#wordpress 2018-06-15

2018-06-15 UTC
Current status: Giving some attention to adding microformats 2 support to #GenesisWP child themes via a plugin so I can let you fine folks handle design while I more fully implement #indieweb principles on http://customerservant.com and thereby @cswordpress.
[grantcodes] and [davidmead] joined the channel
then pfefferle++
pfefferle has 26 karma in this channel (58 overall)
[davidmead]: Trying to cover everyone.
How is it working for you?
jackjamieson joined the channel
Hello, jackjamieson
Hi GWG, Sorry I actually logged in by mistake (left IRC open when I closed my laptop). I've got to run, but thanks for your advice re: phpunit etc. and the post kinds plugin. I'd like to talk another time if there's anything I can help with
I'll message you next time I'm online - I should be around tomorrow. Thanks!
[chrisaldrich], chimo, pia, j12t_, jeremych_ and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Ummmm, something has happened to my post kinds plugin, it is not showing any of the information https://collect.readwriterespond.com/the-story-of-my-domain/
[chrisaldrich] did it send you a webmention even though it is not showing all the info?
Odd... no updates recently
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
still getting the micropub endpoint error. Going to download my content, delete my blog and reinstall
And I haven't updated anything since my last post GWG
[jgmac1106]: Which endpoint error?
[mrkrndvs]: Strange.
Going to try some other post kinds
I'm still getting an endpoint error too
going to try indiereads [gregorlove] put in som other tests. @mrkndvs did any of upur plug ins or themes auto update last night?
Is there an error message there?
I'll have to check. Not that I'm aware of [jgmac1106] but that would be the logical reason
My error message for endpoint is "Authentication Fail: Null"
[mrkrndvs]: That string does not appear in the IndieAuth plugin.
I get the same 401 endpoint, let me delete and restore my blog and see if that fixes anything
[jgmac1106]: We did fix a bug where passing the access token outside of the header wasn't working properly. Quill does both if you want to check. Not sure if gregorlove's code does.
I got the 401 yesterday, but can't reproduce it today
[mrkrndvs]: Does that mean it is working today?
Nope, got the null today 🤷‍♂️
[mrkrndvs]: I wonder if some other plugin is conflicting.
Do you have anything that does authentication installed?
yeah that is my thinking, can you check to see if plugins autoupdated?
What I don't get with the post kinds is that the information is still showing for the other posts, just not today's 🤔
sketchess joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I'll ask you as well, do you have any other plugin that does auth? If there's a conflict, that might explain this
no, but I think it is a bigger issue with my file structure, even when I delte my entire instance and then install a clone my diles end up all over the place rather than my chosen directory, going to work on that first
[mrkrndvs]: I found your bug.
[dshanske] #178 Response Isn't Showing if Content or Excerpt is Blank
I'll do some Post Kinds bugfixes after work and see if I can release a fix.
I need to push the auto-setting of read kind for gRegorLove's project anyway
Oh ok. I'll just go easy on the 'likes'. No rush. I was just wondering. Thank you 👍
[mrkrndvs] my likes will always be blank if I don't add a sentence or two
[mrkrndvs]: I just quickly tested it, but I can work on it later.
[jgmac1106]: That's a bug.
Not a feature
off ha ha, [chrisldrich] and I talked about it, he said he stopped doing plain likes because it is digital vapor and doesn't leave a post as well
I'm home early today. They always give us off after the Milestone Luncheon
[jgmac1106]: I always have brief explanation on my likes, which is why I probably didn't notice until [mrkrndvs] just mentioned it. But having it isn't required, so it shouldn't be mandated.
feel free to walk by the river or head to park
[mrkndvs] if you add a sentence to you like until then it will worl
[jgmac1106]: I'm nowhere near a river.
If you add a space to the excerpt, that works too
[jgmac1106]: Would a lake do?
or your gardens, just don't want to think you need to pend a few summer hours off fixing a plugin, unless of course that is where you want to find your joy today
[jgmac1106]: It's quite possible that I want to celebrate 15 years of service to my employer by working on something. But I thought I might take a nap.
!tell schmarty Kapowski needs a Slack bot
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106]: I missed my Friday evening nap last week seeing aaronpk.
Don't regret that. But would enjoy one.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: What other WordPress Indieweb things are you up to?
[jgmac1106]: Did you ever refresh TwentySixteen-Indieweb with support for the WP Term Image plugin?
