2018-08-22 UTC
[iambismark] and Typhon15 joined the channel
tsp11 joined the channel
# 00:27 tsp11 | 0 .-' '-. 0 1 0 0 0
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[matpacker] joined the channel
# 01:23 [matpacker] Good morning everyone. Been away on holidays the last 2 weeks, have I missed anything big?
# 01:34 [matpacker] New theme support, new plugins, etc.
# 01:48 GWG I'm still trying to get Micropub out the door
# 01:58 [matpacker] What's required? I should be able to help out.
# 01:59 GWG [matpacker]: Install the Github version of Micropub. Try it
# 02:00 GWG miklb_: I created a pull to try to solve your problem
# 02:00 GWG The one on the line you commented out
# 02:00 Loqi [snarfed] wordpress-micropub: A Micropub server plugin for WordPress
# 02:09 miklb_ set up the mastodon autoposter see how that works out.
# 02:17 miklb_ I need to put some helper scripts on my server to make it easier to checkout pull-requests in repos that aren't mine
[chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], tantek__, ben_thatmustbeme, [eddie] and [matpacker] joined the channel
# 05:02 [matpacker] GWG: is there much of a difference between the Git hosted Micropub and the Wordpress one? The WP one was working for me, but the Git one doesn't.
# 05:07 Ruxton note the difference being it is all in one php file at that commit, after it starts to be broken out into includes dir, etc.
# 05:10 [matpacker] Ruxton: ahh, ok... Will have to compile the error messages
globbot and puff10 joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and Alex`27 joined the channel
Davesdowntime and host joined the channel
jeremych_ and By joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme, petermolnar and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 10:48 GWG Ruxton, didn't just split the functionality, did a lot of refactoring
jeremych_, deltab29 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 12:04 [jgmac1106] does anyone else micro.blog from the 2106 theme? trying to find out if my problem with the rss feeds is just me or universal
# 12:06 [jgmac1106] @gwg Chris said adding a follow post kind is easy as it is just commented out in the plugin. I am in the editor but do not see it.
# 12:28 [jgmac1106] @sknebel I didn't think I had to since I saw the follow.svg in the plugin, though I didn't find the template file in the view folder
# 12:28 [jgmac1106] just remember Dave and Chris saying the follow post kind is there it is just commented out. or something
[keithjgrant] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
# 13:01 miklb_ [jgmac1106] I'm using 2016 with the mf2 plugin, not the fork. What issues are you having?
# 13:03 [jgmac1106] it is on my radar to work on this week since i get a few days off before summer
# 13:04 [jgmac1106] the html is being stripped on some, I want to change the bookmark and quote post kind feeds to have the title
# 13:05 [jgmac1106] but mainly for now if I add <a href="https://micro.blog/miklb">@miklb</a> the feed strips away the link
# 13:06 [jgmac1106] I know what needs to be fixed and how to do it, just needed some capacity
# 13:07 miklb_ In related news, I'm really feeling good about 2016 is performing with just the mf2 plugin and the 2 small additions I've made
# 13:09 miklb_ Still soliciting feedback on the h-feed parsing, but I have mastodon auto-poster and have checked my posts in Together via the json feed and the atom feed in Evergreen, everything looks good and the syndication posts look good. I haven't checked micro.blog yet
# 13:18 miklb_ unless I'm missing something, that seems like a pretty good experience using the IW plugins out of the box with a core theme.
# 13:26 Loqi [Michael Bishop] In reply to shep on Twitter.
Yeah, now that I’ve set up indiepaper.io for read later, I’ll probably do the same. I was using open in safari as a read later hack on iOS
# 13:26 sknebel (PTD says something else, but I'm not sure how many things follow it strictly)
# 13:27 aaronpk i don't think i take into account multiple values of properties that i expect to have only one value
# 13:28 miklb_ p-name had been mentioned before and multiple values, but so far no one has mentioned any broken parsing so I was just working my way down the list til I had specific issues.
