#wordpress 2018-07-18

2018-07-18 UTC
[matpacker] joined the channel
I'm with [Vanessa] here, I'm getting the 401 errors when trying to post to my WP install from Quill, Together, OwnYourGram, etc.
IndieAuth is working OK, I'm able to authenticate and login on Aperture and Together, however, it all fails after that.
Also just discovered that there's no media endpoint as part of the plugin, any suggestions for a workaround here?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
matpacker: I think all the client will use wordpress/webserver media upload as a fallback?
GWG is working on the next version of the micropub plugin which has media endpoint support
[dougbeal] ahh, just had a thought, I have Jetpack installed and active and I think it's set to use WordPress hosting for images. I wonder if that's causing an issue also.
aaronpk: Media endpoint is merged.
[manton] joined the channel
But the 2.0 Milestone has a lot more fixes
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
snarfed has 4 karma in this channel (402 overall)
gwg has 74 karma in this channel (386 overall)
GWG: micropub.rocks alt img test failed, there is an alt tag with no text. Is that a micropub bug?
dougbeal, there's an issue already open where it is discussed.
GWG: excelent, I will go emoji it ;)
aaronpk: Do you have any unit tests for Micropub endpoints I might derive ideas from?
just micropub.rocks, no unit tests
[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk, snarfed is big on them
Looks like the metadata is fine
So its probably a Post Kinds or Theme bug/
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
The alt text?
I'll keep it in mind
GWG: is it the photo post kind that should render the alt text/
No, it should be in the upload.
[miklb] joined the channel
will teh media endpoint just attach images so that the current photo-kind template will work as is?
[miklb]: I thought this was alt text
What dougbeal was talking about
oh, I wasn’t referring to that. Just curious if will need a new way to display images, or if they’ll be sideloaded attachments
No. They'll be sideloaded attachments.
ok, thanks
[miklb]: That's one of the reasons I was looking at that code. I took the REST API Attachment endpoint as inspiration. I figured they know better than I
jgmac1106 and [matpacker] joined the channel
Any suggestions on getting past the “403 Forbidden” error when trying to post to WP from Quill, OwnYourGram, etc. ?
my approach is to chill a few more days while the rewrite of micropub gets done then test the shit out of the master branch.
Just thinking out aloud, wondering it the WP prevent brute force attack thing is interfering, i.e. should I whitelist the IP addresses of the various sites trying to post?
are you using the indieauth plugin with self-auth?
pulls down master of everything and checks out the status
[miklb] yes, just did the standard setup using the indie web plugin
well, don’t pull down master of micropub to your live site
Haha yeh, probably a good idea [miklb]
[miklb]: At least not till 2.0 is done.
ok. I take a different philosophy of git master, but duly noted.
[miklb]: It should be stable now.
as in the last few seconds?
[miklb]: Yes.
[miklb]: Days, not minutes
[miklb]: But as there is new code coming, I would wait for testing everything until it was all in
I just pulled master and getting a fatal error
Why test something that is changing.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[miklb]: Really? I'm running that code. Let me check
What's the error?
`PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get() on null` that traces to `micropub/includes/class-micropub-authorize.php(124): get_query_var('micropub')`
checked out latest tag and everything came back
master branch of indieauth plugin as well.
[miklb]: class-micropub-authorize should never load if you have indieauth activated
then that’s a bug
do you want an issue with the stack trace?
Please do.
I'm not releasing till everything works about the new setup.
[miklb]: I just checked. When I have the IndieAuth plugin active, it will not load class-micropub-authorize.
tantek joined the channel
But that line is going to be removed in a future PR. So, let's see if that will solve it
jgmac1106 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Is it worrying that a single ip is repeatedly accessing xml-rpc.php/
yeah, likely someone attempting various passwords
via the old metaweblog API which I'm pretty sure uses that endpoint
Hopefully nothing useful is using it
yeah I believe you can just block that endpoint
[miklb] joined the channel
I have a deny all for that endpoint in my nginx rules
and remove them header links for it in my theme
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
That is what I ended up doing. My first thought was to block their IP with iptables, but there are docker iptable shenanigans to direct the traffic from host to VM 🙃
Who was it the other day who was having issues with the Admin UI disappearing except for part of the post kinds response properties? I went to edit an old post and am having the same general issue. I can't remember how they side-stepped it.
Looks like the answer is to clear out the URL from the response properties... somehow that saves/updates the page which then redisplays properly... very odd...
Post was from 10/2017, not sure which version of Post kinds it was or what the issue may have been, but seems to have sorted itself, at least for this particular post.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Have you had an issue with the response properties cleared but still the data is present in the db?
Not that I'm aware of.... I was going to look in the db on this one, but tried clearing out the URL first.
