[miklb]before I look at writing one, has anyone done any work that takes a note with a markdown link and removes it and add it to the end as an excerpt so that keeps syndicated to Twitter via bridgy?
jgmac1106_@sknebel we fidn that often happens when people put a sidebar on their posts in wordpress, it can lead to two h-cards, additional u-url, or u-photo and often ignroes the featured image photo if they include it, best advice now is no sidebar on post pages
jgmac1106_Think this is what I will recommend my students tnew o blogging do for class, if they have an existing wordpress theme, gonna recommend a subdomain rather than play, “Get my theme to work”
sknebelwould be interesting to collect where these are coming from. part of it might be mf2 plugin, since that has no context available for where strings are used? (heavily guessing right now)
bradenslenThis is probably not the right chat for this question but here goes: if you include your email address on your h-card what keeps spam bots from harvesting that address?
LoviI have a question about post kinds. I want to post a bunch of art, should I post each individual pic or, but it looks like I can post multiple pics and have them commented as a whole. I am confused because displaying art as a stream makes it difficult to introduce it. If I post multiple on one page, you could only indieweb comment on the whole thing.
jgmac1106__I have wanted a visual theme forever, when you and I discovered idea of adding a page builder on home page and using a stream for indieweb stuff is my way forward
jgmac1106__but been thinking about how to do gallery displays and image driven UI since you and I started hacking away on your site, finally had time to breath and play
jgmac1106__enjoy, got to surf the actual ocean and not the web for a few days, but happy to keep developing page builder options, the elementor page builder works so well with taxonomies and archives
[eddie] joined the channel; jgmac1106___ left the channel
jgmac1106__I forget how do I fix a bridgy syndication to Twitter that shows my gravatar image when no featured image available, seems to be theme specific
[jgmac1106]ohh [chrisaldrich] giving a talk at the monthly Rhode Island WordPress meet up (in its 9th year) on IndieWeb. Good idea about doing reach out to WordCamps and Meetups
Loqip-name is a microformats2 property class name that specifies a plain text name of an object, whether an h-card, h-event, h-entry, etc https://indieweb.org/p-name
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[Lovi]@jgmac1106, I got rid of the multiple posts, going to either do standalone peices or "Articles" for now. It seems that the implementation for "Collection" is out there, but I have alot of learning curve before I can implement what I see elsewhere is what I am assuming. I am quite interested in the page builder and displaying what they can do with IndieWeb. I will be studying the microformats when I can to learn from both ends, any help you