# 13:28 [jgmac1106] but that is good news. My other question would be on threading twitter conversations, in my experience only bridgy publish handles this well
# 13:29 miklb_ I'm using bridgy publish too. Just switched to the core 2016 theme, added the uf2 plugin & have inserted 2 new elements
# 13:29 miklb_ I made no other changes to my existing IW plugin setup besides that
# 13:29 [jgmac1106] even better.....can you try an rsvp? bookmark? and quote? and share those results. Those can be finnicky in Bridgy publish
# 13:30 [jgmac1106] ooohhh okay, I thought Quill did it, should have realized that was bridgy
# 13:31 Loqi [Michael Bishop] A little appropos seeing this quote shared by Matt today after I wrote this last night
“WordPress was orginally about making it easier to put words and pictures on the Internet. Gutenberg and 5.0 is about ushering in a new interface to do that. We ...
# 13:32 [jgmac1106] yeah I listened to the recode/decode podcast last night, heard same line
# 13:33 miklb_ so the bookmark syndication isn't indicative of a mf2 theme issue I believe than how the template is constructed in the post-kinds view template as it relates to bridgy
# 13:35 miklb_ no, by all means compare. I just noted that I had a custom mf2 theme and still had issues getting a bookmark to syndicate nicely through bridgy
# 13:35 miklb_ may be a case of using a custom excerpt for those
# 13:36 miklb_ yes, I wrote the quote template for bridgy-publish specifically to work with Twitter quotes and the expected bridgy markup
# 13:36 [jgmac1106] bridgy can do no wrong for me, only tool I ever found that allows me to keep thread alive on Twitter and webmentions
# 13:36 Loqi miklb has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
# 13:37 [jgmac1106] and using bridgy and twitter is the only way I can send a webmention, everything else has to be manual
# 13:39 sknebel miklb++ for comprehensive testing and doing something about the results
# 13:39 Loqi miklb has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (39 in all channels)
# 13:42 miklb_ I just think GWG and pfefferle underestimated how good the work they done is. 2 minor shims I've added?
# 13:44 miklb_ that should have also read I wrote the quote template for post-kinds to specifically work with Twitter quotes as expected by bridgy
# 13:46 sknebel reading back through the initial discussion of problems: plugins adding share buttons etc to the post body and that being included in the mf2 contents and thus syndicated etc
# 13:46 sknebel I believe we've seen issues with simple location doing that too
# 13:46 sknebel If I read it right the mf2 plugin tries to be the first to add anything, so it only wraps the actual post content in "e-content"?
# 13:47 sknebel e.g. jmac1106 has often "see also on:" or something in his tweets because of something like that?
# 13:48 sknebel and the thing with the recent comments sidebar, let me see if I can find an example again
# 13:48 miklb_ those seems unavoidable even in a custom theme the way WP is constructed and the limited hooks to inject content
# 13:49 [jgmac1106] yeah that just happened to me, I was recording tutorials on making custom menus
# 13:50 [jgmac1106] I put the "social links" menu there and it remained even after removing
# 13:50 miklb_ I'm using the syndication links plugin that adds the icons to where the content is syndicated and it doesn't interfere with the content
# 13:50 Loqi [Ton Zijlstra] Wrapping My Head Around Webmentions Pt 2
# 13:52 [jgmac1106] but I need to get to work, grant due tomorrow, need to finish entire package
# 13:52 miklb_ that is SemPress theme from pfefferle so that goes beyond adding mf2 via a plugin. I'm not suggesting we don't fix it, but goes to show that even in a custom mf2 theme there are still problems that can arise