I'd have to see if I could find another one with this same issue to see what actually exists in the db
i have had issues where all properties are cleared, yet data from that is searchable
I've been adding machine tags to my books and movie posts
That's odd. In this case I was befuddled that the post in question seemed to auto-save itself when I'd cleared the data. At least the display of the rest of the UI came back and I was able to restore the missing data.
when i opened up an old post to check, the data inthe response properties are missing, but searching for it shows up in search results
I've seen that issue before [xavierroy]. When I checked it was because the mf2 value for the post (I think it was reads) changed from `read` to `read-of` so when the post went to display it wasn't find the right version and couldn't find the proper data. When I manually updated the meta key, it was able to find the data for the response properties and everything was fine.
ben_thatmustbeme, Kaja____, dougbeal, [xavierroy], [matpacker], gRegorLove, deltab, dougbeal|imac, GWG, Zegnat, aaronpk, petermolnar, sknebel, [chrisaldrich], drkokandy, Ruxton, wagle, voxpelli, jeremycherfas, globbot and chrisaldrich joined the channel
[matpacker] It's not an endpoint per se, but GWG built the simple location plugin that knows where micropub clients store geo data and allows you to retrieve and display it smartly. (You'll need an API key from one of the map providers to get it working). https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-location/
[David Shanske] Description Supports adding geo coordinates or textual description to a post, comment, user, or attachment. Supports adding weather data to a post or to a widget based on location. Offers choice of map displays. It supports retrieving location usin...
[matpacker] what Location error? "Your endpoint did not return a Location header"?
sknebel, good point, that's another issue altogether... two different types of location.
for some reason people jump from that error to the theory that they are missing some kind of endpoint.
I'll also mention that there's a discrepancy between Slack and the web version of chat. I'm not seeing Mathew's note in the web version, while it shows up in Slack and apparently in IRC.
what note?
His message above at 10:14 "Interesting, was able..." It's not showing up on https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress/2018-07-18#bottom
oh, interesting
alright... it's way too late here... got to go to bed to be able to function tomorrow... goodnight all.
good night!
laila tov!
oh, there apparently was a netsplit at that time, so loqi likely didn't see them
[jgmac1106], [davross] and [tantek] joined the channel
Morning all
Morning @gwg
What are you up to this morning?
Nothing but coffee for a change. Had kids out at All Star game went into extra innings. They didn't get back until late
When is Manilla?
Tentatively 3 weeks on/around 8/13.
Why? Waiting for a burst of activity from me?
I think I burst enough some days.
Just curious.
I'm kidding, either way. I have a class to finish in NY before I go.
I'd like to finish the Micropub rewrite soon though.
Cool. That is a bear of a project. My goal next week is to finish the WordPress for Beginners guide
Have to have it done by 7/23 to give my students a "Week Zero" for those who want an extra week of set up time
I also have some Post Kinds things I want to do. Some Location. Indieweb plugin, etc.
Lots of little things
Maybe even help more with the Microsub effort
I think we should take [miklb] advice and label and/or close post kind plugin issues
That doesn't really touch indieweb core and has good "first bugs" in it
I also need to finish my IES #IndieWeb proposal by end of month. That is a 1.4 million dollar grant
So basically more WordPress community than code for me next few weeka
I probably will post Micropub project
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] any idea how to display the tag field values in views template?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[xavierroy]: I have a tag cloud widget, I think from a taxonomy plugin?
[dougbeal] Not that. I also have that. I meant the tags withing the post kind response box
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[xavierroy]: when editing a post?
[dougbeal] you can add tags when creating a post.. I want to know how to display them.
[xavierroy]: I think the Post Kinds views directory has the default template
[xavierroy]: are you writing a custom theme?
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FBSQMJVFF/image.png?pub_secret=de0922de90&name=image.png [dougbeal] No. I'm using the 2106 indieweb one. I just want to display any tags that i enter in the tags field
joeld joined the channel
Oh, I have never used that tag box, just the general post one
If you add them there, do they show up in the other tag box?
no. they don't. They never show up anywhere.
use the hastag box further down
Any plugin that searches metadata will surface those tags..
ohh didn't know, I thought it was the whole WP, whats a category? whats a tag? they are the different but the same debate
that is what I see
which plugin is for hashtags?
Maybe those are the tags from the post you are replying too, let me go check
I think that Hashtags is by a separate plugin
yeah it is and neither worked….hmmm. I use categories
yeah, it is
I wonder if its even supposed to be editible
i use a plugin called hashtagger to convert any hashtags in the post content to WP tags. Useful in PESOS posts
realizes using wordpress as a tag was a stupid idea when trying to investigate it tags worked
[Douglas Beal] Micropub update test for adding a category. After you run the update, this post should have two categories: test1 and test2.
with tags test1, test2
Thats categories in the microformats2 sense
did you use the tags in the response properties?
