#wordpress 2018-07-19
2018-07-19 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] I didn't even know that page existed. Awesome resource

tantek joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Feel free to add to it.

[jgmac1106] Will do. Need to figure out where beginner page will end up when I finish.

[jgmac1106] Chris Lott! @Chris_Lott Good to see you here. The hcard should work if you use the IndieWeb plugin, update your WP profile, and then add the hcard widget.

[jgmac1106] You can also do it in paragraph form, I have both examples on my site. You can see the widget on my homepage and a paragraph style hcard on my about me page

[jgmac1106] Also if using Slack don't use threads. Folks who connect through IRC can't see it

[jgmac1106] I eventually had to abandon my theme. It's too hard to make it work. I ended up using a static homepage and a page builder on top of an IndieWeb theme to get the look I wanted

[jgmac1106] Ohh I see on Twitter @sknebel already helped you @Chris_Lott

[Chris_Lott] joined the channel
[Chris_Lott] Thanks for the insight ... still very helpful as I try to grok all of this and re-envision my site!
[jgmac1106] I just sent you some tweets as well, check out the WordPress guide. Gonna use #IndieWeb in my classes so trying to get it ready for prime time

[jgmac1106] But yeah usually you need to abandon your theme which leaves two choices. Use one of four themes or throw a new instance on a subdomain and use WP, micro.blog, or Known on it

[jgmac1106] I know my students are gonna want all the fancy splash images, full width pages, and featured images so I am recommending either 2016-indieweb or Independent Publisher (the other two don't use static homepages) with a page builder so they still maintain visual control

[jgmac1106] If you are WordPress guru and can add microformats2 to your theme we would love more themes

[Chris_Lott] I'm OK with the sempress theme for my own site, though I do have a micro.blog site already too. Still feeling my way around how this all fits together.
[jgmac1106] ZenPress does not work with static homepage, need to check my notes, I could be wrong... Only up to Independent Press in testing

[Chris_Lott] I've done some theme hacking, so once I have a better handle on things I could look at adapting my former theme.
[jgmac1106] It was either SemPress or ZenPress @gwg but if memory serves me it is both

[jgmac1106] Chris Lott++

[jgmac1106] I took one of Alan's themes and got almost there, but it's his Dimensions which I turned into one big h-card

[jgmac1106] Chris_Lott++

[jgmac1106] In terms of the UX study in full disclosure will try to spin off into two publications...need to justify all my Open Source time to the Dean somehow

[jgmac1106] My Digital and Teaching Too class will run my students through setting up IndieWeb WordPress but our third summer session is stupid short so I am worried.

[jgmac1106] Plus you know how it goes, when you teach and do instructional design at same time both fail

[Chris_Lott] Yeah...I am thinking about bringing IndieWeb into my digicit class next summer. Since all the students already have, or obtain as part of the class, domains and WP sites.
[jgmac1106] Add in the IndieWeb stuff and I know I am :🔫: ::foot::

[Chris_Lott] How short is your third summer session? Mine is a 12-week term and feels too short to get all the tech done and actually delve into the content.
[jgmac1106] I guess ::foot:: :🔫:

[jgmac1106] Give up

[jgmac1106] 7/30 to 8/19 I am screwed. Teaching class in open, but basically it's build your site remix a class template in Glitch

[Chris_Lott] Wow, that is really short!
[jgmac1106] Moronic. Trying to squeeze every tuition dollar out of kids

[jgmac1106] Convinced my chair and Dean to let me combine two sessions next year.

[jgmac1106] Didn't realize you were at #DoOO school, assigning a @ReClaim account

[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] Been working through the troubleshooting, here's where I'm at now - https://gist.github.com/matpacker/e73a6c3cf7eb24a3b84649a9f327f064#file-gistfile1-txt
[Chris_Lott] We aren't a DoOO school, but we have built-in domains and using Reclaim into the grad program I teach for.
[jgmac1106] Same approach. I am hoping to finalize an IndieWebCamp in NYC next week. @CathieLeBlanc and @gwg helping to organize. Gonna have a ton of #DoOO sessions. A lot of #DoOO administrators want to attend or join remotely to be ready by next year

[jgmac1106] It will be in late September

[eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] It is a barcamp style but I am sure the folks in our circles will propose #DoOO sessions

[jgmac1106] Maha Bali is gonna keynote

[jgmac1106] But only 15-20 minutes, really to strategize around increasing remote participation with underrepresented peoples

[Chris_Lott] Sounds great. I'd love to be there, but unlikely given time and that I'm as far away as you can get and still be in the US 🙂
[matpacker] [dougbeal] handy if you're using your website as a commonplace also
[jgmac1106] [dougbeal] thank you, thank you. Now I do not need a ton of Wikimedia instances for wikispaces

[jgmac1106] [Chris_Lott] IndieWeb gets remote right. Anyone not there is still there

[jgmac1106] I will probably just throw up the mediawiki instances as I read up, but wouldn't mind tracking my edits

[matpacker] [chrisaldrich] worked through the troubleshooting, there's not a lot there..anyway, here's what I've ended up with - https://gist.github.com/matpacker/e73a6c3cf7eb24a3b84649a9f327f064
[matpacker] I've taken a look at the lines that are producing the errors in micropub.php but I can't figure out what's wrong.
chimo joined the channel
[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] [dshanske] interesting, how?
[matpacker] [dshanske] that would be awesome, and greatly appreciated.
[eddie] and tantek joined the channel
dougbeal Creating an issue for https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues

dougbeal Anything look wrong in the link preview request? https://gist.github.com/dougbeal/93c95e65b912b502829dc6503dc131a9

Loqi, [kevinmarks], jgmac1106, [wiobyrne], tantek, tantek__, bradenslen, [kim_landwehr], [eddie], [chrisaldrich], [ryan339], [xavierroy], [asuh], [manton], [colinwalker], [cleverdevil], jeremycherfas, [snarfed] and [grantcodes] joined the channel