#wordpress 2018-08-20
2018-08-20 UTC
tantek, ski_, miklb and bradenslen joined the channel
bradenslen miklb thanks. I might hold off experimenting till after Gutenberg drops.

suim4 joined the channel
tantek__ miklb re: https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress/2018-08-19/1534713478952300 I am interested in the specifics of your results, in particular towards improving https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/7 by default

tantek joined the channel
miklb generic 2016 with nothing different about my site except added the mf2 plugin is now live at https://miklb.com

jamesbond and LambdaComplex21 joined the channel
miklb then again indiewebify.me thinks its ok https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmiklb.com%2Fblog%2F2018%2F08%2F19%2Flive-testing-the-state-of-affairs-in-wordpress-the-indieweb%2F

Guest92014 and tantek__ joined the channel
tantek__ aaronpk: this is exactly the point of https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/7 (though maybe we need a separate issue for h-feed backcompat improvements)

tantek__ e.g. <data class='u-url' value='https://example.com/permalink'></data>

Ks0stm11 joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
[eddie] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] What about the p-name? Do you have a solution for that?

[pfefferle] An other point h-Feed parsing is only important for feed readers, with the Webmention plugin, we only parse single posts...

Dworf, [metbril] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] sorry, I let you try it yourself! 😞

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] he everyone. Nice efforts on the testing overnight

[jgarber] joined the channel
[stefp] joined the channel
[stefp] Hi. Could someone look at the change I just made to the Wordpress IndieAuth plugin page on the wiki?
[stefp] Is there enough info there?
[stefp] I was in contact with the tech person at my host
[stefp] he asked me to try the plugin again and he checked the firewall at the same time
[stefp] so he could check what was happening
[stefp] and it was that rule causing the problem
Zegnat It is an anti remote file injection security, so it blocks when external URLs are used for specific arguments. IndieAuth does this all the time because you identify yourself with a URL, the client that tries to log you in identifies itself with a URL, the client provides a URL to be redirected to after login...

[stefp] Thanks. I was trying to find out what rule 340162 was exactly.
[stefp] Thank you 🙂
[manton] joined the channel
[aaronpk] joined the channel
sknebel when parsing your homepage: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmiklb.com%2F
vanderven.se martijn edited /Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin (+1236) "/* Troubleshooting */ Documenting the ModSecurity issue, huge thanks to [[User:Stephenpieper.net]]!" (view diff)
[tantek] joined the channel
Zegnat If your hosting company is a customer of Atomicorp, maybe you can get them to report the false positive? Possibly have them mention that not just this plugin but possibly all IndieAuth (https://indieauth.net/) implementations will be hit by this.

[eddie] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] miklb p-name == the title of the post

[pfefferle] thats why I apologized

[pfefferle] miklb the problem of the hidden data in the e-content is that it is part of the HTML and will be included in the target site… so it might cause issues parsing the target

[pfefferle] but I was really curious

[pfefferle] miklb do we talk about the backwards compatibility? will it be parsed as e-content?

[pfefferle] no offense, I only want to understand what you are exactly doing, to tell you if this causes issues for, for example the semantic-linkbacks plugin…

[pfefferle] can you share your code? perhaps as a github repo? so we have the issues to discuss potential problems…

[pfefferle] or you use a branch of the wp-uf2 plugin

[pfefferle] broken mf1 implementations

[pfefferle] should we file the known issues?

[pfefferle] to find solutions?

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
miklb looks like maybe you opened an issue on that already? https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [miklb] [pfefferle] is there a repo somewhere where we can put in the results from each parser....feel like somebody does this every few months, and we never capture it...what would be the best place

[jgmac1106] Is this the correct one? indieweb/wordpress-indieweb

[jgmac1106] I am happy to repeat your efforts [miklb] now that I can breath again

[pfefferle] [jgmac1106] I think there shouldn‘t be parser issues or differences, if so it is a parser bug

[pfefferle] So I am not sure we should check this in this context

[pfefferle] Miklb why in the indieweb plugin? Shouldn‘t we use the uf2?

jackjamieson joined the channel
[pfefferle] miklb, I would not recommend to use the h-card widget, because this is again optional and must be communicated and so a potential error source (can you say that in English?) I would prefer a direct integration into the h-entry context

[manton] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [pfefferle] I meant how do we capture the conversation happening here, a native hcard would be nice....but I fear with out plugin you wil bump into jetpack and gravatar messing it up, you need to see what happens then

[jgmac1106] awesome

[jgmac1106] I also have each of the IndieWeb themes and the top three most popular free themes installed that I am happy to repeat your test [miklb] and give anyone access to those sites