I didn't actually post it, just loaded in a note with tags
no, the publication sidebar. tested categories work but tags do not for me. Let me test...don't even have the option
but I think I am a version or two behind master, need to update theme...but that means manually updating theme
scatch that I do have it
the tags in the response box has been there for a long time
yes I am using it
let me see what is providing the tag box, maybe the taxonomy plugin?
The repsonse to a post with tags doesn't do anything to display them, only its own tags
yes. I would like to display them also..if possible
for example, if you repost from huffduffer, the tags for that are populated in the tags box in the response properties
my categories work
and tags work on articles I think: http://jgregorymcverry.com/tag/indieweb/
Looking at the metadata, the tags are stored, so you could add display of them
yeah. that's what i want to do
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
This post has these tags : podcast:type=book reading; book:author=k.j. parker; short story; read:by=heath miller; recording:by=beneath ceaseless skies; fantasy
They are not displayed but they can be searched for.. try a search for podcast:type=book reading on my site
The Thought That Counts By K.J. Parker on Huffduffer Read the whole story at The Thought That Counts By K.J. Parker.
<p>Tags: <?php the_tags(); ?></p>
Do you want to display them, or promote them to tags in your site?
display them
that would display them, has to be a plugin so you don't have to edit the theme
or you can use a child theme and override the Post Kinds plugin views
[jgmac1106] Will this display the tags entered in the response properties?
just trying to find where it goes in theme, just gimme sec, but again probably a plugin that does this
indieweb-post-kinds/views/kind.php is responsible for the summary of the cited post
so if you copied it to a child theme
indieweb-post-kinds/templates/reply-details.php is what displays them when editing a post
[dougbeal] should be in the theme not the plug in
I'm not sure what is setting the <textarea name="cite_tags" id="cite_tags" data-role="none" class="widefat"><?php echo ifset( $tags ); ?></textarea>
Right, but thats what I would override to display them for every kind
the_tags() wil display only the tag associated with the tag... I am not looking for that. I want to display any tags that are entered in the tags field withing hte resposne properties section
What does generate/set the variables for a view?
..oooh okay this? If you're using your own custom Post Types the_tags() and related functions will not work. You must use the_terms() and its related functions.
if ( isset( $_POST['cite_tags'] ) ) {
$cite['category'] = array_filter( explode( ';', $_POST['cite_tags'] ) );
that looks promising
Is there a wp function to format the tags?
Gotta go, but if there are cite-tags, they are in $cite['category']
got it to work
The Thought That Counts By K.J. Parker on Huffduffer Read the whole story at The Thought That Counts By K.J. Parker.
but only one tag is displayed.. 🙂
Oooh, I liked the emoji/icons by the tags
How did you do that?
just added the emoji to the tag name manually
manual till it hurts.. .i believe is the indieweb motto 😛
So thats why they have a name and a slug :)
[manton] joined the channel
tags', ', ',
Would display three I think separated by commas if you added it. Gonna copy what you do.
[dougbeal] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[xavierroy] I think the 2016 fork removes the Categories from display altogether: https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb/commit/36689b72fbb4e70db3c4dd0fd6f7aef6d2edac69
It would be interesting to have a template/view that displays the tags contained within the Post Kinds' Response Properties tag field. These are the tags given to the original post and might be different from the tags your own site might give to a post.
It would be nice to be able to search and find posts using both the internal WP core tags as well as by the Post Kinds tags. They are two different data stores, typically made by two different sites.
[chrisaldrich] you were still up when I wake up. Go back to bed
I think [xavierroy] figured out how to display tags
It's 8am here... time to work.
It sounded like he's got several areas of "tags" he wanted to display though. He's got (1) the core WordPress taxonomy (not to mention the core category taxonomy);
i get fewer rel-me icons on mobile 🤔
(2) the tags stored by the Post Kinds plugin, which picks up the tags set on a post by a separate author on another site as part of the reply context;
and (3) an additional store somewhere that allowed him to search for something like `reading; book:author=k.j. parker;` which he set via machine tags somehow: https://xavierroy.com/search/
None of the views provided actually displays the tags from within the Post Kinds response properties tag field. https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/tree/master/views
And core documentation said if you use custom taxonomies the tag display code does not work
But I think [xavierroy] has it and just needs to have it display multiple tags
get_the_tag_list looks promising
Oh, no, need cite tags
[kevinmarks], [kim_landwehr] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
At dinner now... Will share the gist soon...
tantek__ joined the channel
if ( isset( $_POST['cite_tags'] ) ) {
$cite['category'] = array_filter( explode( ';', $_POST['cite_tags'] ) );
echo '<p><small>This post has the following machine tags: <br />';
echo sprintf ( '<span class="machinetags">%1s</span></small></p>', implode (";",$cite['category']) );
And I think if you had x number of ', after cite_tags I think you get X number of tags to display
Thx for gist, adding as soon as I get home
i added this to the listen view template.
since this is not tied to the WP tags, I am not creating links to the tags.
