jgmac1106so [gwg] will have to decmpress and see about different post-kinds and twitter habits but it seems the best functionality (except images those always work) is to keep everything in the title if you know you will be under 280 characters. links, @mentions everything
jgmac1106so after last nights twitter session wonering how folks feel about a status post-kind in general. It seems the best way to syndicate to twitter (as a natural tweet as possible) is put all 280 characters into the title, or you ignore the title all together and get an ugly permalink
Loqi[Greg McVerry] No #IndieWeb WordPress work for me on Day 11. Classes start today. I will tack another day on the end. Yesterday I did get to play with a lot of the post-kind/bridgy/Twitter functionality.
jgmac1106Known handles this in interesting way. It has a status post_kind and then if you do an article post_kind everything gets included until yiu hit charcater max and then you get truncated link
jgmac1106yeah [sknebel] as soon as you add a title that is all Bridgy will publish to Twitter, the rest of your message goes in yoru body and you get a link. Any url in hte body must be marked up for a link to work on twitter
jgmac1106I may end up in a hybrid place again where I do all my tweeting from Known but still keep all my new post kinds and use syndicate those to Twitter as needed
sknebelnotes in indieweb terminology shouldn't have titles (or rather, they are marked up with title being identical to the content), otherwise they'd be articles
jgmac1106[sknebl] few things: A: I know this is a mf2 but compare a jetpack syndicated tweet to bridgy, I need to do that B: It needs to be fast adding a bunch of links to a note takes too long for twitter chats C: numerical permalinks look weird when syndicating to places likeLinkedIn as well as Twitter D: using just the title for a Twitter syndication works great but I need to hack at the theme so I don’t have a bunch of bla
sknebelIt's in the examples on /note and I always had in the back of my head that checking name==content was how you identified a note. but again, not sure if it matters in practice
[jgmac1106]its only like five of us now but I wonder if edvenutually we need a WP-DEV channel and leave this space for WordPress onboarding, not issue now, but will be a good problem to have
jgmac1106And with no title the header title is blank and the body markup is <div class="entry-content e-content">No #IndieWeb WordPress work for me on Day 11. Classes start today. I will tack another day on the end. Yesterday I did get to play with a lot of the post-kind/bridgy/Twitter functionality.</div>
jgmac1106so the archives are checking for <header class="page-header"> for the title I wonder if using function the_title( $before = '', $after = '', $echo = true ) {
aaronpkDoes that actually work well? The problem I have right now is each photo might take another http request or two to fetch location or person information
[Vanessa]I think I've found my next little tweak to work on. I saw somewhere in the SemPress theme that if there is no post title, it adds a number. That's not what I want. I have code to remove that title for the RSS feed, which is good. I would need something similar for a JSON feed. However, I think I would like to override that code and have it not add a title to a status. I'm assuming it ought to be possible to add something to my child them
RuxtonIf you copy entry-header.php from sempress into your chidl theme and then remove the titles, it'll be done.. but you should probably be a bit more smart than that
[Vanessa]Yes, that's what I want to do - have the title display except for certain post types. Ok, thanks, something I will look into further, along the lines you mention.
[Natris1979], dougbeal|mb1, [tantek], tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]@ruxton that would mean somebody though would need to know where to find the wiki page about post-kinds and then follow those rules. I won't follow those rules as posting just a title with no body on a note or reply actually performs way better on Twitter based on my current theme configuration