#wordpress 2018-07-19

2018-07-19 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I didn't even know that page existed. Awesome resource
tantek joined the channel
Feel free to add to it.
Will do. Need to figure out where beginner page will end up when I finish.
Chris Lott! @Chris_Lott Good to see you here. The hcard should work if you use the IndieWeb plugin, update your WP profile, and then add the hcard widget.
You can also do it in paragraph form, I have both examples on my site. You can see the widget on my homepage and a paragraph style hcard on my about me page
Also if using Slack don't use threads. Folks who connect through IRC can't see it
I eventually had to abandon my theme. It's too hard to make it work. I ended up using a static homepage and a page builder on top of an IndieWeb theme to get the look I wanted
Ohh I see on Twitter @sknebel already helped you @Chris_Lott
[Chris_Lott] joined the channel
Thanks for the insight ... still very helpful as I try to grok all of this and re-envision my site!
I just sent you some tweets as well, check out the WordPress guide. Gonna use #IndieWeb in my classes so trying to get it ready for prime time
But yeah usually you need to abandon your theme which leaves two choices. Use one of four themes or throw a new instance on a subdomain and use WP, micro.blog, or Known on it
I know my students are gonna want all the fancy splash images, full width pages, and featured images so I am recommending either 2016-indieweb or Independent Publisher (the other two don't use static homepages) with a page builder so they still maintain visual control
If you are WordPress guru and can add microformats2 to your theme we would love more themes
[jgmac1106]: ZenPress?
I'm OK with the sempress theme for my own site, though I do have a micro.blog site already too. Still feeling my way around how this all fits together.
ZenPress does not work with static homepage, need to check my notes, I could be wrong... Only up to Independent Press in testing
I've done some theme hacking, so once I have a better handle on things I could look at adapting my former theme.
It was either SemPress or ZenPress @gwg but if memory serves me it is both
Chris Lott++
I took one of Alan's themes and got almost there, but it's his Dimensions which I turned into one big h-card
chris_lott has 1 karma
In terms of the UX study in full disclosure will try to spin off into two publications...need to justify all my Open Source time to the Dean somehow
My Digital and Teaching Too class will run my students through setting up IndieWeb WordPress but our third summer session is stupid short so I am worried.
Plus you know how it goes, when you teach and do instructional design at same time both fail
Yeah...I am thinking about bringing IndieWeb into my digicit class next summer. Since all the students already have, or obtain as part of the class, domains and WP sites.
Add in the IndieWeb stuff and I know I am :🔫: ::foot::
How short is your third summer session? Mine is a 12-week term and feels too short to get all the tech done and actually delve into the content.
I guess ::foot:: :🔫:
7/30 to 8/19 I am screwed. Teaching class in open, but basically it's build your site remix a class template in Glitch
Wow, that is really short!
Moronic. Trying to squeeze every tuition dollar out of kids
Convinced my chair and Dean to let me combine two sessions next year.
Didn't realize you were at #DoOO school, assigning a @ReClaim account
[matpacker] joined the channel
Been working through the troubleshooting, here's where I'm at now - https://gist.github.com/matpacker/e73a6c3cf7eb24a3b84649a9f327f064#file-gistfile1-txt
We aren't a DoOO school, but we have built-in domains and using Reclaim into the grad program I teach for.
Same approach. I am hoping to finalize an IndieWebCamp in NYC next week. @CathieLeBlanc and @gwg helping to organize. Gonna have a ton of #DoOO sessions. A lot of #DoOO administrators want to attend or join remotely to be ready by next year
It will be in late September
[eddie] joined the channel
It is a barcamp style but I am sure the folks in our circles will propose #DoOO sessions
Maha Bali is gonna keynote
But only 15-20 minutes, really to strategize around increasing remote participation with underrepresented peoples
What do you use Pages for?
Sounds great. I'd love to be there, but unlikely given time and that I'm as far away as you can get and still be in the US 🙂
[ubc] wiki-embed: WordPress plugin that lets you embed mediawiki pages into your site, sites like Wikipedia
[dougbeal] handy if you're using your website as a commonplace also
[dougbeal] thank you, thank you. Now I do not need a ton of Wikimedia instances for wikispaces
[Chris_Lott] IndieWeb gets remote right. Anyone not there is still there
I really want bi-directionality, so I can keep track of itches on wordpress, and it updates my user page
Oh, from University of British Columbia
I will probably just throw up the mediawiki instances as I read up, but wouldn't mind tracking my edits
[chrisaldrich] worked through the troubleshooting, there's not a lot there..anyway, here's what I've ended up with - https://gist.github.com/matpacker/e73a6c3cf7eb24a3b84649a9f327f064
I've taken a look at the lines that are producing the errors in micropub.php but I can't figure out what's wrong.
[matpacker]: That is very interesting
chimo joined the channel
Strange, a self-reply doesn't have my avatar
[matpacker] joined the channel
[dshanske] interesting, how?
[matpacker]: I think I can fix some of those errors
[dshanske] that would be awesome, and greatly appreciated.
[matpacker]: I'm working on it
GWG: do you want all the Notices I have collected? Or I could file a bug against each plugin
dougbeal: Each plugin is fine.
[eddie] and tantek joined the channel
GWG: How is response properties loaded in the post UI? Could it lock up a browser tab, or am I running into a Safari error/
Not that I know of.
GWG: its wierd, I can scroll, but I'm getting a beach ball and I can't interactive with the text fields
Let me fire up the browser console and see whats there
GWG: it looks like something is going wrong in parse
It shows 200
So nothing wrong
parse XHR is stuck on something
Is that the javascript the is processing the response?
The response is just the properties. It shouldn't hang
Will keep thinking
let me see if it happens in chrome
works in Chrome
probably a Safari bug
added the response Safari choked on, anything look suspect?
Never mind, its happening on the next one as well, restarting Safari
Loqi, [kevinmarks], jgmac1106, [wiobyrne], tantek, tantek__, bradenslen, [kim_landwehr], [eddie], [chrisaldrich], [ryan339], [xavierroy], [asuh], [manton], [colinwalker], [cleverdevil], jeremycherfas, [snarfed] and [grantcodes] joined the channel