[jgmac1106] okay thx for info on general discussion

[jgmac1106] technically for example Independent Publisher is supposed to have a native h-card but I do now gravatar and jetpack can mix it up.....we won't make it anywhere with core if we say "don't use jetpack" so I would say testing conditions require both

[jgmac1106] jetpack and gravatar active

[jgarber] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] okay makes sense...just in reference to "we should have native hcard" rather than widget

miklb joined the channel
[pfefferle] miklb I hope it is because of my english skills, but I always think we talk past each other

[pfefferle] miklb I do not thing the widget is wrong or bad, I think it is for a different usecase… We talked a lot about usability and I think a user should not have to do things by hand to have a proper mf2 environment… and a widget does not fit all usecases, because we have multi-user blogs and guest posts, … so we should avoid to use a global user as the entry user…

[pfefferle] I am still not 100% sure what you are trying to do and why the mf2-feed is not the better solution, but perhaps it might be that I worked on the wp-uf2 plugin for too long…

[pfefferle] not really, because I do not parse the html, I build the JSON manually

[pfefferle] ok, that is a good point! I removed it from the IndieWeb plugin and perhaps we should release a new version without the uf2 plugin

[pfefferle] and re-add either the mf2-feed or wp-uf2 plugins or both if they really work

[pfefferle] to keep confusion low

[pfefferle] the wp-uf2 plugin

[pfefferle] from the recommended ones

[pfefferle] no 🙂

[pfefferle] but I added the feed plugin, that is also not working yet, so I will also remove that one and release a new version

[pfefferle] no, this is also not yet fully functional

[pfefferle] and I agree with you, we shouldn’t recommend plugins that are not working

[pfefferle] to tell users: use the indieweb plugin, but do not install recommendet plugin XY

[pfefferle] then you should perhaps be more verbose on indieweb plugin merge requests 😉

[pfefferle] but if you have issues with one of the plugins that is released since ages and you know it casuses issues, please file an issue or make a merge request the next time

[pfefferle] we recommend the wp-uf2 plugin in the current version of the indieweb plugin… but as you said, this causes more issues than it helps… so I would vote to remove it until it works

[pfefferle] > I just find issue with one of the core IW plugin developers saying “don’t use that widget that is in the community IndieWeb plugin.”

[pfefferle] ah, you meant me 😄

[pfefferle] it really is a language issue

[pfefferle] I have to read the more carefully

[pfefferle] but I have no problems to deprecate plugins if they do not work…

[pfefferle] and the uf2 plugin really does not work atm..

[pfefferle] I have no problem with the plugin and I would love to see a working copy… after all it was initially my idea 😉

[pfefferle] the sooner the better!

[pfefferle] I prefer a lot of small merge requests over viewer bigger ones

tantek, tantek__ and jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson and [asuh] joined the channel
[cleverdevil], [deeden] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie] and [Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] Wait? uf2 plugin is not recommended?
[manton] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] aaronpk can I ask, how you optimize your blog posts for mastodon?

[iambismark] joined the channel
[pfefferle] aaronpk aaaah, attachments are the magic!

[Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] Ok. Then I guess I’ll deactivate that plugin. Let’s see what doesn’t work now. My use of IndieWeb tech has been reduced to Webmentions.
tbbrown and gRegorLove joined the channel
[eddie] It also might help just to have an app that “previews” a feed for you. For example test.ltd/preview?ur=https://domain.tld/hfeed/url that would parse the h-feed and then use the parsed info to display a timeline like page. That would allow you to see how a “social reader” might display the feed

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[iambismark], globbot, [cleverdevil], [tantek] and [Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] I saw this on the IndieWeb wiki>
[Khurt] > Micro.blog is an indie microblogging service started by Manton Reece, which supports microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub.
[Khurt] Why is micro.blog an indie blogging service but Tumblr / WordPress.com is not?
tantek, [eso], tantek__, [jgarber], [shaners], [jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [Khurt] In some sense they are, and on some pages they're recommended as such. But they also don't go as far as micro.blog does... each platform/service/CMS/etc. falls on an indie spectrum somewhere

[Khurt] [chrisaldrich] ok. But why single out micro.blog in the wiki. It’s just another silos blogging platform (albeit one with IndieWeb tech).
[chrisaldrich] there's also a secondary definition/meaning of "Indie" which means not-big, not corporate, etc., so some of it depends on the context/setting.

[jgmac1106] [Khurt] if you know of a way to add the plugins to Tumblr/WordPress.com so basic functionality of mf2 parsers and webmentions work we can add it to the wiki

[jgmac1106] there are sections on pesos and posse from Tumble and Wordpress.com somewhere I am sure

[chrisaldrich] All three are "silos" in some sense in that they are holding your data for you. How easy is it to export your data and move your entire site from one place to another?

