#wordpress 2018-07-15
2018-07-15 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme, dougbeal|mb1, tantek__, [jgmac1106] and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] Thnx [jgmac1106] and @sknebel 🙂

[wiobyrne] jgmac1106++

[wiobyrne] sknebel++

[wiobyrne] So how/where do I add those materials? 🙂

[jgmac1106] [wiobyrne] just copy and paste the code in gist to the same paragraph on your home page

[jgmac1106] you don't have to do paragraph form we can build it anyway you want, working on my grant application so here for next hours or so

[wiobyrne] I think I added it correctly - https://breadcrumbs.wiobyrne.com/start-here/

[jgmac1106] I might move around a bit of your </a> closing tags

[jgmac1106] you have entire paragraphs tht look like single links but they are many different links

[jgmac1106] I also thought /start-here is a redirect to your home page. I think you still need an hcard on https://breadcrumbs.wiobyrne.com

[jgmac1106] add an html block to your sidebar widget, and put the hcard in <link> to not have it display

[jgmac1106] Hey David, good morning

[jgmac1106] more meta, than itch scratching, been trying to find a NYC venue for IWC, working on a federal IES grant

[jgmac1106] [wiobyrne] I would ask @gwg but you could add an h-card for [chrisaldrich] like <a class="h-card u-url p-name" href="https://boffosocko.com/">Chris Aldrich</a> but don't embed that inside your h-card. You would need to end the </div> before...I think. Can just link to Chris and not even worry about it

[jgmac1106] My next itch will be getting Bridgy to LinkedIn working so you can fold it into whatever your plans are for the plugin

[jgmac1106] but my class starts 7/30 and I am having everyone #indieweb wordpress, so need to finish /getting-started-with-WordPress-for-Beginners and a ton of video tutorials

[jgmac1106] so that will take precedent.

[jgmac1106] just make a widget of [chrisaldrich] menu, though I joined dark side and use a page builder for my archive views

[jgmac1106] help [wiobyrne] and add two options to the hcard widget, remove location, remove image.

[jgmac1106] yeah be neat, could see a few toggle options image, location, and social media links

[jgmac1106] no, I try to shy away fro feature requests on GitHub but I can add it if it's your workflow

[jgmac1106] cool idea

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [wiobyrne] you may just want to set a static homepage and make start here your index

drkokandy, [eddie], [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] media endpoints++

snarfed GWG: ok! also hopefully the rendering changes move us closer to https://github.com/snarfed/wordpress-micropub/issues/85 , or are at least in line with that plan
snarfed but first things first. auth PR still needs a fix for https://github.com/snarfed/wordpress-micropub/pull/135#pullrequestreview-137251804 , return $user_id vs $user
[jgmac1106] You two keep it up and eventually everyone will just be using different micropub clients without even knowing we are on WordPress

[snarfed] joined the channel
sketchess joined the channel
matpacker and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Indigenous is awesome!

sketchess and [Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] I'd like to get round to trying Indigenous, but it goes back to: I need to learn what the heck microsub is and how I can use it - if I can. Not likely to be trying to install it or anything. And then there is the whole WordPress hates micropub thing...
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [Vanessa] microsub as well as Indigenous, Aperture, Together, et al. are all still in active development. To use them you'll need some additional solid underpinnings which are still evolving within the WordPress arena.

[chrisaldrich] As a result, playing with them may not be an easy or straightforward task. Aperture's website has some reasonable instructions for getting started, but you'll like need to tinker with some code and do some troubleshooting to get things moving. If you're looking for a one-click solution for it all, we're not quite there yet.

[Vanessa] [chrisaldrich] Thanks, that's what I thought. I just don't have the time available, even if I had the skills.
[Vanessa] That's what I thought, re micropub. I can never get it to work on WordPress. Sometimes Quill has worked, but the Indiebookclub just said it couldn't authorise, even though WP shows a token. I thought that had been identified as micropub issue, but I could be wrong. My brain is addled after weeks of excessive-for-the-UK heat. Or maybe it's because I use the heat as an excuse to guzzle cold beer. 😇
[Vanessa] I would love to have my own feed reader, where I can read stuff and save things I really like on my site somewhere. Not that I need it, as I have Pinboard, Pocket, Newsblur etc...
[eddie] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] For microsub and those readers, you'll ideally want IndieAuth and Micropub working solidly. Some WP sites (and hosts) can cause issues with one or both.

