[miklb]I’m not sure I understand a scenario where WordPress would be syndicating a note for you not when you publish or send as a micropub syndictate-to which has it’s own timestamp I assume.
[miklb]that is deep in the weeds for me. I don’t really have an opinion. I’m always for more data but not to the extent that it slows down development or progress.
[miklb]I guess I thought you wanted the new Syndicate plugin to have no bridgy functionality at all, just a place to hook into the post editor and post_create. Then bridgy syndication would be a new separate plugin with no registration.
[chrisaldrich][jgmac1106] did you ever fill the other half of your room? I can kill my reservation before I fly this afternoon if you want to split and have the company (or anyone else who my want company, for that matter.)
[chrisaldrich]Im game if it's not trouble for you. We could do some after hours hotel track edu sessions. Are you doing the University place like others were?
[jgmac1106]No, I am at hotel DeLuxe, I will call in a few minutes and let you know if they will let me move. I may have to leaver /leades and go check out