2018-06-23 UTC
[eddie], tantek__, tantek, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106] and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
# 15:44 GWG Okay, another release of Post Kinds with three new fixes.
[eddie] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 16:26 aaronpk I remember seeing that happen elsewhere a while ago
# 16:28 sknebel mf2 plugin in a theme that html-escapes the author name
# 16:29 sknebel use a theme that supports mf2, turn of the plugin
# 16:29 sknebel (or turn off the author-markup-hook, I think there's switches for individual parts of it?)
# 16:30 sknebel (and use rel=author or manually added h-card to get the authorship in the posts)
# 16:31 aaronpk seeing this kind of thing happening so often in wordpress really makes me question whether microformats really is the best way to make this work
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 16:33 [jgmac1106] Yes IndieWeb WordPress is a bespoke solution based on so many different variables. Each instance needs a slightly different approach and that does not include any plugins that may end up styling something it shouldn't
# 16:34 aaronpk I know microformats was meant to solve the "side-file" problem, but in this case a side-file would work a lot better
# 16:34 [jgmac1106] [aaronpk] I may go back to Known for my IndieWeb and WordPress just as a portfolio for long form writing
# 16:35 [jgmac1106] [miklb] has some really cool ideas about building new mf2 framework
# 16:38 sknebel I mean, for author information one could use hidden markup
# 16:39 sknebel and since this happens quite a bit that might be an interesting tweak for the microformats plugin
# 16:39 sknebel although I think GWG was considering getting rid of it entirely
# 16:42 [jgmac1106] Yes currently the hcard as a widget is built in the IndieWeb plugin and if using IndieWeb theme you do not install mf2 plugin
# 16:43 [jgmac1106] Even with widget it seems 50/50 whether a user decides to put in a header
gRegor-mobile joined the channel
# 19:55 GWG It's really hard to find a solution for everything
# 20:07 GWG It's more lots of plugins and themes
[nate658], [eddie], mblaney-web and [grantcodes] joined the channel