# 13:53 sknebel would be interestng to me if the mf2 plugin causes the same problem
# 13:53 sknebel since it also does mark up comments, or if it somehow is better about that
# 13:53 miklb_ I can add the recent comments widget and start testing
# 13:56 miklb_ mind you that widget doesn't handle empty post titles
# 13:58 miklb_ I'm seeing the name issue on the notes without titles from that previous post link now.
Peng_19 joined the channel
# 14:04 miklb_ so what reader is available to view my site by it's h-feed
# 14:13 GWG There is no template for follow yet. Next Post Kinds release I will write one. It would use the generic template
# 14:14 GWG I try to build things as modular as possible
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 14:41 aaronpk you should be able to install the aperture plugin in wordpress and then log in to monocle.p3k.io
# 14:42 miklb_ yes, I set up the aperture plugin already for using with Indigenous and Together. ah, OK.
# 14:43 miklb_ ok, the p-name thing needs to be fixed for sure. Awesome
# 14:44 miklb_ awesome meaning it's a tangible issue I see "broken"
# 14:49 miklb_ that doesn't look like that in Evergreen or Together
# 14:57 Zegnat I am not sure if JSON Feed titles are allowed to contain HTML. So not sure what the proper handling is. It could be other readers do not know either. Some might be stripping the HTML, some might be rendering it (rendering an empty string), and others (apparently like Monocle) endcode the < and > for display
# 15:00 miklb_ so should I open an issue or check for an existing one in the wp json feed plugin repo?
# 15:01 aaronpk this is definitely a problem with the jsonfeed plugin
# 15:01 aaronpk if yes, then it's a jsonfeed plugin problem. if no, it's a mf2 plugin problem.
# 15:05 aaronpk htmlentity decode... doesn't that do things like turn < back into <
# 15:08 miklb_ WP allows HTML in titles, at least something like <strong> and <em> I don't know if it has a white list or not
# 15:08 sknebel then that seems like the jsonfeed plugin should strip that
# 15:13 sknebel although if it's possible to modify the mf2 plugin to not modify the title in this case, that'd be good too
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# 15:18 drdanick26 ________________ _ . ____ *
# 15:19 miklb_ I actually can modify that function in the mf2 plugin.
# 15:20 miklb_ I should be able to also check if $title is empty and do something else there if need be
# 15:21 sknebel with "in this case" I meant "when called for feed generation" , it seems like that's not exposed
# 15:22 sknebel but since the in-build feeds demonstrate that html has to be stripped, that can probably be expected from plugins that want plaintext titles
# 15:23 miklb_ aaronpk so can I remove the json feed in aperture and use h-feed instead?
# 15:24 aaronpk yeah i thought we were trying to troubleshoot the html feed
# 15:24 miklb_ I'm troubleshooting all the things, but thinking out loud
# 15:27 miklb_ oops, I left the old entries, should have removed them too.
tantek__, gRegorLove and jackjamieson joined the channel
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# 15:41 miklb_ should an issue in the json feed plugin be opened then? I was sure the determination
# 15:47 Zegnat miklb_, probably. The JSON Feed plugin could be expected to do the same as WordPress’ own RSS feed code, which is stripping this HTML from titles. That would solve the issue. Just reference the lines in WP core that sknebel found.
# 15:47 sknebel yeah, I'd say they probably can reuse the title cleaning functions from the wordpress feeds
[jgmac1106], [keithjgrant] and miklb joined the channel
# 16:21 Loqi [Michael Bishop] But as it stands, with only two minor edits to the mf2 plugin & suite of Indieweb WP plugins I already had installed, I’m using default twentysixteen WordPress theme. I’m syndicating to micro.blog, Twitter (via brid.gy) and Mastodon (via auto-pos...
# 16:21 Loqi miklb has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (40 in all channels)
# 16:21 miklb I added a second <time> with dt-published and added that hidden data element for the u-url to the mf2 plugin
# 16:22 GWG I asked Manton to give me commit privileges to jsonfeed as he's busy, but I think he forgot
# 16:23 miklb I'm seeing little things that are still wonky using the h-feed for microsub, but nothing that so far screams broken.
# 16:23 miklb we surfaced a jsonfeed issue which was good
# 16:24 miklb it's still pretty vanilla, but I didn't remove anything I had installed.
# 16:26 miklb I just replied to my own note that had been syndicated to Twitter and it threaded perfectly as Twitter reply. Those are the kinds of experiences I think people are looking for, and to see it work through a new lens is exciting.
# 16:28 miklb If we want to merge those 2 new things I believe there is a PR open. But we might be able to tweak a couple more things.
