#wordpress 2018-07-16
2018-07-16 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [dougbeal] same thing happens in FF for Android. It remembers something I cut and pasted weeks ago not just two minutes ago

[dougbeal], [snarfed] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I'm just noticing [xavierroy] has a Post Kinds widget in his sidebar at https://xavierroy.com/. Was this hand rolled or a hidden option somewhere?

dougbeal Ugh, something has screwed up formatting for my site https://dougbeal.com

[chrisaldrich] I often find that issues like that are usually related to not closing a tag somewhere....

[chrisaldrich] Interesting, I don't think I'd realized that tag clouds did that for taxonomies... slick.

[chrisaldrich] What are tools?

Loqi Here are some tools that are helpful for building and debugging an IndieWeb site https://indieweb.org/tools

[chrisaldrich] [dougbeal] that could be worth adding a line to ^^ as a debugging thing

[miklb] joined the channel
[miklb] `PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /indieweb-post-kinds/templates/reply-metabox.php:13` from `Illegal string offset 'author' in /indieweb-post-kinds/templates/reply-metabox.php on line 13`

[xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy] [chrisaldrich] I use the standard taxonomy as categories and tags for post kinds... [dshanske] what I would love to have is have the kind icons only display not the text.
snarfed joined the channel
Loqi Here are some tools that are helpful for building and debugging an IndieWeb site https://indieweb.org/tools

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "wordpress tools" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "wordpress tools is ____", a sentence describing the term)

dougbeal wordpress tools << https://wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/

loqi.me created /wordpress_tools (+136) "prompted by dougbeal and dfn added by dougbeal" (view diff)

dougbeal wordpress tools << https://wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/

Loqi ok, I added "https://wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/" to a brand new "See Also" section of /wordpress_tools https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50019&oldid=50017

loqi.me edited /wordpress_tools (+64) "dougbeal added "https://wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/" to "See Also"" (view diff)

Loqi ok, I added "[tools]" to the "See Also" section of /wordpress_tools https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50020&oldid=50019

GWG YOUR_URL /?pkdebug=form
snarfed joined the channel
gRegorLove Makes that string available for translation, so if you specify a different language

gRegorLove Core Wordpress wraps p. It can be obnoxious

gRegorLove Based on newlines in content, whether that originates in the post editor, a plugin somewhere https://codex.wordpress.org/wpautop

gRegorLove It works great 99% of the time for stuff you write in the main text editor. I've had issues where a custom plugin needs to insert a form and the extra whitespace causes <p>

gRegorLove Looked closer at your example. The first </p> is weird. I wouldn't expect that from wpautop. My issues have always been unwanted additional pairs of <p></p>

gRegorLove Is that </p> definitely not in the authored content?

gRegorLove Or is there an un-closed <p> before the <article>?

gRegorLove I doubt it

gRegorLove Is this post live on your site?

gRegorLove nvm, found it

dougbeal Thats going to cause problems with https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/blob/master/templates/webmention-comment-form.php

gRegorLove Doesn't look like it. Already has <p> in that form and no double line breaks.

gRegorLove Is your theme doing anything to the content before it displays it in the <div class="e-content">?

gRegorLove Which theme is this, 2016?

gRegorLove Hm, I'm not really sure then. I think a plugin is doing *something* with the_content()

gRegorLove Based on the theme file, I would expect a line break after `<div class="entry-content e-content">` but your source doesn't have that

gRegorLove Which makes me think something is hooking into/modifying the results of the_content() before it's displaye

gRegorLove d

gRegorLove ohh, missed that

tantek__ joined the channel
[snarfed] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] good morning

[pfefferle] thanks for the bugreport [dougbeal] will remove the wpautop

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] because of async handling

[pfefferle] sure, read it yesterday, will try to have a look today afternoon

[pfefferle] the async is already nearly working

[pfefferle] would like to tweak it a bit and to have the status page

[pfefferle] but I am not sure if it should be an API (JSON) or a human radable (HTML) endpoint

[pfefferle] or like that

[pfefferle] [aaronpk] but aren’t Webmentions nearly always sent via any kind of automatism? so, nearly no customers sees it at all…

jgmac1106_ joined the channel
aaronpk Here's a webmention.io status page. I believe it returns JSON based on the accept header https://webmention.io/indiewebcamp/webmention/Ti6bfuEvKFf8SSyAZyI2

[pfefferle] and “status:” is the status of the Webmention?

