2018-06-24 UTC
[eddie], [nate658], [cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 09:16 [jgmac1106] but in a way that is the DIY ethos for WordPress. You aren't building some one off CMS, not at your skill level, Instead you spend a lot iof time diagnosing and trying to figure out why things don't work the way they should. Every WordPress user has to deal it. Something always breaking is a core feature of the experience
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 12:40 jgmac1106 @wiobyrne Reading Chrois’s post I forgot to try the export to Markdown option that might come out cleaner for a read post. Will try
# 12:50 GWG jgmac1106: Umm...that's not for another 12 hours
# 12:50 jgmac1106 ohhh, my bad. I thought you did one of those cross country trains
# 12:51 GWG I'm only taking a train down from Seattle.
# 12:53 GWG I am just sitting here doing some WordPress work
# 13:20 jgmac1106 I have an online class starting Monday, last minute prep on that. Probably a ton on the flight
[wiobyrne], tantek__, [snarfed], [anika], sebsel, chrisaldrich and [eddie] joined the channel
# 17:45 [eddie] Hmmm both my Wordpress instance and an Indigenous for iOS user’s instance keeps showing IndieAuth server did not return the same state parameter
# 17:45 [eddie] I think from looking at the Wordpress code it has something to do with cookies
# 17:45 GWG There is a cookie that stores the state.
# 17:47 [eddie] I think it has to do with when you are logged out. Then you log in in order to authenticate the IndieAuth
# 17:47 [eddie] I think it works fine if you are already logged in
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 17:53 GWG How else can I retain the state? IP address check?
# 17:55 aaronpk need to figure out how to persist the cookie even when they're logged out
# 17:57 Loqi [EdwardHinkle] #70 Error: IndieAuth Server did not return the same state parameter
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 17:58 GWG It's a separate cookie, not the Wordp one.
# 18:01 [eddie] Hmm strange. There’s definitely something wrong with the authentication. I’ve recorded a video showing the behavior and it’s odd
# 18:02 [eddie] If you click authorize it returns me logged out. But if I click on the “back to Wordpress” link it takes me to the Wordpress instance and I’m still logged in
# 18:04 aaronpk [eddie]: can you write up the steps so GWG can try to reproduce it?
# 18:11 GWG But the cookie is only used for websignin
# 18:12 aaronpk the client sends the state parameter with the first request
# 18:12 GWG I do, the state when it is the client
# 18:12 aaronpk it needs to store it when it's acting as a server too
# 18:13 aaronpk in order for it to return the state back to the client
# 18:13 aaronpk whatever the client sends as the state it needs to store
# 18:13 GWG It passes it around, but never actually stores it
# 18:14 aaronpk because when you're logged out, the plugin loses the continuous flow that it has normally
# 18:14 [eddie] I realized I don’t think it’s necessarily about being logged out
# 18:14 [eddie] It just looks like I’m logged out because it returns me to the “login screen”
# 18:15 [eddie] [eddie] mentioned a file: Video of Wordpress indie auth issue.MP4.
# 18:15 [eddie] Hmm doesn’t seem to share right to irc. I’ll add my steps to the GitHub issue
# 18:16 aaronpk why does wordpress say the indieauth server didn't return the state parameter
# 18:17 GWG The only place that string appears is in the web signin class
[dougbeal] joined the channel
[anika] and [nate658] joined the channel
# 19:11 aaronpk what's weird is that I can log in to aperture just fine using my wordpress install
# 19:11 aaronpk I tried when I was logged out of wordpress first too
# 19:13 GWG I think it may be stripping something
[wiobyrne], [grantcodes] and [eddie] joined the channel
# 20:31 [eddie] I’m wondering if it is related to iOS’s SFAuthenticationSession? It only allows cookies of the domain approved, so if there is a mismatch between www. And root, maybe that is going wrong?
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 21:06 GWG Is everyone with a problem on iOS?
# 21:08 [eddie] As I only run an iOS app, I haven’t heard of anyone having an issue that isn’t on iOS
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 21:11 [eddie] I guess, if we understand more about the cookies that are being set, I can try and compare the values to how Apple handles the cookies in the SFAuthenticationSession and we can see if I can discover a mismatch in that way
# 21:12 [eddie] So if you can point me to where that cookie would be set
gRegor-mobile joined the channel
# 21:17 GWG That code is only used for clients not for endpoints
# 21:18 GWG It shouldn't be triggered by Indigenous
# 21:25 [eddie] When I got to authorize in iOS it literally shows me the IndieAuth auth screen and when I press authorize it shows me the login/error screen
# 21:26 GWG I think it's stripping the WordPress cookie so it is reverting breaking the redirection
# 21:27 [eddie] Ahhh okay. Where would I look at the cookie to investigate what might be wrong between iOS and the cookie
# 21:35 [eddie] Well the authentication is fine, because if I click on a link within the same window to go to the dashboard, I’m already logged in
# 21:35 [eddie] So I think it’s an issue with an IndieAuth Wordpress cookie
# 21:37 aaronpk [eddie]: what character set does your state parameter use
# 21:39 aaronpk the plugin doesn't store the state in a cookie, it just passes it around between pages, so i'm wondering if it's a URL/html escaping issue
# 21:40 GWG There is no Indieauth WordPress cookie for this function
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 21:52 GWG I am not sure how that code is triggering. The state error should occur if you are not logged in and the code parameter is still being passed.
# 22:00 [eddie] Oddly Apple says it’s gonna use cookies from abode.pub
# 22:00 [eddie] I wonder if it’s not able to get the subdomakn cookies?
# 22:00 [eddie] Because now Indigenous isn’t having me be logged in
# 22:01 [eddie] That’s a good question. I’ll google and see if there is anything I can do differently with SFAuthenticationSession
# 22:05 [eddie] Wait, SFAuthenticationSession was depreciated in iOS 12! What?!?
# 22:05 [eddie] Well maybe the solution is finding out Apple’s new approach to OAuth and using that
# 22:08 [eddie] Yeah. Looks like it’s ASAuthenticationSession now. Lol! But only in iOS 12, so I can make that change until September
# 22:09 [eddie] Well looks like there is a little more for me to investigate. I’ll update the ticket after some more investigation on my side, GWG. Thanks for the brainstorming help GWG and aaronpk 🙂 I feel like I understand a bit more what *might* be going on
mblaney_ and [tantek] joined the channel