#wordpress 2018-07-04
2018-07-04 UTC
[jgarber], [snarfed] and dougbeal|imac joined the channel
dolugbeal|imac Anyone tried running wp-spamassasin? Not thrilled with Akismet's ToS
dolugbeal|imac Do I have to install JetPack to get markdown?
[tantek] joined the channel
gRegorLove what is akismet?

Loqi Akismet is an anti-spam webservice from Automattic that has various levels of service both free and paid https://indieweb.org/Akismet

gRegorLove dougbeal, want to document your ToS criticism on /Akismet#Criticism?

gRegorLove I should re-visit my usage of it

[eddie] and [miklb] joined the channel
[dougbeal] joined the channel
[dougbeal] [gregorlove] I can't find the bit where they defined personal use, but the gist was proscribing all business activities, and my reaction was a strong Nope

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Evening all from the GW bridge. Yeah [chrisaldrich] dead simple blog roll plugin, will play and take a look to see how hard it would be to turn each link into an hcard for each link

[jgmac1106] Great post [miklb] glad I am not the only one who thought u-photo went everywhere

[jgmac1106] I will use markdown when I get a flavor that allows for inline styling. Just hate feeling constrained

[jgmac1106] [miklb] excited about what you are doing, think it's future, though going to recommend the subdomain or page builder approach in mean time for folks who want to hang on to their theme

[jgmac1106] Did ping Christina Warren (cloud developer advocate at Microsoft and ally) that they should put mf2 into the framework tool or develop hosting on Azure tutorial

[jgmac1106] Congrats. Looking forward to seeing the first premium IndieWeb theme option. Folks deserve to get paid

[jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[miklb] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[davidmead] morning all. do we need a specific plugin to create a media endpoint on a self-hosted WP blog? aaronpk said that’s needed for photos to be used with teacup, but I thought that came with the indieweb package

Loqi micropub media endpoint is a Micropub endpoint that exclusively handles file uploads and returns a URL that can be used in a subsequent Micropub request https://indieweb.org/Media_endpoint

[davidmead] thanks for clearing that up

jgmac1106, [snarfed], [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], [manton], [Vanessa] and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[dougbeal] Gutenberg doesn’t seem ready for prime time. Also seemed to break post preview.

[mrkrndvs] Miklb is this the WP-Markdown Editor that you use https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-markdown/

[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
tantek__ and billbennettnz joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
[miklb] [mrkrndvs] oh wow, it’s no longer supported https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-markdown-editor/

[miklb] maybe just fork and update then https://github.com/hoducha/wp-markdown-editor

[dougbeal] joined the channel