# 16:29 miklb but not really. The nature of WordPress and plugin/theme conflicts is as old as the platform. That's not going to magically change adding IW tools to it. But having a solid foundation to work from is really impressive.
# 16:29 miklb [12:21:49] <+miklb> I added a second <time> with dt-published and added that hidden data element for the u-url to the mf2 plugin
# 16:29 miklb that's all I've changed in all of this testing.
# 16:30 miklb if you did, I didn't see it in master before I started doing this.
# 16:31 Loqi [dshanske] #23 Spec says date in RFC3339 format but nothing about GMT
# 16:31 miklb I'm adding a second <time class="dt-published">
# 16:32 miklb as well as a data element with the u-url permalink as the value
# 16:35 miklb so with those 2 things added to the mf2 plugin twentysixteen is working without any edits thus far in real world testing
# 16:36 miklb I didn't mean to suggest you did. I did it. It's in the GitHub repo now.
# 16:37 Loqi [miklb] #39 feature: add u-url to h-entry
# 16:38 miklb I'm editing live on my server as well as locally and just wanted to make sure I pushed the changes to the repo, so I need to squash or clean up the PR. But the point is, that's all I've modified
# 16:43 miklb we have been telling people they need to install this special theme, or this forked theme for a GitHub repo. Now I think we could comfortably say, "Install WordPress, activate all of these IW plugins and follow their instructions (brid.gy for example) and use the stock 2016 theme."
# 16:44 miklb or we are really close to being able to say that.
# 16:45 miklb that seems pretty cool to me. You should be proud.
# 16:46 Loqi GWG has 74 karma in this channel over the last year (152 in all channels)
# 16:47 miklb and generally speaking, most 2016 child themes should just work™ Anything else wouldn't really be a child theme anymore
# 16:49 miklb if I'm being overly optimistic let me know though.
# 16:49 GWG By the way, re your IndieAuth issue, did you notice the new developer documentation?
# 16:55 miklb I haven't looked at that much as I've been focusing on the front end stuff. I have a busy rest of the day but this evening I will look at that PR.
# 16:56 GWG It basically removes the conditional that you somehow tripped. I didn't need to, but no one is using it
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 16:57 miklb I read through the PR discussion a bit, I'll give it more attention when I test. Thanks.
# 16:57 GWG I am working on Client Information Discovery for IndieAuth. Basic implementation
# 16:58 GWG So, getting the application name and icon
# 16:58 GWG Instead of just saying quill.p3k.io it would say Quill
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 17:02 GWG I also have to do something with Refbacks
# 17:05 GWG Miklb, did you ever try Refbacks? They are only useful for non Webmention supporting sites
[kevinmarks] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 17:31 tantek__ miklb re: extra <time> for dt-published, if we added backcompat for 'entry-date' to h-entry, then all mf2 parsers would pick that up automatically
# 17:32 tantek__ so that would eliminate one change, and make things work "out of the box" for more users
# 17:32 miklb well I'm not sure how wide spread entry-date is used
# 17:32 tantek__ that's what I was hoping you might be able to determine - you saw it by default in 2016 right?
# 17:32 tantek__ it doesn't have to be universal, if it is widespread *enough* then it's worth back-compat parsing for
# 17:33 tantek__ also entry-date as a logical addition to entry-title, entry-summary, entry-content makes sense
# 17:33 miklb and that is a theme specific function generating that part of the html, thus the shoe-horn of another time element
# 17:34 miklb but sure, if that can be eliminated from the markup that would certainly help (the extra time element)
# 17:34 tantek__ and then the data element was for URL / permalink right?
# 17:35 tantek__ then I'm confused because that should already be picked up as part of backcompat handling of rel=bookmark which I see in 2016
# 17:35 miklb got me. That was the first thing aaronpk pointed out as seeming broken
# 17:36 tantek__ likely depends on if we have an hentry rel=bookmark backcompat test case
# 17:37 miklb but it also has h-entry if that makes a difference
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 17:38 tantek__ ok I thought we were close to getting it all working with a pure backcompat case *without* mf2 plugin