[pfefferle] so this one was published!?!

[pfefferle] cool, thanks

jgmac1106_ [pfefferle] Would love to schedule the user interview with sometime, do you have any availability around this time Thursday or Friday?

aaronpk here's how telegraph shows the status URL https://indieweb.org/Telegraph#Webmention_sent_successfully

[pfefferle] nice, thanks

[pfefferle] [aaronpk] “Error received when sending” is the HTTP error code

[pfefferle] ??

aaronpk here's more details on status pages https://indieweb.org/Webmention-brainstorming#status_page

[pfefferle] but if the URLs can’t be validated, the endpoint should return a error code instead of 20x?

[pfefferle] ok

[pfefferle] ok

[pfefferle] that was my next question 😄

[pfefferle] so it would be good to implement a status page for “comments” (in the wordpress context), that documents the complete lifecycle…

[pfefferle] 🙂

snarfed joined the channel; snarfed left the channel
jgmac1106_ check out what [johnjohnston] built: http://johnjohnston.info/blog/flickr-faves/ code here: https://github.com/troutcolor/QuickFlickrFavs I couldn’t embed the flickr fav roll anymore bc of Flash. John got to work and made this for me. I am so stoked. [@cathieleblanc] if you wanted to pesos your photos back from Flickr you can get your grid view you wanted. I cheated by using a page builder for my grid view

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] ohh yeah, okay, just displaying

[jgmac1106] just trying to help her make a grid view of photos rather than the single view in the taxanomy

jgmac1106_ this is mine, I need to go in and switch all my photos I syndicated to feature photos so they display, gonna add a title as well since I will syndicate to Flickr and not instagram

[snarfed], [eddie], [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ not getting my own webmentions on http://jgregorymcverry.com/my-to-do-list/ but for some reason my own webmentions are usually the longest one’s to appear

jackjamieson and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed useful big picture background: https://wordpress.org/news/2018/07/quarterly-updates-q2-2018/
jackjamieson, [grantcodes], dmcweeney and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
[jgarber], snarfed, tantek__ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
www.boffosocko.com edited /wordpress_tools (+121) "cleaned up definition; linky; Insights plugin tool; added WordPress & Plugin category; emojicon" (view diff)
jgmac1106_ finidng myself having to update a post 5-6 times before Bridgy doesn’t throw me an error and syndicated to Twitter, will play to see if I am doing anything different

[eddie] and snarfed joined the channel
jgmac1106_ I don’t know how to do that, when I go to brid.gy its just so hard to find my username

jgmac1106_ @sknebel….it edventually catches up and all the sudden I get a webmentions dump of everytime I hit update or everytime I sent a webmention to myself

jgmac1106_ <— goes to login

jgmac1106_ where do I login?

snarfed jgmac1106_: looking at your recent failures, your site is either timing out (after 15s), eg https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1531760479&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lySQsSDVB1Ymxpc2hlZFBhZ2UiImh0dHA6Ly9qZ3JlZ29yeW1jdmVycnkuY29tLzQ0NTUtMi8MCxIHUHVibGlzaBiAgICAgICACgw
jgmac1106_ think it is usually the 403 error, that is usually what I get that it couldn’t find the url

snarfed jgmac1106_: to log in, click the twitter button on https://brid.gy/
snarfed looking at https://brid.gy/twitter/jgmac1106#publishes , the bottom two attempt clusters were timeouts, the top one was 403
jgmac1106_ Bridgy Error: Could not fetch source URL http://jgregorymcverry.com/4464-2/ is the error, 6 seconds to publish that

jgmac1106_ I was adding a stub to see if that helped, not a big deal, I just have to hit update a bunch, but its part of the reason I only use Brid.gy when replying to tweets, other than that I used SNAP but I turn that off when using Bridggy

jgmac1106_ thanks [snarfed] for the help I will try and figure out why I get the 403 every 4 our 5 times