Another improvement would be to not add the tags if there are no tags associated with the post.
and also style it 🙂
I have not figured out a good display method for hashtags from the URL
dougbeal, views displays them, templates displays the ui for the response box
[colin-walker] hashtags: Replace pattern for hashtags in WordPress
I think I need to doc8
Sorry, on lunch
[dshanske] #195 Citation tags
added my snippet there for reference and improvement
I would add a helper function
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
GWG: and the class prepares the data?
tantek, [manton], [ryan339], [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[xavierroy] Ha. I’d forgotten I had added a separate function for changing the actual post content. I only use the one for display time conversion. Thanks for reminding me 😉
chrisaldrich has 10 karma in this channel (98 overall)
Nice response to link manager
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I wonder how he came across my usage?
I spoke to @rboren a lot yesterday (mainly about using his I am autistic post on class). It was just a Twitter search set up for WordPress
I did notice @photomatt never replied about IndieWeb on WordPress.com
... That would be ultimate in free IndieWeb hosting
[cleverdevil], [eddie] and tantek__ joined the channel
Why does the #indieweb validator keep giving me this error "A h-card was found on your site, but it’s not marked up as the representative h-card!" for https://fncll.org/ ? I have the u-url class (not to mention u-email and p-note markup) there.
Are there WP-specific recommendations for making this pass?
Issue seems to come with WP linking to the author profile URL
the properties are on the h-feed, not an h-card
so the problem is more basic: how to add an h-card
[chrisaldrich] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
indiewebify.me is finding the `p-author h-card`
yes, and he added a sidebar thing with p-note and u-url to homepage, but it's not in an h-card
ahh, gotcha
I ran into a similar error trying to get fed.bridgy/webfinger working, since fed.bridgy wants to use http:// since webfinger is webfinger
[ryan339] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Markup not escaped in that post
[matpacker] joined the channel
Can anyone advise how to remove the Location plugin and how to remove any references to it in the database? I'm wanting to install it fresh and clean to see if that's what's stopping some things posting to my site, i.e. I can post to my blog via teacup.p3k.io but not via quill.p3k.io, from Quill I get the "Your endpoint did not return a Location header." message.
gRegorLove: its just text in a block...
What is a location header
It looks like we don't have a page for "location header" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "location header is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I think thats not a physical location... let me track that down
WP stripped the HTML markup, looks like.
[Chris_Lott] joined the channel
Indeed I did. Since fixed and thanks. If it's still true that sempress is "the only theme to support microformats, microformats2 and schema.org" - perhaps some specific instructions for it would be useful?
matpacker: I'm pretty sure it means that the http headers doesn't have location
tantek joined the channel
[dougbeal] makes sense, when I create the post on Quill it can't load the location, despite me giving the permission to use my location.
Hi [Chris_Lott]. Did you try the h-card widget? https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started_on_WordPress#Identity_2
Teacup doesn't try to add a location, whereas Quill, OwnYourGram, etc. do.
Different "location". The error message means it expected your server to return an HTTP header like "Location: http://example.com/post"
Where the newly-created post is
[matpacker]: are you on the latest indieweb plugins?
[dougbeal] yes
I didn't. I will try it. It was unclear to me if, given that my theme is microformat ready/etc if I still needed the IndieWeb plugin or not. I think I have it disabled at the moment. Still trying to get my head around all of this!
matpacker: did you login into Quill with http:// or https://?
[sknebel] #57 misleading error for wrong endpoint protocol
[dougbeal] have tried both, same response
[Chris_Lott], Understandable; it is a bit confusing and we're always iterating. Feel free to ask questions. AFAIK, IndieWeb Plugin is still recommended and includes the h-card widget.
I think that h-card widget is the easiest way to add a representative h-card to any theme.
matpacker: I think I ran into this. aaronpk says its most likely a wordpress error. Can you turn on debugging and write everything to a file?
When I ran into it, it was sending php notices to Quill
What is WordPress Troubleshooting?
WordPress Troubleshooting is a list of things one can try when asking for help from the WordPress Outreach Club https://indieweb.org/WordPress_Troubleshooting
[matpacker] ^^ that has some details for debugging if you should need them.
[chrisaldrich] thanks for that, will work through it
I'll have to read up and determine what's been going on
[matpacker] if it doesn't have everything you need, ping the chat for help; then we should improve the documentation if necessary.
I'll write up some notes as things progress and report back.
bradenslen joined the channel