#jgmac1106I know and I am mixing up context. i just think of generations of static and chronological, not different groups of people with different goals and roles
#jgmac1106willing to accept it and use it no problem, just feels weird
#jgmac1106[gwg] if a theme developer had mf2 set do you think they should try and do post-kinds natively or just use plugin?
#jgmac1106you mean recommend on install that people add post-kinds or just have post kinds native like you do in 2016?
#jgmac1106these hypens are killing me, just cant remember where they go
#jgmac1106[gwg] [chrisaldrich] pointed me to your change log for the theme, that will be a super useflul resource for theme developers [chrisaldrich] shared it with me
#GWGI would say you should integrate the plugin into your theme, but again, biased
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#jgmac1106okay collecting all the primary sources so I can think about what a WordPress Theme developer guide page should look like
#jgmac1106when you say, “integrate the plugin into your theme” do you mean the theme would give a warning message like “You need to install the post-kind plug-in” or if I install the theme post-kinds will just be there…what I make is going to need serious massaging to get words right
#jgmac1106okay, then we will put that in the guide…and then slowly develop the how, but that is so different per theme…and then Gutenberg
#jgmac1106wowza, I get the I am on wordpress.com how do I do this question a lot? Automatic is getting away with charging $25.00 a month for full WordPress experience?
#jgmac1106“In order to avoid breaking a site on theme switching, try to define custom post types as a plugin, or, better as a Must Use Plugins. This way you won't force users into using a certain theme. “ from https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Types
#jgmac1106I am just thinking that moving forward if we made a post type template for each of the current post-kind that would better support WP as theme developers could just go and grab them , or the indiweb post-type plug-in that replaces post-kinds
#jgmac1106better chance at more contributors as well
#GWGjgmac1106: Post Kinds supports custom templating inside a theme.
#GWGIf you want to make a plugin that uses custom post types, that's fine. I am not dissatisfied with using taxonomies
#jgmac1106I might just want to understand your reasoning for not doing so, you know better than me
#jgmac1106yes the h-entry is the root as you said and you are considering the properties a kind of taxonomy? Or do you mena specifically how WordPress handles taxonomies
#[xavierroy]I think i may be having some problems with the simple location plugin.. the p-longitude value is never created... instead i get 2 p-latitude values
#jgmac1106morning [sknebel] enjoy you day. I am off to conquer world of baseball instead of blogging. I suck at both
#sknebelfighting wordpress doesn't mean "suck at blogging" ;)
#jgmac1106yeah but watch me swing a bat and you know I am write at “suck at baseball” my kids can only be good at sports because regression to the mean is a thing
#jgmac1106and homophones looks like I suck at those as well
#[xavierroy]i just finished adding my latest binge watches 📺 to my site...
#jgmac1106[gwg] what is best practice with photo post kind. Cuirrently I upload the media and grab the url and then put that in the response box. Does adding photo to body do this automatically in your theme?
#DavidWolfpawTo clarify what I'm looking for: a jumping off point of test data to import into a dev site specifically for theme and plugin dev. As an example, there are some WP imports like http://wptest.io/ that can be used for general and edge case testing.
#DavidWolfpawI only have a few webmentions that've made it to my site so far, but I'd like to get some real world data, or a facsimile at least.
#DavidWolfpawI've been reading through the wiki and still have a bit of work for personal setup to do, but want to jump in to contribute help if possible while I get up to speed and with the help that I've gotten so far.
#GWGI'm preparing a PR to merge another of my plugins into Semantic Linkbacks. The plugin that adds info about webmentions to the comment notification/moderation emails.
[jgmac1106] and chimo_ joined the channel
#GWGjgmac1106: Can you think of any scenario where you might want to manually resend a comment notification email?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
#[jeremycherfas]I may be wrong about this, because I have never done it myself, but I believe you can run a version of webmention.rocks locally. Failing that, you could open a tunnel to your local WP and send webmention.rocks there.
aaronpk and Loqi joined the channel
#jgmac1106[gwg] Not sure I understand. I never want more email, but do you mean to someone else commenting on my blog? Do they get email notification? I get them from Bridgy with Known but not WordPress, but I probably turned off email notifactions along time ago
#GWGjgmac1106: It was annoying me that the WordPress Comment Notification emails weren't webmention aware
#jgmac1106I do get them from Bridgy on Known, but I was a convoy user
#jgmac1106mainly bc that was only way to pay for Known
#GWGTo test the Webmention enhancements, I built a feature to select a comment and manually resend the email
#GWGI'm wondering if anyone would ever want the thing for common use
#jgmac1106Many people like email notificatiosn of comments, I am just not one them. toggle please
#GWGjgmac1106: Toggle what? It's a WordPress feature
#GWGUnder Settings->Discussion - Email me whenever anyone posts a comment
#GWGI have that on, and was annoyed it didn't show me webmentions properly.
#GWGIf you turned it off, you'd never get my enhanced emails
#GWGI also hooked into phone notifications in two plugins.
#GWGjgmac1106: I also added an extra default avatar