordpress repos
pfefferle has 23 karma in this channel (55 overall)
especially to an editbale text. That makes sense, where does the page when you try to send a webmention that already exists? It needs to be more explicit for people
though I do notice the form does carry an endpoint and I am having trouble with my MicroPub endpoints as well
this is a crap message can it be changed: Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /homepages/32/d491429024/htdocs/boffoblog/wp-content/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/includes/class-linkbacks-mf2-handler.php on line 164
It should be, “Congratulations for taking control of the content you own and staying connected with people who support an IndieWeb. Your webmention was already posted.” I would even add somethign like webmention.rocks branding or IWC logo"
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] #175 Make the webmention form text editable
[manton] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[xavierroy]++ for the recommendation about the External Media plugin yesterday. A slick and useful little tool. https://wordpress.org/plugins/external-media/
xavierroy has 1 karma
[Minnur Yunusov] Description Import files from or create external links from third-party services (Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, Instagram, CloudApp and any other external file from URL). This plugin provides convenient way of linking and using files from th...
Another thing that [wiobyrne] may have run into with his RSVP is that I do use a caching plugin, so the page may not have updated immediately.
I used to moderate all comments, but so many people had issues wondering if their webmentions were sending properly, I quit moderating.
[wiobyrne] It looks like your RSVP didn't have an avatar on it because the h-card on your site is missing a nested image with a u-photo.
The easiest way to remedy it may be to add the h-card widget to your page if you're using the IndieWeb Plugin.
gRegorLove joined the channel
also, if one can "guess" someone's email address (that was used for their gravatar account), one can enter that address into the email field and gravatar will pull the correct image; which I've done in your instance.
[jgmac1106] If you're still having webmention backfeed issues from brid.gy and it's not a webmention specific problem with your host, you might try refreshing your brid.gy account(s)
I also remember there used to be an issue with Brid.gy finding your feed if it didn't appear on your homepage, so at one point I remember putting <link rel="feed" type="text/html" href="http://boffosocko.com/blog/" /> into my header so that brid.gy could find my feed page.
chimo and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
Absolutely. Thanks again [xavierroy] ++
I think it's an issue with the h-card widget. I assumed it was working...thanks to my theme, but I think that is not the case.
I've been playing a bit more with my newsletter/wordpress issues. MailPoet is nice, and still playing with The Newsletter Plugin. These two will allow me to create posts in WordPress and distribute, but the URL is a jumble even worse than what Mailchimp sends out. And, the "archives" page is the same list of links on a page.
What I want is a blog post that contains all of the content that I had in the newsletter issue...and this post/content is sent out each week like a newsletter to subscribers.
All links would track back to my blog post and URL.
I could type up all of the content in one post, and use newsletter tool to distribute, but the URL will still be messy, and the display of the newsletter content is truncated.
I've been experimenting lately with MailChimp and looked at setting up fliprss to provide some additional flexibility. Still have a lot to explore after some initial hiccups with mailchimp as it looks like I'd gotten a lot of spam signups.
Let me know how it goes with FlipRSS. It looks interesting. Spam signups are always an issue.
fliprss seems overly onerous in terms of getting things set up and then has a monthly fee thereafter. I'm more tempted to write up something myself over their solution.
I've thought about adding in a "cleaning" every year to cull the herd. Another issue is emails automatically going to spam/clutter/all mail folders.
If I was more reliant on a newsletter and had income from it I wouldn't mind a monthly fee so much, but I'm not sure if it's going to be worth the cost in the end.
I'm adding it as an alternate for friends/family as I wean myself away from so much syndication to silos...
But I'd like to offer something with flexibility for filtering out a lot of the extraneous social stuff that's in my main feed.
My thinking is that the blog post of newsletter content would create an archive that people can actually use...and possibly follow on my blog. Finding the archive link in Mailchimp is almost impossible. And, if you don't subscribe, or don't see it come through the socials when I send it out once a week...it's gone.
But, if I have the content living as a blog post...there is some serendipity in the model as people can come across my site, peruse content, etc.
I agree about the extraneous feed and noise. My breadcrumbs site is "everything" I'm reading or thinking about. The newsletter is focused for a specific audience.
I'd even be happy with a simple copy/paste from the newsletter to a WordPress post if the formatting wasn't such a mess. Even then...I'd lose any feedback through my IndieWeb tools.
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] will try thanks
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] I do it the manual till it hurts way. Copy and paste to Mailchimp and my WP site, so the site contains a complete archive of all newsletters.
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] do you have issues with the frames and excess content/code garbling up everything?
No. But I literally copy and paste. I originate as Markdown and then paste the html into WP and my newsletter template.
So, you start everything in markdown and then copy over from each?
I think that might be my option. Any preferred tools for markdown?
Byword and Marked2 and take the html from Marked2
Bedtime now. I’ll be around tomorrow.
chimo joined the channel