[xavierroy] joined the channel
Been having script injection issues in my site for the past few days... Wondering how to fix it
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@gwg I just posted my itched on my wiki page
but today I am on a hunt for themes that will work out of the box when you install all the plugins, thinking we have three levels of themes 100% indieweb developed and 100% indieweb compatible, and then everything else
...but I think I may have discovered what caused all the problems with my website. I had at one point put my comprehensive exams (I think built using iWeb) on the domain: http://jgregorymcverry.com/Welcome.html
that was for my pHD ten years ago there is an underscore in the file structure
added bonus I found my original background image to my myspace site (the chess board)
Did you ever refresh TwentySixteen-Indieweb with support for the WP Term Image plugin?.....no I forgot 2016-indieweb takes manual updates. We should make a twitter account or use indiewebcamp to announce important theme and plugin updates
I am hoping this old iWeb instance I had bits and pieces laying around in my root file is what has caused all my issues.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /WordPress/Onboarding (-30) "/* Recommended Changes */"
(view diff)
[pfefferle] I wrote the interview protocol for theme developer user stories here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Onboarding#Recommended_Changes Would love feedback from you @gwg and [miklb] feel free to chime in
oops not there, ignore the anchor
[grantcodes] and [miklb] joined the channel
good morning
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
morning fine sir
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what the user story for theme developers solves, but as long as they are all optional questions to answer, I don’t see any problems with it
tantek__ joined the channel
just documenting history and if there were decisions made in the past being able to pint new theme developers towards some documentation on to what decisions were made about different things can help
we can say, "see the change logs" or look at GitHub commits but that just points to the how and not the why
Always optional and i allow any participant first right of denial over any segment of a video before i publish it
[cjwillcock] is doing an awesome job really capturing some thoughts around themes. Maybe [miklb] I thought instead another approach would be to try a a bunch of themes that can work with the plugins with the most minimal friction possible
also [miklb] would want to get your thoughts about planning for better testing and stuff I have seen you bring up. Planning for larger communities and how a community layer can help or hinder, etcc
"your" being a collective of indieweb theme developers
[miklb] joined the channel
commit messages **should** explain the why as well. If it were my call, community plugins would have checks for commit message just like we check for linting errors.
[schmarty] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
+1 to well written commit messages
well after completely rebuilding my website from the ground up I can not get my wesbite to work with micrupub endpoints due to the header authorization. Officially giving up. My only thinking since I can get mincropub working on a subdomain with a 100% same set up it may have something to do with my WordPress install being on the root access of jgregory/public_html and not in a directory folder, pure conjencture as I am out ifead. #T
Omnibear still doesn’t work for me. Quill does. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that’s using WP Indieauth to authenticate with the clients.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] But you haven't leveraged the true power of the indieweb. If your current host is doing something hinky with the headers and it's not working. You should be able to walk across the street to a competitor who does allow them and voila! Problem solved.
[manton] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
[miklb] any idea what omnibear's doing wrong? Any errors in logs?
it’s a php error on the WP side of micropub
Omnibear logs “error authenticating to micropub endpoint”
Any further info in the log UI?
[chrisaldrich] for the level of customer support reclaim hosting provides I would rather not micropub, than move somewhere else or use my own servers. they have been working hard to solve the issue with me. and I have used Known, so I do know how it works when things just work. Everyone has been so helpful [zegnat] [miklb] [gwg] [aaronpk] its just an itch I have scratched till I bled need to heal for a bit
(you can click the entry to expand if there is more info)
I’m juggling a few chainsaws at the moment, and circle back to indieauth/micropub every few days. Nothing pressing, but if anything I can do to help debug.
I noticed that + to option to click, but nothing happens in FF Nightly at least.
[jgmac1106] and that's completely reasonable too.
Hm. That means it's got the info
I'll check into that
the micropub content logs on the WP side, it just doesn’t create the post, rather throws an error in the micropub client. I need to double check if that is in an issue
I could just go back to WordPress for long from articles and building pretty looking websites and run anything #indieweb through Known again, at least then things will work.That will be when I ultimately throw in the towel. I like the one site approach. Been a ton of fun..... but ...WordPress
now going to play with themes and see how many I can find that will work with the other plugins out of box, fun scavenger hunt
[miklb] #133 Bug: Posting from Omnibear with IndieAuth fails.
[gwg] does WP favor titles when searching, to tags beat titles? is there a way to only serach chronological: https://jgregorymcverry.com/?s=theme
I’m not sure WP uses tags in search by default.
