gRegorLove!tell chrisaldrich I just replied to your issue post. webmention was successful and comment header says "one response..." but doesn't show the comment.
prettymuchbryce1"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Loqiprettymuchbryce1 said: "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
prettymuchbryce1Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
prettymuchbryce1Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC might be a good choice.
Tabmow9"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Tabmow9Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
Tabmow9Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
jgmac1106I was supposed to work on the functions for better rss feeds this morning for quote and bookmark…..but spent the mornign trying to build a ruby on ralis app so I can send and receieve webmention for my class
jgmac1106What happens is users of Independent Publisher, your gravatar image is the header img, then you add the h-card widget and you end up with the same image twice… this assumption that everyone wants their picture in their h-card……just not true