jgmac1106I know and I am mixing up context. i just think of generations of static and chronological, not different groups of people with different goals and roles
jgmac1106[gwg] [chrisaldrich] pointed me to your change log for the theme, that will be a super useflul resource for theme developers [chrisaldrich] shared it with me
jgmac1106when you say, “integrate the plugin into your theme” do you mean the theme would give a warning message like “You need to install the post-kind plug-in” or if I install the theme post-kinds will just be there…what I make is going to need serious massaging to get words right
jgmac1106wowza, I get the I am on wordpress.com how do I do this question a lot? Automatic is getting away with charging $25.00 a month for full WordPress experience?
jgmac1106“In order to avoid breaking a site on theme switching, try to define custom post types as a plugin, or, better as a Must Use Plugins. This way you won't force users into using a certain theme. “ from https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Types
jgmac1106I am just thinking that moving forward if we made a post type template for each of the current post-kind that would better support WP as theme developers could just go and grab them , or the indiweb post-type plug-in that replaces post-kinds
jgmac1106yes the h-entry is the root as you said and you are considering the properties a kind of taxonomy? Or do you mena specifically how WordPress handles taxonomies
[xavierroy]I think i may be having some problems with the simple location plugin.. the p-longitude value is never created... instead i get 2 p-latitude values
jgmac1106yeah but watch me swing a bat and you know I am write at “suck at baseball” my kids can only be good at sports because regression to the mean is a thing
jgmac1106[gwg] what is best practice with photo post kind. Cuirrently I upload the media and grab the url and then put that in the response box. Does adding photo to body do this automatically in your theme?
DavidWolfpawTo clarify what I'm looking for: a jumping off point of test data to import into a dev site specifically for theme and plugin dev. As an example, there are some WP imports like http://wptest.io/ that can be used for general and edge case testing.
DavidWolfpawI've been reading through the wiki and still have a bit of work for personal setup to do, but want to jump in to contribute help if possible while I get up to speed and with the help that I've gotten so far.
GWGI'm preparing a PR to merge another of my plugins into Semantic Linkbacks. The plugin that adds info about webmentions to the comment notification/moderation emails.
[jeremycherfas]I may be wrong about this, because I have never done it myself, but I believe you can run a version of webmention.rocks locally. Failing that, you could open a tunnel to your local WP and send webmention.rocks there.
jgmac1106[gwg] Not sure I understand. I never want more email, but do you mean to someone else commenting on my blog? Do they get email notification? I get them from Bridgy with Known but not WordPress, but I probably turned off email notifactions along time ago