#wordpress 2018-05-23

2018-05-23 UTC
Drew, [miklb], tantek, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and sherab1 joined the channel
and I realize I need to adjust my post kind menu for smaller screens
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] not sure if it is related, but when posting notes I adjust the slug. The url then acts as a quasi title (for me)
ooh that is a decent work around. Last night I resorted to just copying and pasting the title into the body. This way it displays correctly on Twitter and on post/kind archive page
Not ideal, but
I am looking into the markup of the different post-kinds and trying to track it in the gSheet , but I am using {gwg} 2016 fork right now so how it displays is theme specific
[mrkrndvs] Are you syndicating with JetPack or SNAP (looked at SNAP, grossed me out) I can’t reply to a site and syndicate to Twitter with Bridgy. You can only reply to tweets
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Depending on the context, I will customise the tweet sent out, otherwise you can set defaults
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I have been trying to leave SNAP
[gwg] I am doing okay with bridgy accept replying to posts. I can onky reply to tweets. Didn’t know if that was issue worthy
I could add jetpack back
I am not sure what you mean.
Only reply to tweets?
If I use the reply post kind and use Bridgy I can not reply to a website. I can only reply to tweets. It won’t let you post
Won't let you post?
one sec
it just worked, I promise when I was trying yesterday I would get a warnign modal no tweet was found
maybe Twitter changing the way html is parsed made it work
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
maybe you did try to reply to a post that didn't have a syndication to twitter marked up before?
[sknebel] not sure but its working today so I will take it. Will have to go thorugh my notes, have to head to office. I tried to document everythign with screenshots and urls
[unoabraham], tantek, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], [wiobyrne], sherab, [Sherab] and tbbrown joined the channel
[wiobyrne] I am running no jetpack for a bit to see what happens
As indicated in the chat channel, I'm interested to see what plugins people are using on an everyday basis. Wondering what is needed, what supports your site, & what doesn't mess up other aspects...especially indieweb connections.
[wiobyrne] There was a good thread of these going around a week ago. I didn't do one. I think we should get a thread going. If you do a Post with your plug-ins we can all build off of that with replies from our sites
here is an example I bookmarked before starting my WP experimenting: https://ron.theguests.us/2018/05/02/my-indieweb-ish-wordpress-setup/
[miklb] joined the channel
well, with all of the latest plugin updates, I can now post from Quill again, but Indigenous and Omnibear still hangup
oooh will try Quill again
Quill was able to authenticate, but for some reason my syndication-to targets weren’t appearing. They’re back now.
no quill for me, still no micropub endpoints, can't wait.
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
so all my webmentions are now being listed as "comments" which they are" and askimet keeps blocking webmentions from me
[eddie], jgmac1106_ and chrisaldrich joined the channel
!tell mrkrndvs it looks like you're missing an open quote and a close anchor tag on https://collect.readwriterespond.com/greg-mcverry-and-posting-on-twitter/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek], [miklb], [keithjgrant] and tglobe joined the channel
anyone elses own webmention comments from Twitter coming in as spam?
Kyle-K, tantek_ and [miklb] joined the channel
are you using any blacklist plugins?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
no, and they used to be listed as webmention they now get listed as "comment" they are both so that doesn't bother me, just one of those things that change for well you don't know why or when
I do use Askimet, and want to play around and see if we can get a webmention to flow into the askimet comment counter so I only have to approve a webmention once
gRegorLove__ and [grantcodes] joined the channel
replies get converted to comments.
[cleverdevil], [eddie] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
But in the comment approval page it used to differentiate between webmention and comments
Doesn't change anything just a curiousity
it still should, just reply webmentions get converted to native comments. Unless something significant changed and I missed it.
The webmentions from Twitter still work but I wonder if the changes there led to the change. Don't think Bridgy or @gwg pushed a theme update
marcthiele1, [grantcodes], [jeremycherfas], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], sherab, [eddie], tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
anyone using a plugin that adds PWA that you can recommend?
what is PWA
Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web site that a client can progressively enhance into a standalone app that's comparable with a native app https://indieweb.org/PWA
I figured that but never imagined anyone putting WordPress and PWA in the same sentence. So I though Public Works Authority would be as safe a bet
Didn’t know these kinds of plug-ins existed. Interesting now that I think about most of the MicroPub clients are native and not PWA. I did PWA
dig* GRRRR