# 17:38 miklb hmm. I think would miss out on the other stuff by not having mf2
# 17:39 tantek__ miklb, were you able to document precisely what was missing *before* adding the mf2 plugin?
# 17:39 miklb doing fine is again a very subjective term in this scenario. If you don't have mf2 then you loose a lot of the the other features of the IW plugins
# 17:40 miklb so 2 shims seems like a small price to get mf2 working. IMVHO
# 17:40 tantek__ miklb, point is that you should be seeing enough from backcompat to get those IW plugins to work
# 17:40 miklb it's all a bloody shim if you really look at it.
# 17:41 miklb if there is no h-feed or h-entry, will it pick up the mf2 in the entry?
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:41 tantek__ 1 what core hentry/h-entry properties are missing in 2016? (dt-published would be handled by issue 7 proposal)
# 17:41 tantek__ 2 what additional mf2-only properties would we need to enable additional use-cases / plugin features?
# 17:42 miklb I didn't test that because I was going under the assumption that we 100% needed mf2 to get all of the Indieweb goodness.
# 17:42 miklb I'm happy to remove the mf2 plugin and keep testing if there is a consensus upstream that can be solved across the board.
# 17:43 Loqi [tantek] #7 Can we improve h-entry backcompat to handle common WordPress hentry streams?
# 17:43 [pfefferle] I thought this was already defined in backcombat, because php-mf2 supports it already
# 17:43 miklb well, again, this is the first I'm hearing of any option of mixing mf1 & mf2.
# 17:43 tantek__ pfefferle - then did you have an opinion on the proposals there?
# 17:44 tantek__ not a new conversation, trying to refocus the original question
# 17:44 miklb no, because the other WordPress Indieweb plugins are going to be outputting mf2, so it can't really be done separately in a vacuum
# 17:45 tantek__ that's the point of (1). by doing *just* those fixes we we enable *some* use-cases
# 17:46 miklb OK. So what do I need to do? Turn off all of the IW plugins to see how it parses totally vanilla WP?
# 17:46 tantek__ because some of those use-cases are *very* useful, e.g. if we get hfeed support to be as good or better than RSS, then readers can universally prefer h-feed
# 17:47 miklb well there is still the idea on the table of the mf2feed
# 17:47 [pfefferle] for readers we currently have no problems using the php-mf2 parser
# 17:47 tantek__ [pfefferle]: that's incorrect on at least a couple of points, per aaronpk feedback
# 17:48 tantek__ it's exactly why I put the two proposals into issue 7
# 17:48 tantek__ so either folks want to focus on specific cases at a time, or we're going to get nowhere
# 17:49 miklb aaronpk do you have the link to the original post?
# 17:49 tantek__ because everyone is confusing all the different cases
# 17:49 tantek__ right, now aaronpk you changed the subject to permalinks when we were talking about feeds
# 17:49 miklb I'm game to test anything live. I'm just confused what I need to turn off.
# 17:49 tantek__ miklb, yes you do, but aaronpk is not helping with "that's a webmention even, not hfeed"
# 17:50 tantek__ point of (1) and (2) above is to start with focusing on feed testing
# 17:51 aaronpk also what is that subtitle text? that isn't coming through, not sure whose fault that is
# 17:54 Loqi [tantek] #7 Can we improve h-entry backcompat to handle common WordPress hentry streams?
# 17:54 aaronpk ah [pfefferle] apparently i forgot to display the summary in monocle. i see those are coming through right in xray
# 17:55 tantek__ feel free to thumbs-up the whole thing, or even just indicate that you only like .entry-date or only like rel=author
# 17:55 [pfefferle] Is it on purpose that you show the url instead of the author name?
# 17:56 tantek__ given that parsers already support rel=bookmark inside an hentry for backcompat, I presume supporting rel=author inside an hentry for backcompat is doable
# 17:56 tantek__ [pfefferle]: "url instead of the author name" is likely due to lack of rel=author in the backcompat
# 17:57 tantek__ hence if folks want to fix that, please say so on the issue
# 17:57 aaronpk which screenshot are you referring to? the last one I posted has the author name
# 17:57 miklb I understand what you are attempting to do tantek__ but I guess I have no skin in the game as to making WP mf1 backcompatible in parsing. The user experience of what I outlined in that note requires mf2. I don't see how the 2 are supposed to cross.
