#wordpress 2018-06-04
2018-06-04 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] yeah I asked [gwg] bc I thought it was theme specific

[jgmac1106] [gwg] [chrisaldrich] Dave mentioned that there are different beliefs about using post kinds versus custom post types to make templates. I would love to learn more about this in a podcast episode. What are the different beliefs? Reasons?

[miklb], [jeremycherfas], wagle, jeremycherfas, jeremych_, drkokandy_, sknebel_, [kevinmarks] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
jeremycherfas Just noticed the GDPR message from Akismet: "Akismet & Privacy. To help your site be compliant with GDPR and other laws requiring notification of tracking, Akismet can display a notice to your users under your comment forms. This feature is disabled by default, however, if you or your audience is located in Europe, you need to turn it on."

jeremycherfas Question: Do I in fact need to turn it on?

[Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] a bit naive of me, I guess).
[Vanessa] I turned it on, but I'm not sure - & not entirely sure about using Akismet, if they are collecting data. They do filter out a lot of spam, but as I moderate all comments unless from a previously-approved site, then I guess they would just sit and wait for me to delete them from the main comments rather than deleting them from the spam folder. That would remove one link in the chain. Hadn't really realised that they would keep data about
[Vanessa] Maybe I'll turn it off for a while & see.
jeremycherfas !tell gwg Not using Akismet is a non-starter. I just get too much rubbish.

jeremycherfas I'll take a look at that, but it is Yet Another Plugin.

jeremycherfas Is there a side-by-side comparison of effectiveness compared to Akismet?

jeremycherfas Well, yet, it is. But it is also the 800-pound (364kg) gorilla in the room

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] This is what I want to figure out. Askimet has a feature that once someone comment is approved all future comments are white listed. People have a count of comments. Doesn't work with webmentions

[jgmac1106] Be awesome if I approve a webmention from one url the rest from same url would be approved

jeremycherfas But they wouldn't come from the same URL. Possibly from the same domain.

[jgmac1106] Yes if that could work. I bet (don't know) though Askimet is using Jetpack to track id's. I have been trying to survive without Jetpack

jeremycherfas Having just seen Akismet's "warning" in the wild, I defy anyone to use it to "Learn how your comment data is processed."

[xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy] [dshanske] what' the icon that you used for acquisitions? been tagging up a few things with that pot kind
[schmarty] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[xavierroy] i also use the same.. but this seems to look different
[xavierroy] The old one: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/
[xavierroy] oh ok. that explains it. I'll then use the FA5 when I have some time to poke around.
Ruxton and brokaw joined the channel
[cleverdevil], brokaw, tantek and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich jeremycherfas, on the Akismet front, that toggle just exists to put a short notice on your website that links to their data policy to tell users what data they collect. Here's that link: https://akismet.com/privacy/

chrisaldrich I suspect they may build in more privacy controls as well as the ability to export data and allow site owners to delete sensitive portions as necessary.

gRegorLove joined the channel
jeremycherfas Thanks chrisaldrich As I said, I defy anyone actually reading the stuff that link points to to learn anything about the privacy policy. Prompted by GWG, I am looking at the antispam bee plugin.

chrisaldrich What's odd is that I've seen my spam traffic spike through the roof starting about a month and a half ago. I went from hundreds a day to thousands for some unknown reason.

jeremycherfas It's a royal PITA

chrisaldrich The worst part for me are the false negatives (most via webmention) that slip in there so I tend to pay more attention before deleting it all...

[cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], brokaw and [miklb] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
chrisaldrich given the state of no webmention spam, I'd love to close comments for older posts, but still let in webmentions

chrisaldrich Though if I recall, I have comments off on my homepage, but it can still receive webmentions... hmm...

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Interestingly I've started getting spam on media pages, which I don't think I've ever seen in the last decade...

[jgmac1106] Think I will stick with Askimet but seeing that it's same ToS as Jetpack maybe I can add that but probably won't. Askimet captures it and there has been spike lately

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] yes, let me pull up a link for you. It's been pretty solid.

[chrisaldrich] It's from Meitar: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-crosspost/

[chrisaldrich] He's got a few other crossposting plugins including one for Tumblr I think.

[chrisaldrich] It works with the current version of WP though it's a bit old.

[chrisaldrich] I'm using it from one self hosted to WP.com, but I suspect it could do self-hosted to self-hosted.

[chrisaldrich] it does throw an odd error for pieces which aren't mappable 1-1 on the other end, but if both sides have equivalent data, it'll map all the pieces across.

[chrisaldrich] My self-hosted version of Pressforward doesn't like it since my .com site doesn't have it, but otherwise it's been pretty nice.

[chrisaldrich] It might be cool if one could use WordPress as a native micropub client to micropub from one WordPress site to a receiving site. This would serve much the same purpose as WordPress Crosspost plugin, but be a lot more flexible.

[chrisaldrich] Now that WP has a built in indieauth set up, something like this might be more easily realized.

[chrisaldrich] I could see teachers (jgmac1106?) using something like this to let students publish their work on their own site and micropub it to a commonly shared (temporary?) classroom site.

[JaredEwy] joined the channel
chrisaldrich That would certainly work too miklb, but I'm also thinking about larger distributed classes which aren't necessarily held/hosted by a single institution.

chrisaldrich distributed education anyone? ;)

[jgmac1106] Yeah, might be neat usually we just use this thing called RSS to pull all student feeds into one place. It works pretty well😁

[jgmac1106] But I could see schools wanting to do that for archiving purposes or having one master blog of everything

tantek, gRegorLove and [grantcodes] joined the channel
chrisaldrich I prefer the idea of RSS and/or a planet solution, but can see folks wanting a master as well. I can also see uses for such a thing especially in the journalism area which would allow journos the ability to own their content, but the outlet to have the canonical version for indexing purposes.

[eddie], [kevinmarks], [JaredEwy], tantek_ and tantek__ joined the channel