#wordpress 2018-08-23

2018-08-23 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme, jeremych-, [iambismark] and drathir29 joined the channel
tantek__, dmcweeney and miklb joined the channel
GWG I had a long meetup tonight not up for figuring out how to grab that PR, I'll do it first thing in the morning.
brain is mush
also, is there a reason we haven't added a switch somewhere to auto-approve webmentions in a plugin yet?
I know there is a function that can be added to themes, but seems would be handy to have an admin UI for users to turn on.
off by default
miklb, there's a whitelist in Webmentions now
mappum5 joined the channel
tantek, [eddie], [tantek], [shaners], tantek__, [aaronpk] and nesthib23 joined the channel
what would be nice is something like the default comment setting that only requires one approval based on email address. I wonder if those can be hooked up…
surely someone slipped a filter in there at some point
wget20 joined the channel
Zegnat, jeremycherfas, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@gwg my whitelist in no way works
I use askimet and they have a comment count feature and you can set it so once you approve one comment the person is whitelisted...the webmentions do not seem to trigger the comment count
[kevinmarks] and Cbcj joined the channel
I never checked it's compatibility with Akismet
[pfefferle] joined the channel
me neither
what kind of comment count is it?
pfefferle, by the way, what did you think of the IndieAuth PR?
no I have 😉
now I have!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
See the zero approved under each person. Can we hook into that?
I can't find the setting anymore though
[pfefferle]: Will do. Does it look good otherwise?
[jgmac1106]: I don't have Akismet activated. I'll have to look
Looks like I have some coding to do. Good the weekend is here soon
@gwg I activated then deacticved the social links menu, now I can't get "Also On" to dissapear
I see that" your theme supports 2 menus. Select which menu appears in each location." has social links as a choice. Any idea on how I can delete this?
!tell miklb: https://github.com/WordPress/twentysixteen/blob/7e5c8d2e966ab3737b2ef411c0b8db0d6a8c57ec/single.php#L33 <- another place where the p-name is added wrongly to a post title it seems
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [jgmac1106] Noob point, I know, but you are sure it isn't just cached.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Also On is Syndication Links.
[pfefferle]: By the way, I merged your JSONFeed PR
[pfefferle] joined the channel
ooops 😳
then I have to add a new one… totally forgot about that one… changed something in the websub plugin
but it does not break something… only have to also add the link header
[jeremycherfas] yeah I check in prvacy mode, I also deleted the text in the syndication links box and left it blank...just can't get it to go away
Manton gave me commit privileges
not a big deal, small annoyance
So, feel free. It looked good and wouldn't hurt anything.
the icon is coming from akismet
this is no core feautre
and we do use a different whitelist
GWG nice! finally someone cares
Oh well. Just a thought, and something that had bitten me before.
[pfefferle]: Manton cared, he is just busy. I volunteered to help at IWS, and reminded him yesterday
I merged 4 PRs waiting
Date, avatar, WebSub, and I closed one
I don't think it needs much attention, but I wanted to get it fixed
hmmm, I had mixed feelings about the json-feed format and how it was developed
there kinda was an initial push, and then crickets
last I checked the spec bugtracker was pretty barren, nothing being worked on
I just got involved in the WP plugin
Because I wanted my PRs merged after months
I figure closing out the existing issues and pushing a new release is not a problem
can you wait until I fixed the websub stuff?
I am not doing it today, so yes
[metbril], [scottgruber], jackjamieson and gRegorLove joined the channel
there was also the point made the other day about the json feed and html entities. I'll need to go back to the logs to find it though
miklb: sknebel left you a message 3 hours, 59 minutes ago: https://github.com/WordPress/twentysixteen/blob/7e5c8d2e966ab3737b2ef411c0b8db0d6a8c57ec/single.php#L33 <- another place where the p-name is added wrongly to a post title it seems
sknebel yes, there is a filter in the mf2 plugin that is doing that with $title. I should be able to write a conditional to only add it in the first instance.
I sorted stopped as the conversation about backcompat parsing was moving away from the work I was trying to do.
my takeaway was that the 2 shims were a non-starter
so my thoughts drifted into just making the mf2 plugin a drop in library for theme developers as a starting point and document the areas that generally aren't covered by it and what classes to include where.
2 shims?
the extra time element with dt-published and the data element with u-url
my fork of the plugin currently inserts those hidden elements into the h-entry to cover the parsing that the theme doesn't hit
hm, I didn't get that. IMHO the idea of extending backcompat to cover the existing cases is a different thing
maybe I misinterpreted the discussion
but sounded like to me that wasn't an acceptable solution
[shaners] joined the channel
that the preferred solution was to have no mf2 and use the mf1 backcompat
for me that's two things: better backcompat would make mf1 themes more useable. but unless there's a big change where nobody has made a specific proposal for yet, you won't get mf2 properties
so having a way to get mf2 would still be good
don't think work on one should be a reason to not follow up with the other
I just don't want to work on anything that there will be a faction saying "don't use that".
but I can take what I've learned and use it to build out a mf2 theme framework and document common pitfalls for basic mf2 parsing issues in WP themes
there will *always* be someone saying "don't use that" no matter what it is lol
well, it carries more weight if it's coming from within the core of the community vs an outsider which is more often the case
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Don‘t get me wrong, I would not say „don‘t use it“ when it works properly, but in it‘s current form it inserts broken mf2 formats and also breaks backwards compatibility...
the 64 million dollar question is "what does works properly mean"
what broken mf2 formats is it inserting?
but again, I'm holding off on anymore work on it and shifting towards a theme framework because I don't have the willpower to argue this anymore.
The p-Name for example
Most themes use escaping for the title, so it displays the span tag in the view
The h-feed on the body
h-feed is only on the archive pages in my instance. I still don't know where you were getting 3
On every plugin that is not twenty*
but you win [pfefferle] I'm going to build a theme framework. I'll offer any assistance in testing with backcompat
for mf1 and give up on the uf2 plugin.
It‘s not about winning something
I'm done debating
I am not arguing to „win“
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
"win" more of American slang in that instance..though we in Western society as a whole define problem solving in terms of victory too much
I don't feel like I've lost anything in this. I needed to know what was exactly still an issue right now, today with mf2 and generic WP themes. Now I have a really strong understanding. I will go back to my original plan. I thought by tweaking that plugin we could bring an experience **today** to more WP users. But if we can't agree on that option, I'm moving on.
everybody won, watching the flurry of testing in the last two days, @sknebel checking work [pfefferle] discussing past decisions....we all learned a ton
is my current output perfect in all cases on my site? No, is it pretty damn good for being able to use brid.gy and micropub? Yes.
jgmac1106_, tantek__ and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[Douglas Beal] So happy to see clouds instead of smoke
Looks like post is using gallery short code
MetBril and tantek joined the channel
I will have to examine the logs once I land.
[pfefferle] and tantek joined the channel
Taking a break. Keep missing good discussion
bleepy26 joined the channel
MetBril, [kevinmarks], [manton] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG those are good problems to have. Taking breaks is important and helps us remain sustainable. Also good that so much good discussion keeps happening regardless 😊
[dougbeal], [cleverdevil] and davidmead joined the channel