#wordpress 2018-07-11
2018-07-11 UTC
[eddie], [chrisaldrich] and [jgarber] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ SNAP is heavy and slow, going to try and folllow snarfed’s instructions and add LinkedIn to Bridgy

jgmac1106_ but will say SNAP or JetPack which uses wp.me are the two most popular syndication tools in the community. Very few people use Bridgy Publish….atleast that hang here…plenty in wild I am sure

jgmac1106_ Manilla is calling

jgmac1106_ I wasn’t gonna touch the plugin. Adding LinkedIn to Bridgy is first step. For me my audience is on Twitter but the people who write the checks are on LinkedIn. Need to reach both

jgmac1106_ here you on time, teaching a crazy intensive online course, running a conference, and have to take the kids on a working road trip next week, its to a baseball game in DC so I don;t know how much work I will do

jgmac1106_ can’t convince the wife to stay in DC till Thursday so I could hit HWC-Balitmore, gonna come home Wed

[jon] joined the channel
tantek, [kevinmarks], matpacker, [pfefferle] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ Morning David

jgmac1106_ taking the day off, need to spend some time writing our book this morning

jgmac1106_ I am happy(ish) with my site right now, need to sort GitHub POSSE build a few pages with the views I want but it is almost where it needs to be

jgmac1106_ If I have time gonna work on Birdgy to LinkedIn, well off to go write

[mrkrndvs], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson Quite good, actually!
jackjamieson BTW I saw your post from yesterday that the indieauth unauthorized error is coming from micropub
jackjamieson Any leads on a solution? Since I'm using the Micropub's auth code I have the same issue
jackjamieson Ah, that's exactly the issue I was having then. I thought I was missing something - didn't realize it was the same issue
jackjamieson Huh, I see
jackjamieson I'd found that get_current_user_id() in the auth section was always returning zero
jackjamieson same issue?
jackjamieson there's a stackoverflow thread about a similar issue: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/163407/get-current-user-id-returns-0
jackjamieson Which function file?
jackjamieson Oh, I see. in the indieauth plugin
jackjamieson That's great!
jackjamieson I'll copy over the micropub changes to Yarns
jackjamieson Let me know if I can help with testing etc.
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] Morning IndieWeb

jackjamieson Good morning [wiobyrne]!
jgmac1106_ gwg do you know why I am getting this error all of the sudden? Bridgy Error: Publish is not enabled for your account. Try signing up!

jgmac1106_ I click on the sign up link and it just brings me to my homepage

jgmac1106_ this is so weird, now in the bridgy settings it is saying I have not conencted the account and then when I go to try and connect it I get this werd message for a different domain: Upstream server request failed: (, DeadlineExceededError('Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL: https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/',))

jgmac1106_ its because I saisd A: I was reaching a happy place and thought stasis would be possible, and B:) i sang the Bridgy praise. I think I somehow broke it this morning when trying to connect https://bookmarks.jgregorymcverry.com to Bridgy for some unknown reason, saw a box not acitvated and couldnt have that

jgmac1106_ just had to find my user page on bridgy and reactivate Twitter, no idea how id picked up the rando subdomain

[eddie], [schmarty], jackjamieson, [wiobyrne], [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], chrisaldrich, sketchess, [dougbeal], tantek__ and [jgarber] joined the channel