2018-07-13 UTC
[kevinmarks], [eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 02:12 GWG dougbeal: Quick Edit Kind support is a bit more complicated
# 02:14 GWG dougbeal: It's been asked before. I started some preliminaries in the last version
matpacker joined the channel
# 03:22 dougbeal GWG: Is there any process for adding another type to Bridgy Publish (Issues)
# 03:22 GWG Bridgy Publish will receive no new features
# 03:26 GWG What exactly are you looking to do?
# 03:27 dougbeal Be able to POSSE a github issue without having to go to bridgy
matpacker joined the channel
# 03:33 dougbeal Is there a more general mechanism that will supersceed bridgy publish?
# 03:44 GWG Bridgy Publish the plugin will then be deprecated, but the functionality will be available elsewhere
matpacker joined the channel
# 03:55 Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "easiest way to inspect $pages" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "easiest way to inspect $pages is ____", a sentence describing the term)
matpacker and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 05:00 dougbeal WARNING: wp-includes/post-template.php:284 - count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
# 05:00 dougbeal WP_Comments_List_Table->display, WP_List_Table->display_rows_or_placeholder, WP_List_Table->display_rows, WP_Comments_List_Table->single_row, WP_List_Table->single_row_columns, WP_Comments_List_Table->column_response, get_the_title, apply_filters('the_title'), WP_Hook->apply_filters, Kind_Taxonomy::the_title, get_the_excerpt, apply_filters('get_the_excerpt'), WP_Hook->apply_filters, wp_trim_excerpt, get_the_content
# 05:02 dougbeal Well, at least define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false ); got it out of the UI
tantek__, matpacker and [colinwalker] joined the channel
# 06:51 [colinwalker] [dougbeal] Do you have JetPack installed and which version of PHP are you running? Looks like it could be a compatibility issue with PHP 7.2
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 07:50 [pfefferle] 😊 the WordPress HTML widget does not support the emoji links of the IndieWebRing 😄
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# 09:24 [xavierroy] mine doesn't... hovering on <- and -> displays emojis in firefox, not on chrome
# 09:27 [jgmac1106] ohh okay then myine doesn't I did not no an emoji was supposed to display on hover
matpacker joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 11:28 GWG [pfefferle]: I think the minor enhancements to IndieAuth lately are really helping the minor undiscovered bugs.
# 11:29 [jgmac1106] it is just the a text widget and I dropped in the html in the text editor, works fine...I didn't know the next emoji was to appear on hoverstate, though sounds to me like that would be missing Custom CSS
sketchess joined the channel
[stefp] joined the channel
# 12:50 [stefp] I’ve no idea what changed but the built-in endpoint for the IndieAuth plugin still wont work for me.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 12:52 [pfefferle] [stefp] can you give us some more insight? your URL, what apps/services you tested, …
# 12:55 [stefp] I’ve tested it with Quill, OwnYourSwarm, Monocle/Aperture etc from stephenpieper.net
# 12:56 [stefp] 2.1.1 still works with indieauth.com
matpacker and [eddie] joined the channel
# 13:21 [eddie] If it works with IndieAuth.com but not any other site, it seems to be an issue with the Token Endpoint, [pfefferle]
# 13:22 [eddie] IndieAuth just authenticates but doesn’t authorize (i think I got those right)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 13:27 Loqi Skip to content
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# 13:29 dougbeal xavierroy jgmac1106: emoji links are browser dependent. Only Safari actualy shows them.
# 13:30 [stefp] [eddie] it’s the authorisation part that’s failing
# 13:31 [stefp] [jgmac1106] I can’t log in to Quill at all
matpacker and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek__, matpacker, [jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 17:22 [pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] to be honest... no I haven’t 😌 thanks for the link, that helps a lot!
[chrisaldrich], [eddie], [dougbeal] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:26 dougbeal Quill works better now that warnings are diverted to debug.log
# 19:27 aaronpk file an issue for those, I try to make sure that never happens
# 20:08 Loqi [dougbeal] #192 class kind plugins warning when trim applied to array
# 20:08 aaronpk looks like it's not handling the JSON payload properly
# 20:11 dougbeal > Is there a php reference implemention that does it right?
# 20:11 Loqi [aaronpk] p3k-micropub: Utilities to help handle Micropub requests when building servers and clients
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 20:12 aaronpk dougbeal: that library basically takes a PHP $_POST or JSON input and normalizes it into a consistent format
# 20:26 GWG I am working on a massive Micropub update
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:32 dougbeal sknebel: I have a Quill post that is getting a warning because post-kinds is trim'ing and array. Its a json payload, should post-kinds be aware of that?
# 20:33 dougbeal GWG: should this be filed against micropub instead of post-kinds?
dougbeal|mb1, [eddie], [dougbeal], gRegorLove, [kevinmarks], [manton] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 22:16 [jgmac1106] @gwg was thinking back to your conversation with [dougbeal] about the post-kind plugin and noone else owning it, maybe we could go through the 55 open issues and see if any of them should be labeled "Good First Bug" or "Needs WordPress Hero"
[snarfed] joined the channel