# 17:57 tantek__ [pfefferle]: pretty sure X-ray does more than just mf2 parsing & backcompat
# 17:58 tantek__ miklb, at least *some* of that ux is possible with just WP mf1 more backcompat, and that's still helpful, andthat's my point
# 17:59 tantek__ miklb, for the additional UX that you think requires more explicit mf2, I'd like to understand what those use-cases are specifically
# 17:59 tantek__ so that we might have a chance for looking for the information in existing markup
# 18:00 miklb are you saying bridgy syndication and webmention replies won't need mf2?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 18:00 [jgmac1106] [miklb] as well as documenting or linking to the two things you changed can you also describe the testing methodology used so folks like me can copy what you did, was there a specific parser, feed reader, should we drop links into any repos for others to review, etc,
# 18:00 [jgmac1106] [pfefferle] or get more people who speak your tongue in the community to balance it out
# 18:00 [pfefferle] miklb yes! Only if you need the fancy reply context stuff of the post-kinds plugin
# 18:01 miklb not really any methodology as there isn't a true pass/fail
# 18:01 tantek__ miklb, also, I'd like to solve the hfeed questions first (readers, etc.), and *then* solve the hentry permalinks second (bridgy syndication and webmention replies)
# 18:01 miklb post-kinds is still a recommended plugin in the IW plugin.
# 18:02 tantek__ the only sane way to do this kind of testing is to explicitly breakdown the separate cases *separately*, and get full understanding of each before moving onto the next
# 18:02 miklb but I love that we've gone from patching the mf2 plugin to making it obsolete by better back compat
# 18:03 miklb tantek__ agreed. Like I said, until about an hour ago, I did not understand that you were proposing not requiring mf2 in WP themes. I didn't fully understand how that worked. I thought you were still looking at ways to use the mixed formats.
# 18:04 tantek__ miklb, got it. appreciate the patience as we understand each other better :)
# 18:04 tantek__ miklb, to be clear, I think we *can* solve hfeeds *without* any additional mf2 in themes
# 18:05 aaronpk i would be very happy if mf1 backcompat in default wordpress themes worked better, since more sites will "just work" when i try to follow them even if they don't have the mf2 plugin installed
# 18:05 miklb there are no mf2 in themes unless it's one of the handful of indie themes.
# 18:05 tantek__ this is why it is worth solving the hfeed problem first
# 18:05 tantek__ [pfefferle]: what aaronpk has kept saying about following / reading WP blogs
# 18:06 tantek__ NOT all the webmention commentary. ignore that for now
# 18:06 tantek__ ignore anything about hentry permalinks until hfeeds "just work"
# 18:07 tantek__ jumping to a solution is never "mainly" about a problem
# 18:07 [pfefferle] The mf1 backcompat works well since I started my work on the semantic-linkbacks plugin
# 18:07 tantek__ I think its existence is being a distraction from this attempt at regathering this data
# 18:08 tantek__ [pfefferle]: at this point we need to use specifics instead. what doesn't work? what bar are you meeting that makes you say "well enough"? what features are still missing?
# 18:09 aaronpk i really need to make a feed previewer thing for monocle so you can see what i see
# 18:09 [pfefferle] If all themes are using the mf1 implementation of 2016 and all parser are working like the php one, I see no issues
# 18:10 Loqi [tantek] #7 Can we improve h-entry backcompat to handle common WordPress hentry streams?
# 18:10 tantek__ 2 file another issue on what you see is missing when you try to follow / subscribe a "normal" modern WordPress blog
snarfed left the channel
# 18:11 miklb this is what I've been trying to say as well " at this point we need to use specifics instead. what doesn't work? what bar are you meeting that makes you say "well enough"? what features are still missing?"
