#wordpress 2018-07-12

2018-07-12 UTC
[tantek], tantek__ and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
Hurm, OwnYourGram isn't uploading images successfully... it creates the post, but no picture
Is there a post attached to the picture and it isn't displaying?
I took a test picture and didn't add any text - https://dougbeal.com/2018/07/11/1728/
Can you tell if its a wp or oyg problem?
Can you do me a favor? There's a plugin that shows you what is in Post Meta. Called Post Meta inspector. Can you tell me when is in your Post Meta fields?
GWG: Sure, I added it to the end of the gist
So, it is a display issue.
But, it is showing an instagram URL. It should be a local URL. Micropub is supposed to sideload
I'm working on that code this week
So, I may resolve your issue in a few days
Hurm, let me look at an old one that worked
It does come in as an article as well
[miklb] joined the channel
if you are seeing the instagram URL that’s the form-encoded setting in OYG, yes?
sorry, that’s the json request that uses the IG url.
I think if you use multi-part upload, it will attach the image.
It is set to JSON
I believe I handle that in my photo kinds template, although it’s buggy at the moment.
[miklb]: Soon that won't be an issue.
Media endpoint coming
just pointing out the current situation.
if you switch to multipart upload, it will offload the image to your WP site now. Mine are actually served from my S3 bucket since I offload that to cdn.miklb.com
Ah, it works with multiple photos
I am going to hunt [mik;b] down for a big hug once we get media endpoints
I do have some code in my photo template that will display the instagram URL if anyone wants to look at it.
I don’t Instagram really never put my photos out there but trying to get better, everything is on Google now
yeah, it was in a pull request at one point too but I don’t remember the discussion as to why you chose to not include it GWG
[miklb] #93 basic kind-photo template w/support for multi-photos
jgmac1106_: the bulk of my photos are on google as well... I was thinking of writing a Firebase app so google photos could be the canonical storage...
[tantek] joined the channel
Neither do I
something in that template is currently broken which I need to fix regardless.
Does Post Kinds process the micropub post as well?
I like how my photos page turned out, but I did cheat and use a page builder: http://jgregorymcverry.com/photos/
may start titling my photos since I may gravitate more to flickr than to instagram
[dougbeal] I believe it just reads from the mp properties
Is there a repo with all the indieweb plugins as submodules?
[ryan339] joined the channel
no. I discussed doing that as either submodules or a composer script. [pfefferle] warned against conflicts in classes
but that might just be in an installer, not a git repo of submodules as individual plugins
yeah, this would be a tracking/development convince (and maybe testing?)
though it would be tricky to checkout all the submodules into the plugins directory and also have other plugins
Looks like you could .gitignore everything and then exclude the specific plugins
going to try it out
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
what is the canonical post kinds repo? is it https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds.git?
It looks like we don't have a page for "canonical post kinds repo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "canonical post kinds repo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
dougbeal: Yes.
No one else is maintaining it
[jgarber] joined the channel
They are all repos in the Indieweb community, yes
I meant, are they the ones the plugins are built from, and end up in the wordpress directory?
I guess wp-uf2 and pubsubhubbub are reconmended as well
Don't do wp-uf2
Please don't
hurm, for this to be useful, it need to create forks for everything in your github account
lol my kind template is so broken it breaks the admin for the photo kind
[tantek], gRegorLove, [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Should we remove uf2 from the recommended plugins until we have a proper solution?
[pfefferle]: GWG left you a message on 2018-06-13 at 11:36am UTC: Tonight I'll try fiddling with the Semantic Linkbacks strings
mynamejedddddddd, [mrkrndvs], [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jgmac1106, if you are still having the 401 error, can you try the 3.0
.3 release of Indieauth
[pfefferle] joined the channel
🕸.ws still does not work 😣
IndieAuth would auto update wouldn't it?
I would just be on the current build unless it hasn't been released. I can update from GitHub, need to update your theme first a few commits behind
just found a new band [pfefferle] due to ring.
@gwg let me know if I need to manually update plugin for testing, swamped today, but I can carve out an hour or so
pfefferle, I haven't tried the webring yet
jgmac1106, I think pfefferle just released it, but it tries to improve matching token to user
Since the token endpoint is integrated, it doesn't need to use the URL parameter unless necessary.
dougbeal|mb1, [jgarber] and dougbeal joined the channel; dougbeal left the channel
I'm 90% that the webring login failures are due to comparing a non url encoded string vs the url encoded version
why would that be unique to 🕸💍? the plugin generates its own authorization code so it has control over it
aaronpk: I think its in the 🕸💍 app where its happening
what string is it messing up on?
the only the the app should be comparing is the state parameter, and the hostname of the user's URL
the state parameter
oh, I see it's using a base64 encoded value...
so there's a %3D at the end
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@gwg still got micropub authorization error in omnibear
quill note worked
Quill editor throws: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Quill bookmark works
Quill favorite works, so that is improvement for me,
you are doing some weird POSSE-ing though: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1017421416487059456
@skenbel been bouncing back and forth between SNAP and Bridgy
I think I need to turn off SNAP and just rely on Bridgy for Twitter
that was a favorite through quill, I wonder if I favortied a tweet if would have been different
@gwg sorry I can't help but facing tight writing deadlines on multiple projects, but things are looking up, congrats to everyone who worked on it
[dougbeal] how do I check my 🕸 emoji again?
[jgmac1106]: maybe logging in? but its broken right now
[jgmac1106]: it should be in your next/prev url as well
I think I deleted my original and then went to go login but couldn't, I am probably carrying around somebody elses
ohh yeah couldn't micrpub from Kapowski, but that could be the app
my default post kind is note, I wonder if I switched it to Article if Quill editor would work
[kevinmarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] If you think of it, perhaps you might add a h-card (via widget or otherwise) to your breadcrumbs site. Otherwise your webmentions come across authorless and icon-less?
[jgmac1106]: if you disable the indieauth plugin and delegate to indieauth.com (which should happen?), you should be able to log in
Should using the built in comment box generate a webmention on a syndicated issue?
Is there anyway to get just a comment on a page? Bridy wants to use the post body again
@skenbel here is how a bookmark syndicated to Twitter from Bridgy looks: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1017430027082911745
Skip to content INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION Menu About Me Posts Web Annotations Image Credits Quick Thoughts Blog P+T Binder Publications Consulting A Personal Cyberinfrastructure (http://er.educause.edu) © 2009 Gardner Campbell. The… http://jgregorymcverry.com/4295-2/
I added no words or context
yeah, no name or content properties, so it tries to guess a name
thats what I have been discovering as I compare syndication seems twitter needs a p-name or content
yes, it needs something to put on twitter of course. bridgy docs describe very well how it picks content
[pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG can you please review my merge request on indieauth?
Known always handled this well by parsing the page title: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1017431841236807681
wraps entire thing in <div class="e-content entry-content"> so that why it works but the UI parses the title and uses that as link to bookmark, maybe somethign to thinkabout with Bridgy @gwg
okay back to writing
[eddie] joined the channel
maybe more for the theme just need to change the bookmark postkind template?
[manton], tantek, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], gRegorLove, sketchess and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
Thanks for pointing that out [chrisaldrich] I thought I had it set up...but perhaps it wasn't working. I appreciate you identifying things that might be improperly connected.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Quick question, I'm using the Independent Publisher theme, which includes my avatar as the "header image." In adding the h-card widget, it is now adding two of the same images to the website. My question is...can I reduce the avatar size for the h-card widget down to zero, or close to zero so I have the same functionality...but don't have two of the same avatars on the site?
A: You can delete the widget and manually add the hcard to your widget, B: we could also go into your theme and make the header image an hcard...not really sure why it isn't, C: in Custom CSS avatar avatar-125 photo u-photo hcard-photo u-photo u-photo' height='125' width='125' make it 0, 0.. or maybe use dispaly:none D : You could go into plugin editor and remove the picture...I think those shoudl all work
i meant manually add to header or footer
Best option is Option E. Bug @gwg to add a dialogue asking for image to be displayed in hcard widget, there is also a ul for location that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't style out...so I added my location
I might set the avatar size to zero. Is there a tool I can use to check to see if the h-card widget is working when I set it to zero?
view: source-code or indiewebify.me, mine won't go to zero using the avatar field
<a class="h-card" href="https://wiobyrne">W. Ian Obyrne</a> anywhere on your main page, footer, or header is all you need
Could be <p class="h-card">W. Ian Obyrne</p> really
your first profile, one native to theme, is connected to your gravatar, must be a jetpack feature
you could go into the theme and add "h-card" to <div class="grav-grav">so it becomes <div class="grav-grav h-card"> I just stopped using Jetpack for so many reasons I want to control my profile page not a third party
Cool. Thanks, I'll keep playing with it.
not having better control over my header image part of the reason I didn't stick with Independent Publisher, don't mind the profile image but it makes a logical place for an hcard
Still say Option E is best
back to reading student blogs
I do like how you display multiple annotations, getting further at that
jackjamieson joined the channel
GWG: The indieauth update works perfectly for me! Thank you!
[jgarber] and gRegorLove joined the channel
!tell jgmac1106 You should be able to log into https://🕸💍.ws now
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I lost 😈 I want it back
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: dougbeal left you a message 1 hour, 19 minutes ago: You should be able to log into https://🕸💍.ws now
tantek__ joined the channel