#wordpress 2018-07-10
2018-07-10 UTC
[jgarber] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @gwg I tried to fool around with the archive view to recreate but above my skill level. @lovi the page builder I shared plays so well with archives and post kinda

[jgmac1106] @lovi I also then set it by category so only articles display

[jgmac1106] @gwg just utilize featured image. It's how WP users are trained. If you dress a featured image in their MF2 Sundays the user will do the rest.

[jgmac1106] Tags or categories

[jgmac1106] Look at my homepage as it is set now. I have that by kind + category

GWG But imagine /tag/example/photo
[jgmac1106] So do I but if you try some time you just might find you get what you need

[jgmac1106] It is a page builder on top of your theme

[jgmac1106] Just for the home page but was trying to think of a way for a visual splash page without mucking up IndieWeb

[jgmac1106] Page builders only way for 100% width. Seems all IndieWeb themes around 900-1100px max. . I like to utilize all my white space to make nothing even a more valuable commodity

[jgmac1106] Basically back to [miklb] idea of a PWA WordPress solution....which brings me back to if you want a PWA, then WTF you using WordPress for?

[jgmac1106] Which brings me back to because that is where the users are. Which makes me ask and what do users want? The

[miklb] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Your plan is awful

[jgmac1106] Fish around tide charts

deltab_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
dougbeal|imac Has anyone submitted a post to indieweb.xyz from wordpress? I'm wondering if its the emoji.
[jgmac1106] I have

[jgmac1106] If you go there you will see jgmac1106blogroll fooled around with idea what if my blog roll worked liked old school social bookmarks

dougbeal|imac Looks like an emoji problem
[Lovi] joined the channel
[Lovi] Ok so, yes, lots of philosophy happening. What do we want, anyways? I really like this discussion about how to organize and permalink on this (guru meditation). On the wiki for colleciton it suggests that you don't add to one. Maybe sometimes for some collections, and you would announce an addition. For others, I think a simple way to display category + tag or something could work, and you could have a first page with description, then y
Adrian, tantek__, [eddie], [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek__ WordPress folks, thoughts? https://ruk.ca/content/controlling-how-webmentions-are-rendered

jgmac1106_ [lovi] if you look at [chrisaldrich]’s collection https://boffosocko.com/research/indieweb/ it is really just a page of links . Though it does have an hentry in the article class and people could subcribe to indieweb/feed so it is pretty neat

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ https://ruk.ca/content/controlling-how-webmentions-are-rendered#comment-24310 wonder what theme he went from and to

jgmac1106_ On SemPress now

jgmac1106_ [gwg] we need to document how we have to do photo post kind . Am I correct in sugegsting you upload to media library, grab the url, and put that in the response property box? adding the photo to the body or as a featured image doesn’t do anything correct?

jgmac1106_ Can I get away with just doing a featured image and a url in response properties

jgmac1106_ ….thinking I might be a few versions back on the theme

jgmac1106_ this worked though featured image and the url in the response properties box

Loqi How we do User Personas at the McVerry’s http://jgregorymcverry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IMG_20180705_211347-1200x900.jpg

jgmac1106_ I like the look of that so I don’t get the double photo of featured image and image

jgmac1106_ okay I am only two commits behind not too bad

jgmac1106_ working on this: http://jgregorymcverry.com/photos/ need to go and import a ton of photos from google photo

jgmac1106_ [gwg] does the simple location plugin add a location endpoint in my header?

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[cjwillcock] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] just fooling around is my onlye use case right now

[jgmac1106] @gwg just got a warning when publishign from quill, it has a location option

[eddie], [wiobyrne] and [stefp] joined the channel
[stefp] The built-in endpoint of the IndieAuth plugin has stopped working here for some reason. I’ve had to install an older version and use indieauth.com again.
[stefp] If I try and login to Quill, for example, it finds the everything it needs but the Authorize button leads to a 403 Forbidden error.
[stefp] on other services too
[stefp] if I switch back to indieauth.com it works
jgmac1106_ I can do some but not all of quill, I can use note but not editor or bookmark

[stefp] It’s a web server error. I’ve been in touch with my host and they haven’t made any changes.
jgmac1106_ yeah it throws a 401 for me, help [stefp]

[stefp] It’s strange because it did work perfectly before.
[stefp] https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FBMS1SP27/screenshot_2018-07-10_15.35.26.png?pub_secret=48715476b9&name=Screenshot 2018-07-10 15.35.26.png
aaronpk huh, apparently this happens outside of the indieauth plugin as well http://danblee.com/wordpress-litespeed-403-forbidden-at-login-prompt/

[stefp] I’ve had a look at the error log and there’s nothing related to this.
[stefp] Everything else is fine. It’s just this plugin that’s giving the error.
[stefp] I have Sucuri Security installed.
[stefp] I turned it off but it made no difference
[stefp] Thanks. I’m happy to use the other method in the meantime.
[kevinmarks] and tantek__ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @gwg [aaronpk] it worked fine, I just didn't have the plugin set up,

[kim_landwehr], [eddie], [chrisaldrich] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] hmmm tried to posse my first github issue reply and failed, will try again after conference

[kevinmarks], [kim_landwehr], jackjamieson, [kiai], [tantek], [eddie] and tantek__ joined the channel