#wordpress 2018-06-22

2018-06-22 UTC
tantek, tantek__, [miklb], ben_thatmustbeme, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], [wiobyrne], [cjwillcock] and [jgarber] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] moved to WordPress. Did you just try dropping in a link to the annotation? Some themes it may just unfurl
My current plan is to spend about 45 minutes playing with Hypothesis and my breadcrumbs site to unpack Chris's response. After that it's newsletter and emails. I don't want to just have a page full of Hypothesis annotations on my site. No one will read it...and more importantly...I won't use hypothesis. 🙂
But, if I'm actively using the tool to annotate, and immediately fold those into my bookmark posts...I'll do it...and add some context to my bookmarks. But, annotating, sharing, grabbing that share URL and pasting into the bookmark post seems a bit tedious.
yeah the issue with hypothesis is they don’t use the same kind of metadata, it basicallytuened into hypothesis been for teaching
I keep it for pdfs, what I need to do is figure out the fragmentions [chrisaldrich] uses
the rss feed or just linking to a tag If you want to read my annottations, “click here” is all I I could do
...exactly. That's the secret science for me. But, first, I need to think about what he did and make it make sense in my own head...and then figure out how to do it...
annotate then export to html and done
So you could annotate a page, plug the URL, grab the HTML, copy/paste...and then I could go back in and add my commentary to the bookmark post?
no, once you export to markdown or html that would be static
ohh but if you mean go in and add stuff yeah, easily
yiou just have an html fikle
Yeah, if I take that HTML, copy/paste into the post...I can then go back into the copy/pasted annotations and clean out what I don't want, and add commentary.
even cooler for class, is you can use your API key. I have always struggled with giving feedback on annotations. I can now export a user, a group and do exactly what you are going to do
Right now, in my bookmark posts, I'm copy/pasting anyway. There's tons of times that Hypothesis gets in the way. I could just use Hypothesis, tag it, and bring all of that over to the bookmark post.
and write a post about it, so I don’t have to. Need to finish my class and grading before leaving to the summit
Yeah, I'm on it. This has me really excited.
For my Digital Teaching and Learning 2 I am going to take [chrialrich] idea of a new post-kind and make a backstage post, like the #YouShow idea, and then for each module have them do a reflective this is how I did it post
…now though you are in the realm of is it a “read” (past-tense stupid English) post versus a “bookmark” post.
What's the difference?
I post everything as a Bookmark on Breadcrumbs for now. Looking to expand/correct.
like everything philosophy and markup but in the end you do what ever you want with your workflow: https://indieweb.org/read
[deeden] joined the channel
Got it...so when I inject any sort of commentary...it's a Read. But, if I save, copy/paste some Hypothesis/quotes...it can be a Bookmark...for me.
so I believe [chrisaldrich]’s post was a read…yes
And I'll have a read on top of a read. Are we approaching the singularity? Or is it the sound of "one hand clapping"?
no because bookmark does have slightly different but similar markup: https://indieweb.org/bookmark
but I am excited about Herling guest speaking, the singluarity basically coming out of email spell check was a great spin
I ended up setting up a different bookmark site just by itself: https://bookmarks.jgregorymcverry.com/
My decision to make by July is whether I am going to use Known (your breadcrumbs) and WordPress longform or one WordPress for all [chrisaldrich]. I think it may boil down to what do I think will be harder, teaching students to use an FTP client or answering questions about IndieWeb WordPress. [miklb] though has some awesome ideas and we are gonna bang away on some WordPress thinking in #pdx for sure. Let me know if yout
there any session times (PDT) you are available., Maybe you can join us
It is probably API driven so it may not work as the metadata is different but we can also ask jon udell where the source code is for the html export and see if we can add the mf2 to there. I think that is the tool we have been looking for
In terms of first time blogging sticking to wordpress.com, for the get your toes wet experience
what judell built is just a javascript app, even if it uses the hyptohesis api injecting mf2 should still be doable
[eddie] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Morning all
[gwg] anywhere we can follow your train location?
I have not built trip posts like aaronpk, though it is something that I would like.
I have been doing some check-ins
Anything specific? Or just when do I arrive in Portland?
I know when you get it in, just tell us, where are you now?
[jgarber] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] I just downloaded the html file and I think I can add the h-entry and then do a find a replace for other mf2 such as h-cite. Offline this would be really easy me thinks and I bet we can find help on how to build something to do it online.
I'm trying to copy/paste the html into Wordpress as we speak, and I'm giving up. It'll look messy...but it'll be there.
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
i just had that thought, WP is going to strip all of this
It it was plain HTML it would work
[miklb] joined the channel
paste as plain text
and of course Ian remive all the css and javascript
delete everything until: <div class="annotationCard" style="display: block; margin-left: 0px;"> and then make that your <section class="response u-read-of h-cite">
tantek__ joined the channel
I think you did awesome!
https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/bf5fab6768375620204c45f894fa090b is the html for one annotation we could see where the mf2 needs to go, would have to get examples of annotations with replies, with images and with videos,
As I said in the video...and this post. I think it's a breakthrough (at least for me). The process could be a bit simpler, and make the post look a bit cleaner. But...I'm excited.
yeah and you can make it look anyway you want on the custom css page? Did you take the included css and move it to custom css or just delete it?
I ignored the HTML download and copy/pasted specific annotations from Chris and copy/pasted that in.
A quick reply post turned into a two hour project. 🙂
its gonna be a two week or two month project me thinks, lot of potential there
and i am using your video as a “backstage” post example so thanks for that as well
Kris hasn't updated this plugin in a bit but it could be a good starting point: https://github.com/kshaffer/hypothesis_aggregator though looking at the output it only dsplays basic streams so you wouldn't be able to add commentary as easily
[kshaffer] hypothesis_aggregator: A WordPress plugin for aggregating data via the hypothes.is API.
Yeah, I saw that. I like the ability to pull a page, limit as you see fit, and get an output of those annotations. ...with the ability to go in and add annotations/context.
[peach] joined the channel
Hypothesis is rolling along. It was only a couple of years ago I asked Jeremy for the ability to pull out and share individual annotations out like tweets. But, the ability to share like that, mixed in with IFTTT or some better connection to indieweb would be awesome.
tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] [jgmac1106] Catching up on your work this morning. I'd written a post a while back about how I differentiate between bookmarks, reads, likes, etc. which may or may not help you in how you decide to differentiate: https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/10/thoughts-on-linkblogs-bookmarks-reads-likes-favorites-follows-and-related-links/
I often think about it as a hierarchy of how I value/interact with a piece of content.
tantek, dougbeal|mb1, [tantek], [eddie], [cleverdevil], tantek__, hi and [miklb] joined the channel