#wordpress 2018-08-03
2018-08-03 UTC
# [matpacker] dougbeal: apache server, 2gb ram, 60gb ssd storage...
# [matpacker] dougbeal: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/matpacker.com/4hxpvfLJ
# [matpacker] Maybe it's just me "thinking" it feels slow...
# dougbeal matpacker: my page is slower https://gtmetrix.com/reports/dougbeal.com/rtdUKniJ
jgmac1106 left the channel
# [matpacker] dougbeal: ahh ok, I might tweak a couple of the cache settings, but otherwise I guess it's not as bad as I'm thinking...
jg and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# [xavierroy] [dshanske] 2.0.0 version?
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# [xavierroy] [dshanske] gettign this error when activating: The plugin generated 241 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
[tantek] joined the channel
# boffosocko.com edited /WordPress_Outreach_Club (+241) "Evren Kiefer (moved); David Peach update; Created on hold section for future developments" (view diff)
tantek__, BWBellairs26, r3m6, marig, Random, d9b4bef914, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, [grantcodes], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
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# [Vanessa] I'm assuming that this Gutenberg thing is something I don't want?
aOssed-, [grantcodes] and raretrack joined the channel
# petermolnar actually... I tried the current gutenberg, and it's not as terrible as it was a few months ago.
# petermolnar oh, gotcha
tantek__, y0sh11 and [Khurt_Williams] joined the channel
# [Khurt_Williams] [chrisaldrich] I removed the social profiles menu entirely. It’s not compatible with IndieWeb plugins. I also removed a few other useful plugins. My experience so far is that adding IndieWeb means removing some of what makes my site my own.😞
# [Khurt_Williams] Hi [xavierroy], I installed the plug but I am not sure how to get things started.
# [Khurt_Williams] > For now, to start the whole shebang, need to run bs_start_import( $user ) somehow. This sets up a cron job that will backfill all old checkins for that user and import all new ones.
# [Khurt_Williams] @gwg give me a moment to set things back to IndieWeb Twenty Sixteen and let me test again.
[grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Agree @KhürtWilliams a minimum plugin approach required.
# [jgmac1106] But hey I still can't send webmentions but I keep plugging away
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# [pfefferle] Webmentions are Sent via wo-cron
# [pfefferle] Might cause some time to send them
# [pfefferle] Try to trigger the cron manually!
# [pfefferle] [Khurt_Williams] what did you have to remove so far?
# [pfefferle] [Khurt_Williams] I am trying to build all plugins so ubiquitous as possible...
# [pfefferle] [jgmac1106] will try to add some logs, so it is easier debugable
# [pfefferle] We hook into the ping cron
# [pfefferle] The core cron that sends pingbacks and trackbacks
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "name of the cron job do you know" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "name of the cron job do you know is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jackjamieson joined the channel
# [pfefferle] ‘do_pings’
# [pfefferle] But it is only created on new posts
# [pfefferle] It is no standard scheduled cron
# [pfefferle] Only if you published a new post
# [pfefferle] But perhaps we have to implement a separate handling for webmentions
donblanco joined the channel
jgmac1106 and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# [xavierroy] I thought you might find it useful 🙂
[dougbeal], [generativist] and raretrack joined the channel
[dougbeal] joined the channel
# [dougbeal] I suppose we could make a cPanel indieweb WordPress install?
tantek__ and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# Loqi cPanel is a web based hosting control panel that provides an interface to tools designed to simplify the requirements of hosting a web site https://indieweb.org/cpanel
jackjamieson and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] @donblanco I agree, or have all the building blocks folks could spin up even if it is not WordPress
jackjamieson, [chrisaldrich], donblanco and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] [Khurt_Williams] what is the social profiles menu exactly? I'll try it on mine to see if I can recreate your issue.
# Loqi [chrisaldrich]: jgmac1106 left you a message 2 days, 1 hour ago: when you get a chance can you add a feed example here for a post kind plus a category….post kind plus a tag….post kind plus a category and a tag: https://indieweb.org/RSS#WordPress
[Khurt_Williams] joined the channel
# [Khurt_Williams] [chrisaldrich] https://en.support.wordpress.com/menus/social-links-menu/
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# [Khurt_Williams] I have a friend who is testing out using Jekyll instead of WP. He’s working through the challenges of how to provide commenting, receiving/sending Webmentions. This stuff is trivial may be easy if one is a web developer/uber geek but frustrating otherwise. Even an old dev like me is struggling.
# [Khurt_Williams] @GWG, which is that.
# [chrisaldrich] [Khurt_Williams] there are a lot of bits of meta data that could be injected manually with that method, so trying to recreate it will be impossible. Perhaps a screen cast of how yours is set up may be easier.
# [chrisaldrich] I actually use that method on my site, but don't have that problem btw.
# chrisaldrich Khurt, I'm noticing that the Twitter icon in your footer directs to Twitter's homepage instead of your account
# [Khurt_Williams] Let me fix that.
# [Khurt_Williams] Fixed.
# [Khurt_Williams] FYI. I switched to IndieWeb Twenty Sixteen to test this.
# chrisaldrich are you seeing the same problem as before with IW-2016?
# chrisaldrich It was something to do with an errant microformat on your RSS link if I recall?
# [Khurt_Williams] I can’t get past “Bridgy Error: Could not find a tweet to reply to”.
# gRegorLove Sounds like it's missing the in-reply-to microformat
# [Khurt_Williams] @sknebel No. Publishing a post with “Brig.dy” publish enabled.
# [Khurt_Williams] It’s just a blog post with post kind “Article”.
# [Khurt_Williams] Sorry. Wrong link: this one; https://islandinthenet.com/treat/
# gRegorLove It has an in-reply-to for a non-Twitter URL
# gRegorLove Bridgy processes that in-reply-to and tries to find the tweet you're replying to and fails
# gRegorLove If there is a Twitter URL for the thing you're replying to, could add that and make it a /multi-reply. Then Bridgy Publish would work.
# [Khurt_Williams] So if I understand you correctly, “Brid.gy can’t publish a post to Twitter that is a response to another post?’
# [Khurt_Williams] Remember I am using the WordPress editor. Not doing anything by hand.
# [Khurt_Williams] So that worked: https://twitter.com/khurtwilliams/status/1025436775194550275
# gRegorLove Bridgy Publish for Twitter can publish an article or note to Twitter, or a reply to a tweet.
# gRegorLove But if you reply to example.com and try to Bridgy Publish it to Twitter, it won't work.
# gRegorLove Awesome!
# gRegorLove Oh, I didn't realize Bridgy checked syndication links.
# [Khurt_Williams] Let me try this: https://islandinthenet.com/scenes-from-my-regular-commute-from-princeton-to-wall-street/
# [Khurt_Williams] That one published to twitter but without the featured imaged: https://twitter.com/khurtwilliams/status/1025438701533442048
# @khurtwilliams Scenes From My Regular Commute From Princeton To Wall Street: https://islandinthenet.com/scenes-from-my-regular-commute-from-princeton-to-wall-street/ (twitter.com/_/status/1025438701533442048)
# gRegorLove That post appears to be missing the u-featured microformat
# gRegorLove Not sure the details of how the WP theme applies (or doesn't) that property
# gRegorLove leaves it to the WP pros
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] [Khurt_Williams] did you set a featured image in WordPress.. That is the only way the image goes, also 2016 syndicates best to Twitter if using WordPress... If you want granular control use SNAP you can set up the tweet anyway you want
# [jgmac1106] My SNAP account still suspended 😔
# [jgmac1106] [Khurt_Williams] I say daily it's time to walk away from WordPress...not sure this stuff will ever work. I can build two blogs exactly the same on two different domains and have them work diff
# chrisaldrich Khurt, I've been using miklb's method to add u-featured to posts to get WordPress's Featured Image metabox photo to work: https://miklb.com/blog/2017/04/12/microformats2-wordpress-and-featured-images-classes/
# [jgmac1106] I need to explore the pages on micro.blog to see if they are adequate enough for my kids to make home pages and about me pages
# [jgmac1106] Or go back to just using Known, everything worked then.
# [Khurt_Williams] [jgmac1106] I always have a feature images for photography related posts (which is most of my posts. SNAP isn’t working at ALL. No errors I can see but nothing goes to Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Twitter. Zero.
# [jgmac1106] You got suspended maybe
# chrisaldrich Khurt, you might want to keep in mind that even GWG isn't using Bridgy Publish on his own site. This is going to make it quite fragile as a syndication method.
# [jgmac1106] Facebook got turned off
# [Khurt_Williams] I could switch to Jekyll but then I have a new challenge. Comments and Webmentions and the obtuse formatting langue.
# [jgmac1106] [Khurt_Williams] yeah micro.blog is fine but I also need long form and I like the flexibility of post kinds
# chrisaldrich I know he has said that he's going to work at abstracting a different/better method in the future, but until then (or someone else builds something) you're going to have to do some tinkering and reading of Brid.gy's faq to get things working properly for syndication to twitter.
# [Khurt_Williams] [jgmac1106] only posting to profiles is disabled. You can still post from SNAP to a page. Assuming it works. What’s that phrase: “Manual until it hurts”. Well I’m bleeding.
# chrisaldrich It's like Winston Churchill said about WordPress: "It's the worst CMS, except for all the rest." ;)
# [jgmac1106] If you check your SNAP logs I bet you might see it is flagged by Twitter. Nobody told me I had to find it myself
# [Khurt_Williams] [chrisaldrich] it worked and then it didn’t. Not sure what changed.
# chrisaldrich is your site under version control? can you roll it back or compare diffs?
tantek__ joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] When using Bridgy to Twitter if you see have a set featured image and you publish a post the image will load
# chrisaldrich I've noticed recently that SNAP's auto posting functionality has ceased working (for me at least); I typically go into the post after publishing and manually trigger the posts to individual silos one at a time instead.
# gRegorLove I don't think Bridgy Publish is the issue with the featured image. Which plugin is reponsible for adding u-featured markup?
# [jgmac1106] When using Bridgy to Twitter using photo post kind featured image would also syndicate
# [Khurt_Williams] [jgmac1106] I looked at SNAP logs. ZERO errors.
# gRegorLove [chrisaldrich]: Churchill never tried ProcessWire ;)
# [jgmac1106] [gregorlove] different post kinds syndicate images differently
# chrisaldrich gRegorLove, to my knowledge there isn't a plugin that adds u-featured other than the solution miklb made. Otherwise it needs to be hardcoded into a theme or added manually somehow.
# gRegorLove ahh
# gRegorLove Odd it appears on one of Khurt's posts and not the other
# chrisaldrich This was the last of the conversation about u-featured for WP that I'm aware of: https://github.com/dshanske/bridgy-publish/issues/30
# [jgmac1106] Nor does Twitter automatically recognize u-featured
# gRegorLove Bridgy does, [jgmac1106]
# [Khurt_Williams] [chrisaldrich] I’ve been doing the same. They way I see it, if I give you money and I have to manually post post links to twitter + Facebook and manually create instagram posts and manually enter syndication links then I’ve been “ripped off”. Also, if all I want to do is post an image or two then …. too much effort. It takes more time to POSSE than creating the content.
# chrisaldrich Khurt, have you posted an issue to SNAP about it?
# chrisaldrich He's usually been reasonably responsive to customers.
# [jgmac1106] According to their website they have a new paid API that allows profile publishing on facebook
# [Khurt_Williams] [chrisaldrich] not this particular one but others. Not happy with the responses.
# [Khurt_Williams] [jgmac1106] is that a new paid API on top of the original paid API access?
# [Khurt_Williams] I am paying for this: https://www.nextscripts.com/snap-api/
# [jgmac1106] You should have it.. But I wouldn't believe they have write access to profiles
# chrisaldrich SNAP has been known to do custom coding to work around standard APIs and use various methods to post without them. As an example neither G+ or Instagram have post API's yet SNAP can post to them, but suggests using care in posting velocity so as not to get your silo account flagged.
# [Khurt_Williams] Could be an error in the “easy to undestand” instructions for enabling this: https://www.nextscripts.com/snap-nextscripts-api-for-facebook-configuration/
# chrisaldrich I'm off to a meeting; back in a bit....
# [Khurt_Williams] I will not renew the SNAP subscription.
# [Khurt_Williams] [chrisaldrich] none of my accounts are flagged. I can use them with no issues. SNAP just does nothing (except trigger Google security). Perhaps the SNAP network IP range is blacklisted by Twitter, Facebook, etc.
# [jgmac1106] Moral of the story.. The days of syndication are over eventually small towns realize a POSSE won't do and they build the required infrastructure
# [jgmac1106] Think it's time we start thinking of web in geographic and interest based nodes and connect with stuff like.... RSS with something cool and new not yet out
# [jgmac1106] Was just at New Haven Public Library asking them to carve out server space where folks could use library card to check out a subdomain
# [Khurt_Williams] [jgmac1106] I came to that conclusion a few weeks ago but … I’ve been sticking my head in the sand. Time to admit POSSE (and perhaps PESOS) is dead.