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] For Post Kinds plugin users who weren't aware of it's widgetability: https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/16/creating-a-tag-cloud-directory-for-the-post-kinds-plugin-on-wordpress/

jgmac1106_ the strangest things are webmentions to myself , those never come through and all the sudden I get a massive dump, will let you know when the next one comes through

snarfed joined the channel
jgmac1106_ I was wondering what the security flag meant in link [snarfed] shared

jgmac1106_ I don’t use the WP SMTP, in fact I send no mail from the domain…what steps does one need to take to fix this?

jgmac1106_ “Visitor anti-robot validation” okay will look to see what is using that, need to get back to class, but that’s weird

snarfed joined the channel
jgmac1106_ there is an email address to someone from astrohost.com there…very strange…somebody probably been sending out tons of spam emails from my domain for long time

sketchess, [jgarber] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek__ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] uh-oh

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "wordpress hcard" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "wordpress hcard is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi u-uid is a microformats2 property for representing a unique identifier for the item, e.g https://indieweb.org/u-uid

[jgmac1106] [dougbeal] my rel=me links aren't in my hcard

[jgmac1106] To the hcard... None... It's just convenient

[jgmac1106] If you look at the examples of h-card on the mf2 wiki you won't see any rel=me

[jgmac1106] What the IndieWeb plugin does is add the rel=me to any social media profile on your WP user profile

gRegorLove dougbeal, are you looking for http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me ?

[jgmac1106] My image profile in my hcard links back to my site but h-card and rel=me not connected at all. It confuses a lot of folks

gRegorLove rels are scoped to the entire page, "this page is related to this other page"

[jgmac1106] [gregorlove] can you have an = sign in a redirect? I am sure many use rel=me as search term or try /rel=me

[jgmac1106] [dougbeal] yep anywhere on your index or in header or footer

[jgmac1106] Yep your site is https so must be link

gRegorLove [jgmac1106], searching rel=me on mf wiki should work

gRegorLove Yay!

gRegorLove Yeah

[jgmac1106] Not sure [aaronpk] seems to have Mastodon work around for stuff but if you aren't authenticating with Mastodon do you care?

gRegorLove It can be handy if you want to show a list of your profiles elsewhere

gRegorLove Or for /verify-me

dougbeal Works without them being in the hcard for /verify-me

[jgmac1106] Yeah Mastodon folks have a philosophical issue with webmentions I recall... And an IndieWeb instance seems redundant to everything else we already have

gRegorLove rels are scoped to the page, so their location on the page doesn't matter

[jgmac1106] Yes, thus my point originally if you wanted to authenticate with your Mastodon account and I recall Aaron having some convoys around Indieauth

gRegorLove microformats parsers do rel-parsing as a separate step. The rels don't have to be inside any h-* to be picked up.

[jgmac1106] [dougbeal] I know and will have even better data soon. July 30th taking folks who have never been online and walking them through IndieWeb WordPress, their final is remixing my course page with mf2. Need to have my WP beginner guide done by then

snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Ohh okay what instance? I am on .social

jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] is xoxo.zone only for folks with a golden tix?

snarfed, [eddie], 7GHABDPYX, tantek__ and tantek joined the channel
Loqi websub.rocks is a test suite for the WebSub protocol https://indieweb.org/websub.rocks

7GHABDPYX I wonder if I post through Indigenous and have Bridgy to Twitter enabled by default if it will thread tweets correctly. Something to test, though need to figure out why I am getting that security issue on 4/5 attempts , until then back to mobile publishing through mobile web
7GHABDPYX what the heck happened to my user name?
7GHABDPYX jgmac1106, gonna restart IRC Client
7GHABDPYX ha ha , other issue to figure out is why can’t I send myself a webmention, Having to manually send a webmention to myself will ruin my Pomodoro/To-Do list workflow
[snarfed], snarfed and tantek___ joined the channel
tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I send my generics to my about-me page

Loqi [john] Hi Greg,
Not sure how you want the image to display, but I had a quick pass at this:

[jgmac1106] Well that is definitely strange. I wonder if it will always use my last webmention

[jgmac1106] I did like someone who changed the header from mentions to "My Community" but that is easy

[jgmac1106] <- realizes he must be missing hcard on about me page