#wordpress 2018-05-30
2018-05-30 UTC
voxpelli_, [cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] are you backfeeding likes from Twitter? Always found the process of trying to like a tweet to cumbersome

chrisaldrich backfeeding likes from Twitter is easy with brid.gy; I suspect you're talking about sending likes to Twitter, which can be cumbersome on WordPress to be sure.

chrisaldrich It was always much easier on WithKnown. I don't do it very often as most of my actual "likes" on Twitter are really "bookmarks" of the content within the Tweet itself.

chrisaldrich I do have an IFTTT recipe that creates like drafts based on things I like on Twitter manually, but invariably that data is always hidden on my back end and rarely published publicly

[jgmac1106] No I meant backfeeding. Would much rather like on Twitter and have it appear then copy url fire up WordPress, choose like, and then paste in url.

chrisaldrich The one part of Bridgy Publish that did always work relatively well for me as syndicating Twitter likes and retweets since those don't need excellent mf2 mark up on much.

chrisaldrich I get what you mean, though technically by definition it sounds more like you're PESOSing your likes on Twitter back to your site whereas backfeeding would be taking the likes on your syndicated tweets and putting them on the original posts.

[jgmac1106] One thing I didn't try is using the Known to WordPress plugin but don't know how well it plays with post kinda

[jgmac1106] Yeah the mf2 markup in Known just plays nicer with Bridgy than any WP theme I could find.....

[jgmac1106] But I did not turn off mf2 when using an IndieWeb theme so who knows what that did

[jgmac1106] Yes sorry PESOSing. Just never liked the flow of having to like a Tweet. Took too many steps

chrisaldrich Likes on Tweets too often feel like "digital exhaust" to me. If the content is really that valuable or I want it to be searchable in the future I would rather bookmark it.

chrisaldrich and then I might give the original tweet a hat-tip

tantek_, doubleloop[m], [Natris1979], [markmhendrickso, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], dougbeal|mb1, [jeremycherfas], dougbeal|iOS, [sebsel], dougbeal|imac, chrisaldrich, tantek, [tantek], gRegorLove_, sebsel, jgmac1106, [grantcodes], [wiobyrne], [Vanessa] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] resuming conversation from #chat

[chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] There's a thing called salmentions which would help if it were fully implemented, but I don't know that many have been working on it

[chrisaldrich] what is salmention?

Loqi Salmentions are a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/salmention

[chrisaldrich] When I use Known, I usually (manually) add a bunch of reply URLs in an effort to manually do salmention

[chrisaldrich] I've never really tried doing it with WordPress and twitter, though I would probably do it as a manual thing.

[jgmac1106] [chrisalrdrich] I sent a webmention to one of your posts but I think I had to make it a bookmark to send it on twitter. Bridgy started doing that thing where I could only reply to tweets

[chrisaldrich] If I recall correctly, the video on https://boffosocko.com/2018/04/27/setting-up-wordpress-for-indieweb-use/ somewhere towards the end I do a reply to a reply inline on wordpress and show it going through. (I remember being surprised it worked out of the box so well without any tweaking.)

[jgmac1106] I meant to check it out

[chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] You can always make the post on your site and publish and then manually syndicate it to twiiter and cut/paste the syndication link from twitter back to your site after the fact. That may work best for doing threaded Twitter conversations.

[chrisaldrich] At least that's how I would do it initially. I don't think there are any plugins that allow threaded inline replies on wordpress automatically syndicate to Twitter. (I don't think anyone is doing it on any other platform either by the way.)

[chrisaldrich] out for an errand... back in a bit

[jgmac1106] me too time to get dogs out and eat something

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek, dougbeal|mb1, dougbeal|mb1`, [chrisaldrich] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel