#wordpress 2018-07-12
2018-07-12 UTC
[tantek], tantek__ and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
dougbeal I took a test picture and didn't add any text - https://dougbeal.com/2018/07/11/1728/

[miklb] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ I am going to hunt [mik;b] down for a big hug once we get media endpoints

jgmac1106_ I don’t Instagram really never put my photos out there but trying to get better, everything is on Google now

[tantek] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ I like how my photos page turned out, but I did cheat and use a page builder: http://jgregorymcverry.com/photos/

jgmac1106_ may start titling my photos since I may gravitate more to flickr than to instagram

[ryan339] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
dougbeal what is the canonical post kinds repo? is it https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds.git?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "canonical post kinds repo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "canonical post kinds repo is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[jgarber] joined the channel
dougbeal Do these all look like the right repos? https://gist.github.com/dougbeal/831de0d3eea410de07ab662f3dd2def3

[tantek], gRegorLove, [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Should we remove uf2 from the recommended plugins until we have a proper solution?

mynamejedddddddd, [mrkrndvs], [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] 🕸.ws still does not work 😣

[jgmac1106] IndieAuth would auto update wouldn't it?

[jgmac1106] I would just be on the current build unless it hasn't been released. I can update from GitHub, need to update your theme first a few commits behind

[jgmac1106] just found a new band [pfefferle] due to ring.

[jgmac1106] @gwg let me know if I need to manually update plugin for testing, swamped today, but I can carve out an hour or so

dougbeal|mb1, [jgarber] and dougbeal joined the channel; dougbeal left the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @gwg still got micropub authorization error in omnibear

[jgmac1106] quill note worked

[jgmac1106] Quill editor throws: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

[jgmac1106] Quill bookmark works

[jgmac1106] Quill favorite works, so that is improvement for me,

sknebel you are doing some weird POSSE-ing though: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1017421416487059456
[jgmac1106] @skenbel been bouncing back and forth between SNAP and Bridgy

[jgmac1106] I think I need to turn off SNAP and just rely on Bridgy for Twitter

[jgmac1106] that was a favorite through quill, I wonder if I favortied a tweet if would have been different

[jgmac1106] @gwg sorry I can't help but facing tight writing deadlines on multiple projects, but things are looking up, congrats to everyone who worked on it

[jgmac1106] [dougbeal] how do I check my 🕸 emoji again?

[jgmac1106] I think I deleted my original and then went to go login but couldn't, I am probably carrying around somebody elses

[jgmac1106] ohh yeah couldn't micrpub from Kapowski, but that could be the app

[jgmac1106] my default post kind is note, I wonder if I switched it to Article if Quill editor would work

[kevinmarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [wiobyrne] If you think of it, perhaps you might add a h-card (via widget or otherwise) to your breadcrumbs site. Otherwise your webmentions come across authorless and icon-less?

[jgmac1106] @skenbel here is how a bookmark syndicated to Twitter from Bridgy looks: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1017430027082911745

@jgmac1106 Skip to content INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION Menu About Me Posts Web Annotations Image Credits Quick Thoughts Blog P+T Binder Publications Consulting A Personal Cyberinfrastructure (http://er.educause.edu) © 2009 Gardner Campbell. The… http://jgregorymcverry.com/4295-2/ (twitter.com/_/status/1017430027082911745)
[jgmac1106] I added no words or context

[jgmac1106] thats what I have been discovering as I compare syndication seems twitter needs a p-name or content

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG can you please review my merge request on indieauth?

[jgmac1106] Known always handled this well by parsing the page title: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1017431841236807681

@jgmac1106 Digital Storytelling: the Course | bavatuesdays: https://bavatuesdays.com/digital-storytelling-the-course (twitter.com/_/status/1017431841236807681)
[jgmac1106] wraps entire thing in <div class="e-content entry-content"> so that why it works but the UI parses the title and uses that as link to bookmark, maybe somethign to thinkabout with Bridgy @gwg

[jgmac1106] okay back to writing

[eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] maybe more for the theme just need to change the bookmark postkind template?

[manton], tantek, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], gRegorLove, sketchess and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] Thanks for pointing that out [chrisaldrich] I thought I had it set up...but perhaps it wasn't working. I appreciate you identifying things that might be improperly connected.

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] Quick question, I'm using the Independent Publisher theme, which includes my avatar as the "header image." In adding the h-card widget, it is now adding two of the same images to the website. My question is...can I reduce the avatar size for the h-card widget down to zero, or close to zero so I have the same functionality...but don't have two of the same avatars on the site?

[jgmac1106] A: You can delete the widget and manually add the hcard to your widget, B: we could also go into your theme and make the header image an hcard...not really sure why it isn't, C: in Custom CSS avatar avatar-125 photo u-photo hcard-photo u-photo u-photo' height='125' width='125' make it 0, 0.. or maybe use dispaly:none D : You could go into plugin editor and remove the picture...I think those shoudl all work

[jgmac1106] i meant manually add to header or footer

[jgmac1106] Best option is Option E. Bug @gwg to add a dialogue asking for image to be displayed in hcard widget, there is also a ul for location that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't style out...so I added my location

[wiobyrne] I might set the avatar size to zero. Is there a tool I can use to check to see if the h-card widget is working when I set it to zero?

[jgmac1106] view: source-code or indiewebify.me, mine won't go to zero using the avatar field

[jgmac1106] <a class="h-card" href="https://wiobyrne">W. Ian Obyrne</a> anywhere on your main page, footer, or header is all you need

[jgmac1106] Could be <p class="h-card">W. Ian Obyrne</p> really

[jgmac1106] your first profile, one native to theme, is connected to your gravatar, must be a jetpack feature

[jgmac1106] you could go into the theme and add "h-card" to <div class="grav-grav">so it becomes <div class="grav-grav h-card"> I just stopped using Jetpack for so many reasons I want to control my profile page not a third party

[wiobyrne] Cool. Thanks, I'll keep playing with it.

[jgmac1106] not having better control over my header image part of the reason I didn't stick with Independent Publisher, don't mind the profile image but it makes a logical place for an hcard

[jgmac1106] Still say Option E is best

[jgmac1106] back to reading student blogs

[jgmac1106] I do like how you display multiple annotations, getting further at that

jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson GWG: The indieauth update works perfectly for me! Thank you!
[jgarber] and gRegorLove joined the channel
dougbeal !tell jgmac1106 You should be able to log into https://🕸💍.ws now

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I lost 😈 I want it back

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Loqi [jgmac1106]: dougbeal left you a message 1 hour, 19 minutes ago: You should be able to log into https://🕸💍.ws now

tantek__ joined the channel