#wordpress 2018-07-01
2018-07-01 UTC
jackjamieson GWG: Still wrapping my head around things. I've been looking at the webmention plugin and it is clearer to understand than the micropub plugin I was referencing before
jackjamieson Leaning about the WordPress REST API now
jackjamieson *learning
jackjamieson The REST API is definitely clearer to understand
jackjamieson I've created an endpoint and can identify query parameters and respond accordingly, but I'm still having trouble handling authorization with IndieAuth
jackjamieson That's what I've been trying, but get_current_user_id() returns 0 -- I'm trying to figure that out now
jackjamieson When I try to log in with monocle, I see the indieauth screen and can click through to authenticate, but then I get an error screen from Monocle...
jackjamieson 401
jackjamieson "code":"indieauth.user_not_found","message":"User Not Found on this Site","data":{"status":"401","response":"http:\/\/jackjamieson.net\/YarnsTesting\/"
jackjamieson I was thinking I'd try to chip away at this a bit more, and then post a longer excerpt of the code to GitHub to see if you (or anyone) can spot what I'm missing
jackjamieson Awesome! I'm all ears
jackjamieson Not yet, I'll try clearing cookies and logging into monocle again
jackjamieson Hmmm. I can, however, authenticate to Quill using the micropub plugin and this site
jackjamieson I'm testing this out on a temporary site, so I'll also give it a try on my main site since it's set up less haphazardly
jackjamieson Weird, on my main server I get a 403 forbidden
jackjamieson Oh wait, it's still trying to connect to aperture, I'll have to fix that
[jgarber] joined the channel
jackjamieson Removed all references to aperture on my site but Monocle still tries to use it. Probably not the main fix anyway so I'll go back to my testing site
jackjamieson How's that coming>?
jackjamieson That's good! I'm looking forward to trying it. What's left to refine?
[schmarty] joined the channel
jackjamieson Cool, well I'm looking forward to installing it once it's ready
jackjamieson Ah, that makes sense
tantek joined the channel
jackjamieson Looking at /vouch now to see how it works
jackjamieson Looks interesting, I haven't looked at vouch much before. The wiki page makes sense to me, but I'd probably have to see it in action to follow it properly
jackjamieson Anyway, I've got to get going for now. Thanks for the suggestions with indieauth β I think I'm on the right track but still getting that 401. Since Micropub is working correctly it's probably something on my end.
jackjamieson I've got a bit of time tomorrow so I'll see if I can make any more progress. And if I can't crack it I'll upload to github and see if you can spot anything I'm missing
jackjamieson It is typically that specific sites *always* get a 401?
tantek joined the channel
jackjamieson Anyway, I've got to run. I'll let you know how it's going tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help. I think I've got a fairly clear idea of how to proceed once this auth stuff is resolved, so hopefully I can make steady progress from there
jackjamieson Ah, then my issue is probably different, since micropub has no issues. That's good news since I just have to find what I'm doing wrong
jackjamieson Cheers!
[miklb], [jgarber] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I am bout 50/50 on micropub authorization. Getting bettet

[dougbeal] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Weird was I can do all of Indigenous, no OmniBear, half of quill

[jgmac1106] Indigenous highest priority so I am cool

[dougbeal] Is there a way to create a Kind template, specifically I would like to autofill some stuff if an Issue is selected

[dougbeal] I mean, if I select Issue Kind, could strings be inserted into the post editor?

dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
[dougbeal] Need markup for github issue syndication: https://brid.gy/about#github-issue-comment

[dougbeal] Maybe a bookmarklet?

[dougbeal] Ah

Loqi granary is a library and REST API that frees you from social network snowflake API and exposes the sweet social data foodstuff inside as HTML and JSON with microformats2, ActivityStreams, JSON Feed, Atom, XML, and more https://indieweb.org/granary

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie] and [Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] Little ironies: thought I might use Indiebookclub, but although it logs into my site and a token shows in WordPress, posts don't get there. Yet, I successfully managed to post using Quill for the first time, which has never worked before. I'm sure there is some logic somewhere...
xenial64-user2 joined the channel
xenial64-user2 any web expert here
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [Vanessa] make sure to join the WordPress Webring https://www.wordpressindiewebring.jgregorymcverry.com

[jgmac1106] Congrats on creating chat name and wiki page

[Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] [jgmac1106] Ok, I'll try to figure that out later - heading out into the sunshine now. Not entirely sure what it is or what it's for, so I'll read up this afternoon. See if I can finish my Indieweb week on a roll!
[jgmac1106] [Vanessa] it is nothing. A practice from the 90s and 00s. It is everything. A collection of all the IndieWeb WordPress blogs out there. Right now n=3. Enjoy π

[jgmac1106] I just dusted off an old plug in. You join that WordPress site, I add you to ring, you add table linking you to every other site.

[Vanessa] [jgmac1106] I do vaguely remember the terminology. π
[manton], davidmead, [jgmac1106] and [Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] I add table? [jgmac1106]
davidmead joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Yeah I put in a widget. Can go anywhere on homepage

davidmead, [barryf] and [jgarber] joined the channel
[Vanessa] But what does it have to contain?
[jgmac1106] Just copy everything and style way you want. Off to beach but can help at our common time tomorrow

[jgmac1106] Oops wrong post

[gerwitz], [eddie], [chrisaldrich], mblaney_ and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[dougbeal] [Vanessa] does the book shown up in your indiebookclub.biz profile ?

[Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] [dougbeal] Yes, it does, just can't seem to get it to my site.
[dougbeal] Maybe [gregorlove] can peek into the logs and see if there are any errors.

[manton] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
[dougbeal] [Vanessa] Gregor in this channel according to Slack, would you mind asking in #indieweb

[schmarty], [grantcodes], [cleverdevil], [kim_landwehr], davidmead, [eddie], [miklb] and tantek__ joined the channel