[Khurt] [chrisaldrich] I’m not sure what corporate means. Micro.blog is a business.
[Khurt] [chrisaldrich] how easy is it to export data from WordPress.com?
[chrisaldrich] Manton Reece is not at the size or scope of Oath certainly....

[jgmac1106] yeah I agree "being the Man" is a wrong filter, and think you can be indie in spirit on Tumblr or WordPress.com

[chrisaldrich] They're all apples and oranges on a variety of axes....

[Khurt] [aaronpk] how?
[Khurt] I use WordPress.com and Tumblr but none of the content originates there, [aaronpk].
[chrisaldrich] If you look at what manton is trying to achieve, I think he'd much rather you owned your own domain and your data on your own site, even to the exclusion of you not paying for his service.

[chrisaldrich] He's offering micro.blog in some sense as a turnkey for those who don't want to be responsible for the maintenance and overhead for their tech.

[Khurt] I don’t WordPress.com or Tumblr for hosting.
[Khurt] I know that [chrisaldrich] syndicates his content, in it’s entirety, to WordPress.
[chrisaldrich] Like micro.blog, Tumblr and WordPress.com allow you to map your own domain onto their services so that you can take your domain and data with you if you choose to move somewhere else. So in this sense, they're all IndieWeb friendly.

[Khurt] https://khurt.tumblr.com
[Khurt] I have followers on Tumblr and WordPress.com
[chrisaldrich] aaronpk, I think he's admitted in the past that he doesn't have what he considers a good one (yet)

[chrisaldrich] I've got a few sketches and some work here on my desk that does a little bit of it already... just haven't circled back yet.

[Khurt] I’m just reacting to adding Indie to the micro.blog entry in the Wiki.
[Khurt] Seems arbitrary.
[chrisaldrich] in some sense, micro.blog can change drastically depending on what tech you're bringing to the table. It's one of the very few services that does it well, but it also means that different people will define it differently

[Khurt] micro.blog is sharecropping just like Tumblr and WordPress. Manton controls all of it.
[Khurt] Ok. Then let’s call it, “not 100% under my control”.
[Khurt] And I don’t understand what’s wrong with sharecropping?
[chrisaldrich] [Khurt] Why isn't all of your interaction with micro.blog under your own control? How are _you_ using it?

[Khurt] I understand IndieWeb to mean “I make the rules”. Micro.blog has community guidelines. Just like Tumblr, WordPress, etc.
[chrisaldrich] All of my content that appears on micro.blog appears on my site first and all the interactions come back to it via webmention.

[Khurt] Yes, I do the same, [chrisaldrich].
[Khurt] But in the wiki, the word indieweb appears in the context of micro.blog but not Tumblr or WordPress. Why?
[chrisaldrich] Perhaps simply that no one has added it directly.

[Khurt] here’s the line : > Micro.blog is an indie microblogging service started by Manton Reece, which supports microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub.
[Khurt] https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog
[Khurt] Would it be ok to add the same word, “indie”, to the wiki entry for tumblr.
[chrisaldrich] At one time, I experimented with using Tumblr as my online identity. They allowed easy import/export of data and I could map my domain onto them. Because I can control the theme I could also add microfomats too.

[chrisaldrich] It's even possible to hook Brid.gy up to tumblr... so in all those senses it's very IndieWeb.

[chrisaldrich] Are many people using it that way? Probably not.

[Khurt] [chrisaldrich] that is what I am getting at.
[chrisaldrich] I suspect that you wouldn't see any torches or pitchforks for doing so.

[Khurt] here’s what the wiki entry for tumblr: “Tumblr is a popular content hosting silo, ”
[chrisaldrich] I think that's a result of the fact that that's the way 98% of people have traditionally used Tumblr.

[Khurt] So how is Tumblr a silo but micro.blog is “indie”?
[Khurt] Politicis.
[chrisaldrich] Most of the people and companies that were using Tumblr as a personal or corporate blogging platform jumped ship about 2 years ago and moved to Medium.com when that was in vogue.

[Khurt] I think the wiki entries are using words to give the impression that Tumblr is a silo but micro.blog is not.
[Khurt] [aaronpk] will do so.
[chrisaldrich] Some of those politics are also tied up in what the owning corporation is actively doing with their platform.

[chrisaldrich] Oath/Yahoo! hasn't been showing much (any?) love to Tumblr for quite some time.

[Khurt] to be fair, I think Tumblr and micro.blog are both silos that can be used to build indie web site. Although I like to think of IndieWeb as 100% independent (aka. under my control from server stack to web stack).
[Khurt] [aaronpk]yeah unfortunately.
[chrisaldrich] [Khurt], yes there's that, but we also can't and don't expect "everyone" to make that their go to definition. To reach the so-called 3rd and 4th gen users, there are going to have to be companies like micro.blog, Tumblr, and WordPress.com do some of the (heavy) lifting for them.