[miklb] okay thanks, still I need to go back and tag all my notes since they are all uncategorized
sebsel joined the channel
@gwg This happens to me a lot when I add the post kind plugin. You see no choices for post kinds until you go and change the defaults, then they will appear on a new post page
so I have tried two different themes (Fluida, Hueman) that say they have microformats but they are not mf2, when I add mf2 plugin metadata works and the source code gets the thumbs up from indiewebify.me, when I add webmentions I do not seem to send or receive. I can't get webmention.rocks to work either. Not sure if it is a pattern or an interest.
a lot of WordPress have bad mf1 due to poor legacy use. It is a fundamental hurdle in IW WP theme development. It was the first thing I noted about IW WP over a year ago, before I made the switch.
i installed semantic linkbacks at the same time as well,
a lot of WP themes^
constantly complaining about it will not help. We continue to work on ways to influence the broader WP community, but it has been a slow progress. GWG recently got _s to fix a long standing problem, but that only helps new themes built with it, not the 1000s that were using mf1 incorrectly.
Thanks just trying to find the break points, and you probably already know this..then find out what happens when all you do is try to remove it...but it sounds like from what you folks say the poor legacy use can come from anywhere
IMVHO a better use of someone’s time would be to an advocate for mf2 in WordPress.
Need someone with way more juice than me
or a lot of someone's
a route of encouraging child themes with just removal of legacy and update to mf2 would't work you don't think?
it’s why I’m hoping to get mf2 into that new WP Rig theme from LinkedIn
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Some of the poor legacy use is hard coded into WordPress core while other parts are just theme developers who don't know how to properly use or next microformats. Then there's also the issue of themers targeting semantic classes for CSS and JS which can cause things to break when using hooks/filters to inject mf2 programmatically, which is what the microformats plugin is trying to do.
yeah [miklb] I think that looks really cool.
I have my first PR about to be accepted for wprig (non mf2 related) to get a feel for where they want to go with the project.
I was testing out that theme with latest Gutenberg and I’m really impressed.
maybe somebody could mention it to any senior cloud develop advocates he may know at Microsoft since it is a LinkedIn project, maybe there could be some support for the effort
never in a million years would I have thought I would be excited about Customizer/Gutenberg, but here we are.
well off to get kids, then its baseball time, enjoy all. Thanks for the help
jackjamieson joined the channel
Hi GWG, sorry I couldn't stick around yesterday
You mentioned on GitHub about scheduling a chat. That'd be great if you have any advice for how I can best contribute to post kinds (and others)
The question is... what do you want to do? We can go from there?
I can think of a lot of things I want to do, but you should focus on things you want to contribute
Well, I guess first off I'll look into phpcs and phpunit as you suggested. First off I was just confused about why the PR failed the Travis test, but that's mainly my inexperience
jackjamieson: I am self taught on that
Basically, phpcs checks coding standards
We comply with the WordPress coding standards.
PHPUnit does unit tests
I don't have enough of those
They just test that functionality works the way it is supposed to
If you install composer, it will install the dependencies
I don't have experience doing unit tests, but that's probably a good thing for me to learn at any rate
So maybe I can take that as a good starting point, and try to use that as a small project to learn how to better comply with the standards etc.
jackjamieson: I'm horrible at them.
I have to force myself to do them.
Ask snarfed, who managed the Micropub plugin
jackjamieson: But, basically, my question is what functionality or issue bothers you the most?
That is what you should work on
I'm happy to help you help the plugin
I guess the main thing I was frustrated with in the past was detecting post kinds through micro-pub. Actually I had stopped using micropub for awhile because of that. It seems like that's improved a lot, but that's why I leapt onto the read kind detection.
indiebookclub motivated me to give it another try
jackjamieson: I am going to release that code, and do a few more fixes.
So it may the case that my main peeve is resolved (it was a small one)!
jackjamieson: Time to find new peeves?
And in the mean time I think your tips re: standards are useful so I can do a better job of addressing itches as they arise
Probably a good idea to get my own projects up to standard as well :)
For me, it was pfefferle pushing coding standards and snarfed pushing unit tests
Makes sense to improve interoperability
This is my first time wanting to contribute to such a modular sort of ecosystem
jackjamieson has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
jackjamieson: I tried to make it easy for people to add.
it's well organized. I'm not a very strong coder and I can navigate it pretty easily
modular as in multiple plugins necessary to achieve a singular goal or…?
[tantek] joined the channel
[miklb]: That's more or less what I mean, but beyond just being necessary that it's useful to extend upon plugins
e.g. I've added support for post kinds to a plugin I made
right on
I guess WordPress is like that in general, but even beyond that indieweb involves a lot of parts working together
[miklb]: How do you feel about it?
I feel like the best solution would be a master plugin. I’m not suggesting the community is there yet, and have appreciated the perspective of those who have put the work into them thus far.
but if everyone agreed tomorrow to combine webmentions, semantic linkbacks, syndication links (the new version with syndicate-to) and micropub into 1 plugin, I would do what ever I could to help make that happen.
