2018-06-03 UTC
[tantek], j12t, [snarfed], [kevinmarks] and [dgold] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[grantcodes] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 18:28 GWG I was just responding to you, actually.
# 18:35 GWG [pfefferle]: I agree with you about the question of whether the gravatar problem is something we want to solve.
# 18:36 GWG Either way, I was having such a productive weekend. I hate to walk it back
[miklb] joined the channel
# 18:43 [miklb] howdy y’all. Random thought. We could probably add quick links for new post-kinds to the menu/menu bar yes?
# 18:43 GWG I was afraid it would be too long.
# 18:43 [miklb] Just found myself wanting to quickly create a “like” and thought it a good idea. I’ll investigate what that will take.
# 18:44 GWG [miklb]: It's a relatively easy add
# 18:44 GWG Just a link to edit-post with the query string kind=___
# 18:44 [miklb] code wise, sure, UX wise I’ll want to investigate best way to implement.
# 18:45 [pfefferle] perhaps we should make a weekly meeting here, to discuss changes we have planned, like WordPress is doing…
# 18:45 [miklb] anyway, I’m back from my conference and will be focusing on my website(s) this week so I’ll be testing and hoping to push a bunch of code. Hope everyone had a good week.
# 18:45 GWG [pfefferle]: I wasn't suggesting it.
# 18:46 GWG I just have to figure out how to address the response
# 18:46 GWG [pfefferle]: Re notifications, I've been using a plugin I wrote for that for 3 years. I was trying to sort of roll it in
# 18:46 GWG In June of 2015, I was posting a lot, and getting emails about likes I couldn't read.
# 18:47 GWG [miklb]: It's just an enhancement of the emails that you would get otherwise. If you turned off email notification of new comments, you'd never see it
# 18:47 GWG So, you already would have opted out of it.
# 18:48 GWG [miklb]: Even on reply/comments, it doesn't pick up the Semantic Linkback enhancements.
# 18:48 [pfefferle] Ah I see… As I said, I would like to add it, but in a more structured way…
# 18:48 GWG [pfefferle]: I need to figure out what that is. Maybe it is the Core Ticket
# 18:49 GWG [pfefferle]: I'm happy to split it into a separate class.
# 18:49 [miklb] ok, well I’m catching up on exactly what you’re discussing, but my vote would be for any kind of new notifications be an opt-in
# 18:49 GWG But, maybe I should get them to use get_comment_text rather than directly pulling comment_text in the Core function
# 18:50 GWG [miklb]: I think there's still some confusion. It's just changing the existing notifications built into wordpress to recognize webmentions look different than comments.
# 18:50 GWG But clearly, I need to rethink that too.
# 18:51 [miklb] I misunderstood and thought you were creating separate new notifications for each type of webmention.
# 18:51 GWG [miklb]: Allowing you to filter by type wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea, but no.
# 18:51 GWG I linked into three things. All of them have an enable/disable settiing
# 18:51 [miklb] but if the ability to more granularly only notify for replies, that would be a great feature
# 18:52 GWG One is the built in email system, the second and third were the Pushover/Pushbullet plugins for WordPress, so you could install that and its option to send messages on new comments would be enhanced. No settings because all three things have an on/off function
# 18:54 [miklb] interesting. I have comment emails off, but use a Slack integration for receiving my notifications. But granular control over type would be cool. I’ll keep thinking about that.
# 18:55 GWG Either way, I'll split the feature into its own separate loadable class.
# 18:55 GWG I hope I understand [pfefferle]'s concerns.
# 18:55 GWG I just saw an opportunity to cut another plugin out of my collection and extend it to other people.
# 18:56 Loqi gwg has 64 karma in this channel (359 overall)
# 19:00 GWG [pfefferle]: As long as we keep working at it
# 19:00 GWG [pfefferle]: If you ever attend an IWC in person, I'd be tempted to make an appearance.
# 19:00 [miklb] GWG re: my custom kind-views, you are correct, they’re not fully thought out but will be one of my focuses this week.
# 19:01 GWG [miklb]: I was more trying to point out that he didn't need to build something new unless he really wanted to
# 19:02 [miklb] understood. Just agreeing though that mine could be better and I plan on tackling that. Having those templates are a really great feature.
# 19:02 GWG [miklb]: If you remember, I completely redesigned them because I wanted more themes to support them optionally
# 19:16 [miklb] yes, and I fully support that. I’ve suggested it as a solution a few times.
# 19:18 GWG [pfefferle]: No one in my family has been in Germany since my grandparents met there.
# 19:20 GWG I think you should set up each as a section, rather than a field.
# 19:21 GWG [pfefferle]: Yes, I just think I can make it easier to understand
# 19:21 GWG I'm playing with it in Semantic Linkbacks now
# 19:22 GWG [pfefferle]: Is that good or bad?
# 19:22 GWG Thought I might adhere more closely to the settings API
# 19:26 GWG [pfefferle]: I've already made some changes. I'm just going a bit farther. Every time I add a new thing, I have to repeat the facepile setting entry. I'm just going to use a for loop that uses get_comment_type_strings
# 19:27 GWG Every check box is the same, just with a different type
# 19:27 GWG I figured I'd just make my life easier next time I add a new type.
# 19:27 GWG While I'm fixing the settings page
# 19:29 GWG [pfefferle]: You'll tell me if you like it when I finish.
Ironbeard joined the channel
# 20:13 GWG There was a serious implementation bug in settings I have to fix
# 20:20 GWG [pfefferle]: register_setting was being called in admin_init, not in init. When I fixed that, any time there wasn't an option, it defaulted to 1...meaning the settings wouldn't work.
# 20:24 GWG I think I may just invert it. To a single array of types to show over one setting per type. If this thing grows longer, it's going to get insane.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:02 GWG [pfefferle]: SL, but I think the same problem might be present in both
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 23:03 jgmac1106 [gwg] Why would the 2016 “break” a gif when using a photo post kind?
# 23:17 jgmac1106 yes then it works, didn’t realize only thumbnail displays on photo posts
[kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
# 23:59 [miklb] sounds to me it’s how it’s being inserted into the post, nothing to do with the plugin