[chrisaldrich] Ideally, with more openness and support of standards, then pure competition takes over and these companies will be offing more and hopefully cheaper services and solutions

[Khurt] [chrisaldrich] yep. [miklb] it’s all related.
[Khurt] [chrisaldrich] FYI: I supported the micro.blog kickstarter. Was hoping I’d get to run my own server.
[chrisaldrich] then shall we move to --> #indieweb channel?

[chrisaldrich] I'm happy to stay here, particularly if it means we lose participants....

Loqi The representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card

[Khurt] It works?
[Khurt] That should be “It works!!!”
miklb I'm just looking at https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues/113 and wasn't familiar with the term. Not sure I could suggest better phrasing at this point, but it is awkward.

miklb that might be tantek__ realm of conversation https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/14

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Yes

[pfefferle] I added the h-entry to the body, to support comments

[pfefferle] So we had to move also the hentry, because parsers had problems with hentry on a different HTML element than h-entry if backwards compatibility was enabled

[pfefferle] Might have changed now

[pfefferle] I can say that it is the right way to add the h-entry to the body, does anyone know if there are still problems when hentry is on a different tag than h-entry? /cc Zegnat [gregorlove]

[pfefferle] it will also work, if we do not have to put the microformats2 classes on the same element as the microformats1 classes, do you know if this is currently possible with php-mf2 [tantek]?

[pfefferle] nesting?

[pfefferle] between both versions?

[pfefferle] miklb that makes things even worse, because that means that we cannot add a date or a title

[pfefferle] at least not for themes that are already supporting microformats1

[pfefferle] thanks tantek and sknebel

[pfefferle] ah, not for properties?

[pfefferle] ah, that’s nice

[pfefferle] sure

[pfefferle] ok, but then we still have the h-feed issue

[pfefferle] because hfeed is hardcoded in the template and we add h-feed to the body

[pfefferle] so we can’t add h-feed with the mf2 plugin

[pfefferle] and we have to set the h-card to the post container, that sadly means no comments support

[pfefferle] no, on every page

[pfefferle] but right now, we also add h-feed and hfeed to the body

[pfefferle] so we have 3 h(-)feeds in the site

[pfefferle] and that causes http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fichmagdiesen.link%2F

[pfefferle] the nested problem

[pfefferle] sknebel++

[pfefferle] tantek++

[pfefferle] I would vote to skip the uf2 plugin on themes that support mf1…

[pfefferle] backwards compatibility parsing seems better than the mixture of both

[pfefferle] but it is not that easy to check if a theme supports mf1

[pfefferle] 😞

tantek if we do that, then I need your (and others) help with suggestions here: https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/7

[pfefferle] yes, but I handle this on the parser level

[pfefferle] yes

[pfefferle] if the rest of the mf1 is properly used

[pfefferle] sure, that’s the risk

[pfefferle] and we are again at a level, where I vote for the mf2-feed idea 😉

[pfefferle] Sure, will try to match this with our theme problem

[pfefferle] A big win would be if we can combine mf1 containers with mf2 properties

[pfefferle] In that case we have to only add mf2 properties and it would work with the old mf1 and the new mf2 themes without changing „core“ semantics

[eddie] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Do you have an example?

[pfefferle] If we can add a p-author to an hentry this would be no problem

[pfefferle] I think this should be possible through a plugin

[pfefferle] If something isn‘t marked up, it is not that much of a problem

[pfefferle] The bigger problem is for example the entry-title... it is marked up as mf1 but has no hooks to add mf2 properly

[pfefferle] To be more specific, the nicest way would be to have mf1 containers that are supporting mf1 and mf2 properties

[pfefferle] So that we can re-use hentry, entry-title, entry-content and published/updated and add p-author h-card and the other metas through the plugins

[pfefferle] Hmm, but GWG uses a wide range of formats with post-kinds, I think...

[pfefferle] This is a deadlock 😝

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle] We could add an h-entry, and an e-content, but it is hard (or impossible) to add a p-name

[pfefferle] All other properties like date, permalinks and authors has to be added as hidden data

[pfefferle] If, we could add p-name as hidden data

[pfefferle] But that would be against the microformats principle...

[pfefferle] I will have a look at some themes, to give you some feedback tomorrow

[pfefferle] Too late today

jackjamieson and davidmead joined the channel
[pfefferle] [tantek] I don‘t think we have to do so many backwards compatibility things... the mf1 stuff seems to work pretty well http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2F2017.wordpress.net%2F2016%2F10%2F17%2Fnow-offering-square-one-coffee%2F

[pfefferle] This is the classic 2017 theme from Wordpress