#wordpress 2018-05-20

2018-05-20 UTC
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Hey [gwg] not sure if theme or bridgy issue. Let me know and I will file correctly. Just noticed that when webmentions are approved as comments the approved count doesn’t go up. Be nice if the count worked as no moderation after one approval is awesome.
jgmac1106: Approved count?
Yes if you go to yoru comment page to approve a comment. Under each persons …never mind an askimet feature: akismet-user-comment-counts
when it works though it is really nice because if you approve someone one they are automatically approved in the future
I'm not sure how it works. Will have to look
gRegorLove, [grantcodes] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
!tell [gwg] Hey I noticed in https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb/commit/1d8016f8bea380671bce0c405e8bdc871e2a4d30 you removed the option of no sidebar and backgroun image. Was that personal preference? Going to try and leave it in the theme I am hacking on
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[gwg] I think I will make a document explaining all the different postkinds and when or when not to include the title for post-kinds
[miklb] joined the channel
doesn’t the UI in the plugin do that for you?
[miklb] not yet but I will make the assets as I need to know. [gwg] do you have a favorite pic size for screenshots?
there's also a list of all the kinds in the github readme
[miklb] joined the channel
when you choose a post kind, the UI changes. You add the URL that you bookmarking/replying to/etc and it fills in the all of the relevant info it can retrieve. The kind templates then display the content. Somewhere I must be missing some context of what you are referring to jgmac1106
It is about just understanding bridgy to twitter and the behaivor. So a photo post kind , do I upload the photo to me media library and then add to responsive properties field boxes? What happens if I upload a picture to the body? How do these display different on Twiiter?
I always have a title field but not all post kinds display titles and how you use the title greatly affects what happens on Twitter.
So I wanna just spend time experimenting with media and titles and syndication I can screenshot my way through it
thx [sknebel] I was also thinking more to the FAQ and screenshots in the plug-in “More Detaiks” modal
that is where my students will interact most
right, bridgy uses the title if there is one, unless it is a reply
Zegnat, wagle and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
But how this interacts with Twitter, becomes a link, needs to be link in post to be active in tweet, and how each post kind displays on /kind feeds changes will document as I explore
doubleloop[m], tglobe, [jeremycherfas], [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel