#wordpress 2018-08-07
2018-08-07 UTC
[kiai] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [pfefferle] for real? I can just delete the Mastodon plugin?

[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] GWG: that's right, you're moving to Manila soon
[jgarber], [kiai] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy] [dshanske] welcome to Asia
mcintosh24 joined the channel
[xavierroy] [dshanske] 😀
Jamesofur19, if`m, lucy_, nate7 and [Serena] joined the channel
[Serena] I just noticed that when I send replies to other sites, my webmention doesn't show an avatar. My memory was that it did at one point.
[Serena] I tried sending a webmention to myself and I find this:
[Serena] Anyone know where I should look (which indieweb plugin) to fix this?
[kevinmarks], Natechip and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] This might depend on your theme... If your theme does not markup the avatar correctly, the Webmention plugin can’t find it.

Adran7, myth0d10, GeekDude16, jeremych_, vectr0n24 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] shows up as a blank facepike on my site I too am empty facepile on half of my webmentions to myself

nyuszika7h19 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [pfefferle] found my Mastodon account it uses the WordPress username I can't change thus I would be BrokenArrow8@jgregorymcverry.com

[jgmac1106] Wish you could change a WordPress user name...

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [jgmac1106] it also supports other handles

zzzADC9 joined the channel
[pfefferle] Have to look at the code, tell you later...

[jgmac1106] Wow thx... Granted its because at the time I liked how Phil Lesh and Friends covered the Grateful Dead covering Rod Stewart... But I might as well be HotStuffzzz69

aaronpk and jgmac1106 joined the channel
jgmac1106 How do I help this person? I find that RSS feeds from various indieweb sites often have entries for “notes” that have no title in the RSS, this seems to break the RSS reader. I am working on my personal rss feeds from WP but is there any documentation on how xml should render rss feeds for particular post types

[kevinmarks] and [jgarber] joined the channel
jeremycherfas jgmac1106 Are you talking about the WP.com version of Independent Publisher or the .org version? Because I have no major issues with the .org version.

jeremycherfas Not things I recall having to do, but that's OK

jeremycherfas jgmac1106 Just to be certain, you are talking about the .org version? That's what I really need to know.

tantek and bradenslen joined the channel
bradenslen morning

tantek__ joined the channel
bradenslen I seem to have a minor problem: my icons have disappeared from my rel=me widget

jgmac1106 joined the channel
bradenslen I'm not sure when they went missing.

bradenslen 2 things I did recently: updated to indieweb 3.3.10 plugin and ...

bradenslen tried Ostatus plugin plus it's sub-plugins...

bradenslen I have since deactivated Ostatus and the new sub dependant plugins

bradenslen icons still gone.

petermolnar bradenslen: 404 or they are missing from the page source itself?

bradenslen Is there a known issue on this? The links are still there just no icons or text. I have invisible links.

bradenslen Is there a known issue on this? The links are still there just no icons or text. I have invisible links.

bradenslen Clarify: the links are only detectable on mouseover. They work, just no icons or text.

tantek and [Serena] joined the channel
[Serena] [pfefferle] I’m using Independent Publisher, though I tried SemPress to see if the issue was theme related, and SemPress had the same issue too, so I thought it was a plug-in issue.
[Serena] [jgmac1106] re. H-card u-photo leaking everywhere, I know next to nothing about php, but I found and commented out the independent_publisher_mf2_get_avatar_data function in inc/mf2.php, and it seems to work fine now. Though I agree, some work needs to go into this theme.
Cronus21 and jgmac1106 joined the channel
bradenslen got to go

Guest42469 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [Serena] I am trying to get there in terms of php and WordPress the functions...seem logical. Happy to help steward a fork with others who know nothing and try to figure out together

TehNut2 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Really open rel=alternate though leads to more indieweb use and that bleeds over to more interest in themes with proper mf2 so we can keep properties in HTML

[jgmac1106] ! Tell bradenslen 3.1.3 added toggle options in hcard widget. This may be messing with rel=me

[jgmac1106] Or just need to move some toggles. I haven't had chance to test or update documentation

tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [Serena] [jgmac1106] I've seen the missing avatar thing for a while too. Reported here: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/178#issuecomment-407884642 is it what you're seeing?

tantek joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove thanks for the heads up. I saw it myself and am unsure of the cause. It's all fine on the back end but just not displaying for some reason. I'll try to get to it shortly.

jackjamieson and [Serena] joined the channel
[Serena] I'm not sure that it's the same issue, since my Avatar field for Semantic Linkbacks Data is empty. (ref. screenshot: https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/archives/C08S4KMJN/p1533625580000245)
[johnjohnston] and boredguy joined the channel
gRegorLove Thanks to Zegnat we have the code. "just" need to WordPress-ify it https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/f4192c3cce05d847af3547eea80e383c

HackMaster and [grantcodes] joined the channel
AlwaysHigh14, Introoter, [cleverdevil], frmus28 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] is missing prof

webpigeon10, tantek, Georgyo14, jgmac1106, Zuu_, raretrack, [cleverdevil], wagle, krytarik and bradenslen joined the channel
bradenslen back

bradenslen !Tell jgmac1106 Thanks I tried tapping around those widgets and the places they draw info from: resaving etc. No good.

bradenslen The buttons are in a rel=me widget. Sidebar on desktop right above pumpkinhead image

bradenslen they are invisible

bradenslen hrmm, they used to be there. will check

bradenslen I just checked Privacy Badger ext. But it is not blocking anything from twitter or micro.blog

bradenslen i just double checked in Safari. Still nothing.

bradenslen No pagespeed or anything. Host is Pressable from Automatic.

bradenslen if so, they must have just changed something

bradenslen to me it's not a big deal, except hidden links are frowned upon in general

bradenslen sknebel thanks for try to diagnose.

bradenslen try = trying

bradenslen i'm not convinced that is the problem but it might be.

[eddie] joined the channel
bradenslen I barely understand that. :-) It would be great if the stock icons were supplied with the plugins

sknebel and either something has hooked in there, or is doing it later, so that instead of at ramblinggit.com/wp-content/plugins/indieweb/static/img/simple-icons.svg the url points to https://wvw0glu2z4v4pz4d-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/plugins/indieweb/static/img/simple-icons.svg
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @bradenslen check the icon settings in post kinds.... They shouldn't impact just throwing spaghetti at wall

bradenslen Ah! zippykid! Zippykid is caught up in PrivacyBadger!

[jgmac1106] Ohh wow what @sknebel said

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
bradenslen No. Privacy Badger shows zippykid to be green for okay. False Aha.

bradenslen I'll look with Firefox later when I swap out to the Linux laptop.

bradenslen got to leave for awhile. Thanks to both of you.

[jgmac1106] [pfefferle] FYI I am getting six email notifications per salmon I receive

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Yes, there is already an open bug... I thought better 6 than none 😉

jackjamieson, sockspls28 and wagle joined the channel
[jgmac1106] In terms of my inbox... None is always best. Funny thing they get scooped up in my bridgy filter so I don't see them

wagle, jgmac1106, tantek__ and majestic18 joined the channel
[shaners], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and [matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] Question, I'm looking at using Drafts.app for posting to my WP blog, and I'm looking to tweak the code here - http://actions.getdrafts.com/a/1BS and it uses "postFormat". Can I simply change that to "postKind" and add a pick list of the kinds I use?
[matpacker] Follow up question, is there a way of adding the Response Properties to the script so that they are added?
wagle joined the channel