I personally would include post-kinds but I understand that’s a bigger deviation from the core IndieWeb experience.
miklb, how is it a bigger deviation?
I am not saying that it is or isn't
I prefaced it by saying I’d include it, but could see the argument that it isn’t required for current expected IW experience. I’d argue the other ones definitely are.
Syndication Links could go either way.
I suggested merging IndieAuth and Micropub
not really. You need that for backfeed from bridgy, and I think that’s part of the attraction.
I think there are a lot of controversies in that area
which area?
[manton] joined the channel
What to merge/combine
agreed. I said the community isn’t there yet.
But I have merging Bridgy into Syndication Links on my list.
miklb, I keep pushing that back for other things
sure. The IndieAuth stuff is fantastic. Just watch out for burnout.
miklb, trying to get some more enhancements before IWS
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I am finding few people are using Bridgy as their main syndication tool. I have been doing it exclusively for awhile but most dont
[jgmac1106]: Agreed. For a long time I was using SNAP, and in that case it makes sense to have syndication links available as a separate plugin
Do you understand what I will be doing?
even without bridgy, syndication links are used in some mf2 parsers aren’t they?
GWG: Maybe I don't understand
so even if you don’t use bridgy, you would still benefit from having syndication links, regardless of the method of syndicating.
My plan is to build a platform inside Syndication Links for POSSE
thus a good candidate for inclusion into a primary IW plugin
So, Bridgy and Indienews will be two providers on that platform
And anyone should be able to write any plugin to work with it
It is basically taking the Bridgy checkboxes and Micropub syndication targets and making that a feature
you could then create your own syndicate-to targets. I’m even wondering if that could be done in the admin UI.
That sounds pretty cool
click a button to create new target, and a form with required/optional fields for a new target.
assuming you have an external URL to trigger the action. You’d need a plugin for more complex actions.
is thinking out loud
miklb, first I need to finish the abstraction layer
I did this in Simple Location, where Weather providers, map providers and geo location providers are all present and can be written for any platform
I need to write a function to auto-posse likes & replies from micropub. I’ve been talking about that for months.
miklb, I might build some functionality in that area into this idea
as soon as I get Omnibear or Indigenious working with my setup, it will be the top itch to scratch
I still am unsure the issue as both work for me.
It's hard to track down
I forget to mention again, I am in mulitsite
but the fact it works with Quill throws a wrench
miklb, must be a reason. But if we can figure out the issue, I want to fix it
I’ll keep digging as time allows
I intend to do some Post Kinds bugfix
Then back to Syndication Links most likely
I think I’m going to submit an issue/PR for removing the CSS on `.hentry` in wprig as a trial ballon to discuss mf2
tantek__, [kevinmarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
!tell [mrkrndvs] I noticed your likes having problems displaying the other day and commented on the reason for it on micro.blog as well as my own site: https://boffosocko.com/2018/06/11/dislikes/#comment-54243 Ultimately the webmention wasn't sent because there was no link on your site for mine to see when mine checked for the URL.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[c] @mrkrndvs I considered doing that, but when searching the archive it makes it harder to separate the likes from the dislikes. Incidentally I noticed that your like feed has content, but appears to be empty: collect.readwriterespond.com/kind/like… I...
hey GWG, how ready do you think various WordPress plugins are for a major multi-author blog like say, https://hacks.mozilla.org/ ?
hypothetically speaking :)
jackjamieson left the channel
I have not looked much..
our various IndieWeb WordPress plugins that is
in particular I'm curious about how aware the IndieWeb WordPress are of a multi-author WordPress blogs. Will things "just work" or is there configuration needed, or will multiple authors confuse the plugins?
They all should
thanks GWG, that helps
[grantcodes] joined the channel
tantek I think that miklb has a multi-site install and has played around with most of the plugin suite without any/many issues. He may have more direct insight as a result.
[miklb] joined the channel
yes, I’ve not had any issues in multisite. But he’s asking about multi-author
[cjwillcock] joined the channel
hello indieweb
wordpress 🙂
I am tinkering with a bit of code that will investigate a WP theme, to highlight things that need fixing - ie: using microformats in CSS
*any WP theme
and when I say highlight, I mean report on
to do some analysis of things like - does this thing use mf2? does it use mf1?
it's not being setup to consume the HTML, but rather to static analyze the theme files
so yea, that's my weekend project
sounds awesome
i know WP core sets the 'hentry' stuff, any other big problems with WP core re: use of microformats, or things that make mf2 uptake more difficult?
my goal is to be able to report with recommendations, change this css, look in this file on this line for hAtom thingers, etc. etc.
once it can do just about anything useful, I'll post source
I would have to see