# 18:11 tantek__ by doing 2, you (aaronpk) can answer [pfefferle]'s question above "What problem[s]?"
# 18:11 miklb I've been approaching that from a user perspective in a live environment with the current available tools to explore how the content is propagating and appearing in various readers.
# 18:12 tantek__ like actually file the issue with specifics, feel free to add the screenshot(s) from your reader(s) there, but list the information you think is missing
# 18:12 [pfefferle] If the theme uses proper mf1 the php parser has no problems... if the theme uses no semantics we sure have a problem
# 18:12 tantek__ [pfefferle]: "has no problems" is false, hence I filed issue 7
# 18:13 miklb what exactly does the php parser do to say "this works"
# 18:14 tantek__ [pfefferle]: AFAIK even using the php parser, on a plain WP 2016 install, published and author are still missing
# 18:15 tantek__ and since no one commented on issue 7, I presumed it was all still true
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# 18:17 tantek__ [pfefferle]: aaronpk's example proves my point. if the php parser supported entry-date, then there should be a "published" property in the output of the PHP parser
# 18:18 aaronpk i do see the dates there, but that one also uses the <time> element
# 18:24 [pfefferle] Tantek the backcompat worked since the first version of my Webmention plugin
# 18:24 tantek__ I need to see if I can dig-up which common themes I found at the time had .entry-date but not .published
# 18:25 tantek__ aaronpk, can you open a new issue just for capturing examples of WP blogs you've tried to follow that had bad results?
# 18:27 aaronpk i need to make a preview tool before i can really do that
# 18:31 miklb don't use mf2. You must use an mf2 theme. wtf
# 18:32 aaronpk no that was to me. he was saying make a list of WP blogs that have bad results that do not also use the mf2 theme.
# 18:32 miklb no [pfefferle] is still "–and do not use the mf2-plugin!"
# 18:33 miklb and I'm all like this morning, cool, this stuff is all working like advertised 😂
# 18:33 aaronpk "for capturing examples of WP blogs you've tried to follow that had bad results ...and do not use the mf2-plugin!"
# 18:34 miklb ok, I just know [pfefferle] has been very down on that plugin from the start.
# 18:40 tantek__ miklb, I for one am not "down on that plugin", I want to see how much we can raise the bar without it first.
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# 18:41 miklb I can turn it off on my site right now and leave the other IW plugins as is to see what happens.
# 18:41 miklb if that would help anyone for testing backcompat
# 18:42 tantek__ ideally it would be interesting how much we could get working without any plugins, but I understand wanting to keep your site working :)
# 18:43 miklb as long as the content is being published on my site and being stored in my database that I backup, I'm not worried about anything else. If anyone is reading my feed that isn't a developer I'd be surprised.
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# 18:43 miklb if it looks wonky on Twitter to get to the bottom of things, that's what I'm all about right now.
# 18:45 miklb I still have indiewp.com on that same server that I can put some test content on and compare with/without mf2 as well
# 18:56 miklb I'm also wondering if those 2 shims are all that's needed how easy would it be to just send a PR to that theme to add the 2 classes
# 18:56 miklb but I need to run to the market. tantek__ let me know if turning off or setting up another demo site that's live would help.
# 18:58 [pfefferle] Tantek sorry, not everything was accurate what I wrote... the php parser does not support entry-date and rel-author but the default themes are using proper mf1 for date and author/hcard so that is why it is no problem... sorry, I am on the phone and have not verified the source...
# 18:59 [pfefferle] So I will have to do some research to check if entry-title and rel-author really helps
# 19:10 sknebel maybe checking if the templates used on the blogs on that list are popular is a starting point
# 19:15 sknebel (+ of course sites might have upgraded since the crawl, I removed one such case I recognized)
# 19:17 tantek__ good list sknebel. I wonder if we can detect any patterns, like which themes they are using
# 19:18 tantek__ oh dear, I thought we contained h-as-* to just some of the old plugins that GWG was working on
# 19:20 GWG Also, what's this about Post Kinds?
[tantek] joined the channel
# 19:43 miklb or someone copied to their theme a custom post-kind template with the old markup
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