[chrisaldrich][jeffperry] Not sure if you found your answer, but I know many people in your situation have used https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-category-excluder/ to prevent their "microblog" category from being included in certain areas of their site. You could then take the rss or json feed for that particular category and pipe it into micro.blog.
Loqi[Marios Alexandrou] Description
Ultimate Category Excluder, abbreviated as UCE, is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, feeds, and searches. Just select which categories you want to be excluded, and...
[jgmac1106]!tell [chrisaldrich] good post on threading. Whilw I don't like syndicating with bridgy it is oddly the best at keeping the twitter thread going. I just reply to each tweet with a new post and they usually thread. Since switching to SNAP the threads break on when publishing through other micropub clients
[jgmac1106]The solution begins with the problem. 60 day runway for conference is rough but, I have connections and many folks in the NYC non-profit sector helping.
Loqi[Tamás Kiss] Description
You missed the Blogroll. But now the sad times are over! Eazy Enable Blorgroll helps you unleash the full control of your links to partners / affiliates / friends and other interesting stuff on the interwebs.
Upload ea...
[eddie]!tell GWG aaronpk It looks like the Wordpress IndieAuth issues with Indigenous were coming from the app callback scheme (indigenous://) and now that I have changed to a regular URL on my server that redirects to the app callback scheme, all the issues have gone away.
LoqiGWG: [eddie] left you a message 2 hours, 57 minutes ago: aaronpk It looks like the Wordpress IndieAuth issues with Indigenous were coming from the app callback scheme (indigenous://) and now that I have changed to a regular URL on my server that redirects to the app callback scheme, all the issues have gone away.
[chrisaldrich][jgmac1106] I think that blog roll plugin you found is just one line of code that reenables the link manager functionality that's already in wp core. I've seen something that rebuilds it, but don't recall right now on mobile.
dougbealIf I'm making a repost of an image, and want the image hosted on my site, how would I go about it? I tried uploading it and setting it as featured image, but the image doesn't get syndicated