[jgmac1106]If you are accepting other WordPress topic ideas, what do you mean when you say an IndieWeb theme, and what are the differences between the three, what plugins do I still need to install with an IndieWeb theme?
[jgmac1106]What is the microformats plugin? What happens to my WordPress theme when I install it? How can I check if it works? Why do I keep getting errors on indiewebify.me after I installed the plugin?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "microformats plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microformats plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106]We need some more sportsball fans in #indieweb WordPress I need a game post-kind as an h-event. Both for doing write ups of games and I am building an #indieweb site for my town little league
[jgmac1106]and back to chicken kind, that would actually work really well in my town. One of the first signs of spring is when we all gather at the feed store for chick day, and currently the best way to get help with chickens is to go to our town knowledge center, the dump (transfer station) on Saturdays
Loqi[John James Jacoby] Description
Images for categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms
WP Term Images allows users to assign images to any visible category, tag, or taxonomy term using the media library, providing a customized look for their taxonomies.
[jgmac1106]@chisaldrich @gwg not saying make it but I just came into multipost situation (after saying ten minutes ago I could never think of one) I am quoting a research piece somebody put on twitter. I wish it was also a reply so it would thread with the tweet. Going to do a quote post-kind and then a reply kind with a link to my quote as work around.
jgmac1106[gwg] Any idea what I did here to push my aside below the body? thinking of just using css to make the aside a smaller width. Al I did was lest justify content