#wordpress 2018-08-12

2018-08-12 UTC
gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[stefp] Nope, still the same status https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/issues/198 I suspect it'll be cleared up in the coming month on David's Thrilla in Manila.
[chrisaldrich] #198 Swarm checkins appear as notes
[chrisaldrich]: I'm in IndieAuth with scopes right now
totte joined the channel
Pace yourself GWG. Don't want to be stuck with nothing to do next week. 🙂
[chrisaldrich]: I haven't even started work here. That's tonight.
spb29 joined the channel
Okay, PR awaiting review. New Token Management Page and Ability to Select Scopes
snarfed, sysdef, [jgmac1106], sockspls3 and Inception joined the channel
jgmac1106, the new improvements to IndieAuth should make requesting permissions more understandable
okay will go and do a fresh install
@gwg [pfefferle] check out what [johnjohnston] did with rss feeds...http://johnjohnston.info/blog/titles-or-not/ encouraged him to file a PR. and hopefully /Tom_Sawyering him into fixing the other rss feeds
[john] Since joining micro.blog I’ve been messing around with my blog and its RSS on and off. I had settled on removing the titles for status post RSS feed. This means short status posts (<280 characters) were passed over to micro.blog and displayed the w...
bit annoying that making a feed nice for micro.blog means making it worse for feed readers
(although I guess it depends on the reader app a bit)
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[swentel] would be worse…a lot of of people say status, quote, and bookmark feeds look bad in their readers bc of no title
oops [sknebel] I haven’t dine that in forever and a day, sorry
ZLSA23, davidmead and madprops29 joined the channel
RSS readers that make posts with no title look bad should fix that
[aaronpk] that might be my misunderstanding when I had asked folks why mine were appearing the way they were appearing it was because the way my theme genereated the xml
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[johnjohnston] this parsed funny: http://johnjohnston.info/blog/mentions-on-microblog-test/ it might be related to your no title changes
[john] @jgmac1106 the help says if I link like this: <a href="https://micro.blog/jgmac1106">@jgmac1106</a> the at name in the app should be live? Like this: Like Loading...
@johnjohnston I see what you did you wrapped all your content in the p-name
…which is what you are supposed to do: note
“the way my theme genereated the xml” ... are themes really responsible for how RSS/Atom is being generated? Or are you generating feeds from h-feed through something like Granary?
in WordPress there is a template file, and then a function in function.php that triggers it…it may also be that post kinds uses taxonomies and most of the rss functions are built around post types
I am new to all this and the grant application has me swamped so haven’t had real time to explore
[zegnat] [aaronpk] what I think I want to get to.. if I am understanding this correctly..is the default rss feeds for WordPress archives and taxonomies (post-kinds) doesn’t play nice with the way most people want the feeds to display for some post types…I want to get the feeds “correct” and then [gwg] can include the templates and functions in the post-kind plugin
erasmus7, TriangleSausage2 and [johnjohnston] joined the channel
I don’t think it is. The title thing just deals directly with the_title_rss I leave all the markup to the theme I believe.
jgmac1106, MikeSpears6, Nick`29, snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah [johnjohnston] I threw it in a parser and looked at the source code. It was all fine...sorry for false alarm. The feeds look great on micro.blog
[kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], mrdata28, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [tantek] and Keygen joined the channel
Trying to catch up - is the alternate approach for microformats in WordPress, to create a separate h-feed sidefile and link to it with rel=alternate?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[manton] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek, hopefully it's just a stop-gap until WordPress core and themes can catch up to modern specs, because who wants just another side-file to maintain? #amiright?
Makes sense chrisaldrich
snarfed, jgmac1106 and Kaja joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel