[jgmac1106]So I said I would stay offline all weekend but it's rainign and I needed to finish up my fourteen WordPress #indieweb challenge, and my goal was to fork a theme. I think I did this correctly adding microformats2: https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com
[jgmac1106]would love for folks to take a look indiewebify me says I am missing a rel="me" in my h-card, I added it but can't get it recognized. This was my first time really editing a theme, the h-card ended up being slit across the template page, the function.php, and some javascript but it seems to render back together
[jgmac1106]Hey @gwg, mother n law just called and heading over need to wash the kids so I have to bail. Will be excited if I actually pulled off my last WP 14 day challenge task
[jgmac1106]It is a static WordPress theme so it was easy as only mf2 had to be added, didn't have to think about post-kinds, webmentions, micropub, or anything else tricky
[jgmac1106]@sknebel, the theme is meant to be a calling card, yeah I didn't know if I shoudl wrap those in the h-card and skip h-entry all otgether and make the buttons a u-url inside h-card
[jgmac1106]okay, remove the h-entry? Shoudl I try to embed those a u-url inside the h-card? I could make the wrapper class h-card and get the whole page in there
sknebeldepends on what they are. on cog.dog they are internal navigation, so no. If you want to use them as a second row of links to external profiles (why not add youtube to the icons above?), then add rel=me. (some people mark links to external profiles also with u-url, but not everyone does that)
ZegnatOh. Multi h-entry pages rather than 1 page per h-entry? Yeah, that gets a big “experimental” flag for now. We need a lot more testing and documentation on the matter
Zegnatsknebel, yes, it loses the author in my case. To be more precise: it only parses from the element with id === url fragment, thus all surrounding meta data is gone.
ZegnatYou should use h-entry / e-content / etc. just as normal. But if you are marking up several h-entry on 1 URL, there may be issues with consuming parsers. Not really your issue as the writer of the markup though, [jgmac1106]
ZegnatRight. Yes. I would definitely mark those blocks up as h-entry. Their URLs (u-url) being the URL with the fragment. And that is definitely the case where parsers may act ... funny.
ZegnatIt is basically a feed of posts like https://grapefruit.zegnat.net/ . Which is fine, but is the exact case that needs more testing and documenting
[miklb]that clears all of my errors, but doesn’t create a note. Debug log simply has `Micropub Data: {"micropub":"endpoint","q":"config"} {"micropub":"endpoint","q":"config"}`
[miklb]Omnibear is saying error authenticating micropub endpoint when I try to publish. I was able to login and authenticate, it stores the token. Also got rid of issue I had of stuck authorization screen.
[miklb]oh, weird, it was because my cache wasn’t writable. I’ve only ever had issues with that and webmentions from brid.gy getting sent multiple times. I need to solve that.
[miklb]GWG those `PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given` errors are back, at least when I test posting with Omnibear. No errors from Quill it seems, just nothing happens
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "only doing GET requests" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "only doing GET requests is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[miklb]it allows me to authenticate just fine, doesn’t hang on the getting token screen anymore, but when I try to post a note, I get an error about authenticating micropub endpoint in omnibear
aaronpkcan I make a suggestion that the plugin should check if that second parameter is an array and if it is not, throw a more specific error message?
aaronpkoh, the "indieauth_scopes" filter returns null if the scopes passed to it are null, so it sounds like this is something wrong with handling the default scope when the client requests no scope
[miklb]this is what is logged in a successful quill post wp_insert_post with args: {“post_content”:“quill test”,“meta_input”:{“micropub_auth_response”:{“token_type”:“Bearer”,“scope”:“create update”,“me”:“https:\/\/miklb.com\/“,”issued_by”:“https:\/\/miklb.com\/wp-json\/indieauth\/1.0\/token”,“client_id”:“https:\/\/quill.p3k.io\/“,”issued_at”:1527461635,“user”:1},“mf2_type”:[“h-