[chrisaldrich] Better readers are certainly the holy grail, but it takes some time to forge them, round off the sharp edges, and polish them... 😉

[Vanessa] Ah, ok, only just picked up that update. I'll play with it tomorrow maybe - or later, if I can't sleep! I'd like to use the Indiebookclub on my site, that would be really neat.
[Vanessa] I am using SemPress on WP and hosting from Dreamhost. Mostly things are working ok,.
[Vanessa] Ooh, that sounds interesting....
[Vanessa] Yes, much as I like Pinboard & appreciate the service, it's only one guy & he can be a bit grumpy!
[Vanessa] Oh, don't think I don't appreciate, or I underestimate the effort that has gone into all this. And hey, if I've been able to do what I have so far, that kind of proves that this is very nearly usable by almost anyone. Almost to: get WordPress, use one of a few themes, turn it all on & it works. Not quite plug 'n' play, but it's damn close. I'm planning on testing it all out on my brother at some point... 😇
[Vanessa] I can understand how hard it must be to be a one man show. Huge responsibility & that creates masses of pressure - or it would for me!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] btw. i have a pull request for you!

[Vanessa] I'm still not sure about my dream setup, but I have a few things in mind.
[Vanessa] I have comments & webmentions. My site is used for micro.blog posts. I have set up my "read" posts to be excluded from my rss feed - for now - & they go to a seperate menu. My next aim is to get those across via Indiebookclub.
[Vanessa] I know this sounds odd, but I have another blog, which I'd quite like to keep as it is, but I'd rather like its posts to be archived/copied to my WordPress site.
[Vanessa] I would kind of like to be able to record conversations I get involved in. In the same way as when, if people reply to me on micro.blog, their replies appear as comments, I'd like to have the same when I reply to their posts. Although that might be naughty, as it effectively means stealing their original post, too. I'm kind of trying to gather a lot of stuff together, but it still needs more thought...
[Vanessa] I'm not fussed on checkins/likes and stuff.
[Vanessa] I know that large company feeling! I work for one of the UK's largest outsourcing companies and in recent years their director-level focus has been on reducing costs, harmonising processes, turning staff into robots who are timed to the second on each task & generally just pissing people off. My department had some of the best performance figures in our division. Now we don't, because of their "efficiency" changes. Their metrics prove th
[Vanessa] efficient (of course), yet we now have poor performance results & managers, like me, are so overstretched & stressed we want to leave. But we won't, because we care for our staff.
[Vanessa] Ah, I wondered if it might be, if I did a proper webmention rather than just replying directly on micro.blog. Not sure how it would end up in micro.blog. Maybe I'll have to try it out... Some time. Hoping to finalise the sale of my late parents' property this coming week. After that I hope to have more time as I won't be trying to keep an eye on two houses!
[Vanessa] Absolutely - it's waiting there to tempt people. It worked with me, after all!
[Vanessa] Still getting the 401 unauthorised from Indiebookclub. ☹ Indieauth tokens seem to be issued - shows up in my admin, but nothing else.
[Vanessa] Ah, ok. I think. 😀 Better errors makes a change from different errors. Don't even get me started on "enhancements" to software that breaks some core functionality. Enough of that in the day job. And I'll bid you all good night for now, as my eyes will need matchsticks shortly.
snarfed joined the channel
tantek__ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] When researching wordpress plugins, I've never liked the primary repo's presentation or their lack of filtering. This fancy tool seems to add a lot of what I've always wanted: https://www.wpinsights.io/plugins/

matpacker joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Need to figure out my syndication with images, through Bridgy and/or Snap and Indigenous. Need photo posts to be featured images

[jgmac1106] Need to play with the different IndieWeb themes, some syndicate body images but most do better with the featured image. I just added a page builder so will take some hacking around

[dougbeal] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] But mainly if I send an image through Indigenous to my blog syndicating to Twitter it doesn't show on Twitter

[jgmac1106] And on jgregorymcverry.com/photo you get a Grey default if image isn't feature

[jgmac1106] I should be able to build filter to fix... But time

[chrisaldrich] tantek__, keep in mind that [jgmac1106] may mean WordPress's "featured image" and not necessarily u-featured...

[chrisaldrich] GWG, I'm aware, but relatively few themes actually mark them up that way... and there's a collision of the two vocabularies since they're not a 1-1 mapping (yet...)

[jgmac1106] [tantek] definitely mean WordPress featured image... But in terms of a Micropub client should it be difference between u-featured and WP featured

[chrisaldrich] But the question of "what problem are you trying to solve" is always a good one. /wwtd

[chrisaldrich] Not sure who invented it here, but I like the use of the "slash tag" in chat linking to the wiki pages.

[chrisaldrich] wishes it worked for those in Slack though.

[chrisaldrich] I thought it did too, but it doesn't seem to now for some reason. /Why ? I don't know.

[chrisaldrich] Yes, it's definitely not working on the last two...

[chrisaldrich] alas...

[jgmac1106] Honestly things working so well, especially if I update from WP editor. Indigenous is awesome. I would never expect perfection... Especially with WordPress

matpacker and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] Still getting this error trying to use the Micropub and IndieAuth plugins - "

{"error":"parameter_absent","error_description":"Missing Parameter: redirect_uri"}
" even though there's a redirect URI. Anything I can do to try and fix it? Have already tried reinstalling plugins and making sure they're up to date.snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel