#wordpress 2018-08-02

2018-08-02 UTC
neo-cool23, kashike24 and jgmac1106 joined the channel
dougbeal: I have been starting to integrate some features into my work.
BlueShark26, d__b and ihavoc joined the channel
is it an omen when the Slack giphy all serves up a gif of WordPress for the search term “Break All the Things”?
biberao8 joined the channel
jgmac1106: How goes the good fight?
we will see, the class is going well, they haven’t tarred and feathered me yet, webmentions going through some getting caught in spam…the no rss feed…failing curl test..I have no idea what t do about that. I throw https://jgregorymcverry.com/feed into a broswer and it reads it fine…but everyone says they don’t get it
jgmac1106: its a guetenberg prophecy ;)
dougbeal has 5 karma in this channel (14 overall)
I will play some other time and just send webmentions back and forth to each other…
doing a vHWC now but its more DM support than video
jgmac1106: Did I ever show you my Webmention demo sites?
no, look foward to it, grades due a midnight for my last class and I am doing vHWC for my current class so gonna drop off a bit
jgmac1106: It was for a demo a few years ago
but how [chrisaldrich] is taking my class will be perfect proof of concept to show how powerful webmentions can be in learning spaces
how is the feed failing?
i dunno I tried webmention.rocks again today first test: https://webmention.rocks/test/1 never gotten it to work….gRegor has told me for a bit he can’t get my feeds, then other tried a curl test and said I timeout…didn’t know if both were related
[Webmention Rocks!] Discovery Test #1
pinged my shared hosting provider, “they need more detail” but I get webmentions..I think I send them
Boulet8, jgmac1106 and [miklb] joined the channel
I’m still not clear the plan for rel=alternate in WP.
[miklb]: I’m still not clear the plan for rel=alternate in WP.
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How so?
is it meant to replace mf2 in the theme completely?
LewsThanThree26 joined the channel
supplemental to the point the uf2 plugin would cover the bases?
OK. so kinda an enhancement but status quo otherwise. Cool. Just wasn’t sure what direction to move in, but seems just stay on my path.
Basically compat movd
I honestly don’t know what that means.
I was really hoping someone would say that the 2 combined would totally satisfy mf2 for a WP theme. Still not sure what would need to be done for it make it so.
It is an alternate view of a page
[snarfed] joined the channel
the rel=alternate thing is definitely an experiment, but if it works, it's a way to avoid the theme needing to add mf2 at all
that’s what I thought I was gathering from the conversation the other night, but wasn’t sure.
lbft20 joined the channel
Exactly. A fallback
what triggers the fallback?
[miklb]: It's like an RSS feed
the webmention receiver would have to look for it
It's a link inside the HTML that says there is an alterate way to view the page
I understand what it is, I’m asking how does the parser know to use the fallback?
it just decides to
I had to update xray to look for the rel=alternate link and now it uses that instead of parsing the HTML if it's there
[ryan339] joined the channel
aaronpk: That is what I want to add
But I have the other project?
sorry to be asking so many questions, just a potential dramatic change so I’m trying to figure out how to move forward.
[miklb]: Think of how micro.blog using a jsonfeed
Same idea
no, not really from what I’m hearing.
if the goal is for every parser to adopt rel=alternate then it wouldn’t matter how good the mf2 in the theme is, it would never get looked at. If it will be a maybe/maybe not every parser, then there still needs to be good mf2 in WP themes. In which case, I’m back to my question where are the conflicts with WP core mf1? Or are there anymore.
jack3 and surfist18 joined the channel
[miklb]: I intend to cover both
Looking joined the channel
alright, well, I’ll check back in a week to see if there’s been anymore discussion about the plan. At this point, I’m really hoping that rel=alternate works out, no one has to worry about mf2 in their theme, and I can move back to a static site.
wouldn't rel=alternate uf2 give more data?
[xavierroy], revi22, rogue, F4RR3LL, nullcone, Matthew_9, Kirito, Arokh3, nope__ and [matpacker] joined the channel
Just had DreamHost migrate me over to a VPS, and now all my endpoints are broken and the headers wont authorise...haha
albel7275, anticrisis, [ryan339], iambismark, [matpacker], zmachine, Guest5020, szt20, ablackack17, chalcedony, fydel, bodeezl, jeremycherfas, interd0me, Guest88897, Dominian21, hggdh23, pendo32415, Boulet28, jgmac1106, orb, strugee24, Cprossu29, zz_ka6sox, Tabmow24, donblanco and bjs26 joined the channel
Looking at the next piece of Micropub
beaver12, GorillaWarfare2, tsp, lucy_, tomek15, jgmac1106, grit2, ozymandias27, Guest43987, ori18, dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks], Praise16, Xe2 and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[matpacker] is ssl working? That sounds like it could be a bad cert, assuming all the enpoints are https
Tourist24, Cprossu17, emerson, jackjamieson, barlas2, vamiry, Nightmare19, vdamewood, [kim_landwehr], [kevinmarks], khronosschoty16 and [metbril] joined the channel
Is there already a plugin that does this or another way, other than editing the template?
If I want to use Aperture as a Microsub server, I need to a token endpoint to my <head> section. Just like the auth endpoint.
Like in
`<link rel="microsub" href="https://<URL to microsub server>">`
shoot, I think the slack bridge isn't working with the channel mode
can you repeat what you first said?
If I want to use Aperture as a Microsub server, I need to a token endpoint to my <head> section. Just like the auth endpoint.
Is there already a plugin that does this or another way, other than editing the template?
Like in
`<link rel="microsub" href="https://<URL to microsub server>">`
the indieauth plugin does this for you
Sorry, I did not mean the toke endpoint, but the link to the microsub server
I don't want to hardcore it
Hard code
you should be able to paste that html in any widget thingy
don't think there's a plugin yet, but you should be able to use any any widget etc where you can put arbitrary html
It doesn't need to be in the head section?
Anywhere on the page will do?
no I don't think so
metbril: I have all that stuff in a Custom Html widget
hm should I make a really simple plugin that just sets that link to aperture's endpoint?
I will give it a shot
I authenticated with Aperture and Indigenous. Next step: find some interesting channels. Any suggestions?
if you use micro.blog you can subscribe to your micro.blog timeline
[ryan339] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I am not sure about webmentions and semantic link backs but from what I am reading we might be able to get mf2 done correctly in Gutenberg by just creating an hentry block... And pulling in all the Metadata from elsewhere... Or by doing a series of blocks. You can use classes and attributes and make it so other plugins can not style or change specific blocks
Not sure if this could be a plug in that gets hentry correct for article, note, photo, bookmark, and reply or would still require a theme... Gonna ask around
I must be doing something wrong. I have added my own (json) feed to aperture and indigenous, monocle and alltogethernow all show no posts. The feed has 10.
[metbril]: in aperture does it show the number of posts?
you should see something like this in aperture's dashboard https://media.aaronpk.com/Screen-Shot-2018-08-02-09-54-47-WuQA2h5H4F.jpg
It shows jsonfeed 10 entries
boser3 joined the channel
then that is very strange that they arne't showing up in the clients
I have added the link from the aperture dashboard to my homepage.
The one ending with the '/xx' digits.
and you don't get an error logging in to monocle?
No, just a blank page with the reload button
I also tried following the Microformats feed, no change.
And follo your Microformats feed, which has 435 entries that don't show up in the client
oh, that blank page is actually supposed to be the list of channels
also why are the slack images not coming through the bridge anymore!
[metbril]: can you go to https://monocle.p3k.io/debug and screenshot that?
[aaronpk], [iambismark], [kim_landwehr] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] this is not how Gutenberg works... a block is not a whole entry, it is more a paragraph... if you have a text with two paragraphs and an image, Gutenberg creates 3 blocks... so it makes it even harder....
[jgmac1106] and even if we find some hacky solution, like with wp-uf2 we still have the problem with title, author informations, dates, ...
[jgmac1106] and if the theme supports microformats1 we might have side effects with backwards compatibility modes, because the Gutenberg-mf2 stuff will be on other html elements than the mf1s...
Gutenberg is nice, for a reply context block or semantic linking or... but not to try to fix the semantics of a theme...
[quinnvinlove] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Wow.... They are going to make a block for each individual html element.... Only if we had someway to group strings of text in something like....an html element.
[pfefferle] I was hoping when I read blocks supersede html.... Which just sounds crazy... It could work....darn...Hopefully the other avenues work
I invested a lot of time, to think about/build a general way of making themes mf2 compatible and ended up, building two themes from scratch, because everything else has not really worked...
Yeah..and they seem to be working for most and I know folks hate page builders but it seems to be providing the design flexibility folks want.... I just apply to only static pages as safety
[pfefferle] what is the difference when folks say uf2 and mf2?
Nothing, there was a time some folks used uf, because the „u“ looks like the „µ“ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(letter))
I think mf2 is more common these days
Okay thank you. It is going okay in my class. Too many chose independent Publisher. Tryanny of tutorial. Actually going to ask folks to switch to SemPress or 2016.. Just got to let them calm
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Don‘t forget ZenPress, it is very similar to Independent Publisher and fully supports Gutenberg
It should also support static front pages now... (please re-check ;) )
[metbril] joined the channel
[aaronpk] screenshot of monocle debug
remove <link rel="microsub" href="https://aperture.p3k.io"> from your site
then fix rel="microsubb" to rel="microsub"
You looked at the page source 😉
I had that earlier but that did not work out too. I will change back and share a screenshot again.
well it certainly won't work the way it is now
I changed it back, that did not work. Then signed out and back in and that worked.
Learned: to sign up have the first microsub, after that change and login again.
right, monocle will find the endpoint when you log in
the order is: set up the indieauth plugin, log in to aperture, add the microsub endpoint to your site, then log in to monocle
you should never have <link rel="microsub" href="https://aperture.p3k.io"> since nothing ever instructed you to do that
dougbeal|imac, jackjamieson, [quinnvinlove] and [eddie] joined the channel
I had an interesting idea for a wordpress plugin for aperture
can someone who knows these things point me in the direction of the hooks I would need to make this work? actually I might be able to copy stuff from the webmention plugin...
i'd like to make an Aperture plugin that when you install it, it goes and signs up for an account on my aperture instance, and then can write the <link> tag into the page
the way I want the signup to work is the plugin would ping aperture.p3k.io after it's installed, and I can do a little two-way handshake to set up the account
so you'd never actually need to visit aperture.p3k.io to use it
so basically I need to know: 1) how do I write a <link> tag into the html of just the home page? 2) is there a hook that runs just once after the plugin is installed, and 3) how can I make an HTTP route like the webmention endpoint
oh and 4) how does the plugin know the home page URL the site is installed at, including http/https and the subfolder
I can answer those
1. wp_head
2. register_activation_hook
3. rest API
4. home_url
or site_url
oh and is there a place the plugin can store stuff?
can I use the user meta table but set user=0 or something?
wait no that's the "options" table that I want right?
I can help check the code
thanks, give me a few minutes and I should have something hacked up
I think this will require almost no UI
I need to look at Microsub
this indieauth plugin has a bunch of the stuff I need in it :)
[matpacker] joined the channel
oh I need to know what the indieauth identity for the site is... GWG is there a way to ask the indieauth plugin for that?
One day I will get the syntax correct! aaronpk++
Today is not that day!
like if it's in single-user mode or multi-user mode
aaronpk, no, but good idea
I should have a function for that
yeah i'd love to be able to just get back the indieauth URL for the current user
I think I will just assume single-user site right now
Made a note
We don't have that
But good idea
Favourite cache plugin for WP?
I don't use one
I wonder how much traffic before you need one
I've used W3TC on client sites. It's pretty good
It's popular
I use fastcgi microcaching in Nginx
i've just noticed that the dashboard is slow af, along with the site, since moving over to a dreamhost vps. Figured I would setup WP Super Cache or similar, just to speed things up a little.
matpacker: what are that stats on your vps?
How so?
how do I use it?
I had trouble too, but you are aaronpk
To do what?
to return a response
You return it from your handler
right, but like is there a constructor that I pass arguments to?
there's no usage information on that page at all, not even an example
Look at the wp_http_response class it inherits