# [jgmac1106] Better yet just declare Facebook dead and walk away
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[pfefferle] joined the channel
# [pfefferle] Not just happened yet... ZenPress and sempress support u-photo and u-featured
# [jgmac1106] [pfefferle] but SemPress and ZenPress syndicate only a url to post with Bridgy in my experience
# [pfefferle] [jgmac1106] I am not sure what you mean? It is only a theme... it shares nothing...
# [Khurt_Williams] [gregorlove] 👍
# jgmac1106 No I mean with syndication to Twitter with Bridgy…for some reason, it only publishes the url and I didn’t compare markup post to gwg theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2QE_B1oX-o
# [pfefferle] Ah, might be, that I have not pushed the latest version of SemPress to Wordpress.org
# Loqi A bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/bookmark
# [pfefferle] Ok, so I really have to support empty titles in SemPress...
# [pfefferle] [jgmac1106] no, will try to push an update to WordPress...
# jgmac1106 yeah here is an empty title note: https://twitter.com/Greg34420489/status/1025462094555164672
# [pfefferle] [jgmac1106] no, this is not very usable
# [pfefferle] I update SemPress
# [pfefferle] [jgmac1106] please file every issue you had!
# [pfefferle] ;)
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "plethora" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "plethora is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# jgmac1106 I know everybody has their theme….but maybe we just need to come together as community and get one theme 100% working, and hosted on WordPress.org with all the updated documentation….just not sure we have the capacity to support three themes…even if we get down to two….but being in WordPress.org crucial, so SemPress beats out 2016-IndieWeb IMO only for that reason
# [pfefferle] I am not a fan of the theme thing... people want to use their themes or the theme that fits their style, not a single theme that is the only supported theme by the IndieWeb community
# [pfefferle] [jgmac1106] I would love to see https://indieweb.org/rel-alternate as alternative, at least for WordPress and other CMSs
# [pfefferle] Not really redirecting, but it tells the service, where to find a machine readable version of the site... In the end it should be done by a few lines of code, at least for WordPress Webmentions/Semantic Linkbacks
# [pfefferle] Sure, but I am not sure how or if custom fields are supported by gutenberg...
# [pfefferle] ;)
# [pfefferle] But this is not really true... sometimes it is easier to get new ideas if you are not that deep into coding...
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Yeah was really hoping I could just make a block called div=h-entry etc using the class attributes and just drop them in the right place on a template... Oh well
# [jgmac1106] Just boggles my mind how hard it is to get WordPress to spit out html exactly how you need it to be spit out
# [pfefferle] Me too ;)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] Interesting convo here - https://github.com/cleverdevil/indiepaper/issues/8#issuecomment-410386624
# [cleverdevil] Indiepaper wasn't properly working with WordPress micropub endpoints, because I was only requesting the "save" scope, and WordPress' micropub endpoint was rejecting my POST requests saying "insufficient scope."
# [cleverdevil] Now, I request "save create update"
# [cleverdevil] It'd be awesome if the WordPress endpoint could be updated to do something smart with the "save" scope, like map those saved articles to a post category/kind or whatever.
# [cleverdevil] This is what [aaronpk] advised I use with Aperture micropub.
# aaronpk that sounds like my suggestion from before: https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/issues/28
# [cleverdevil] Nice!
# [cleverdevil] Agreed.
# [cleverdevil] Indeed, its sort of both.
# [cleverdevil] It'd be nice to be able to make these decisions on both a scope and a client ID basis.
# [cleverdevil] The closest thing now is Aperture.
# [cleverdevil] At least, that I know of.
# [cleverdevil] "Save" represents the use case that Indiepaper fills – here is an article (represented by a fully specified h-entry) from elsewhere that I'd like to save for reading later.
# [cleverdevil] :thumbsup:
# [cleverdevil] Thanks! Let me know if I can help!
# [cleverdevil] Having support for this in WordPress would be a huge use case fulfillment for Indiepaper.
# [cleverdevil] Indeed, that is a good question.
# [cleverdevil] Or would you at all?
# [cleverdevil] I sort of like the Micro.blog implementation, where it just saves them to a feed.
# [cleverdevil] Which you could subscribe to in a reader.
# [cleverdevil] But, I could also see them being created as posts that you can only see if you're logged in.
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# aaronpk GWG: is this like a one-time thing? https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/admin_notices
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# aaronpk but this looks like it might work https://w3guy.com/wordpress-admin-notices-dismissible/
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] Aaronpk++