#wordpress 2018-09-04
2018-09-04 UTC
snarfed, [kevinmarks], smaudet, rkta and [tantek] joined the channel
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [iambismark], majestic3, [tantek], [Niklas], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], janus9, snarfed, [keithjgrant], [grantcodes], BuildTheRobots11 and [Serena] joined the channel
[Serena] Ok, so the whole indieweb has, for me, been pretty much a black box. I joined micro.blog in April and that was around the same time I discovered the indieweb.
[Serena] I read some of the indieweb.org articles (most of which goes over my head), installed all the WP plugin, and everything works.
[Serena] However, I don’t actually know how anything actually *works*, and I’m wondering if anyone is willing (and have the time) to let me badger them (over the period of a few days) with questions (perhaps via PM).
[Serena] Specifically I’d want to know how selecting a post kind using the WP plugin is different from writing your own h-card stuff (I also don’t know the right terminology), and how that is different from using something like indiebookclub/ownyourswarm to post (E.g. indiebookclub posts have an additional read status that post kinds plugin does not have. And like, my OwnYourSwarm post now includes images from my original Swarm post, but I don
[Serena] coming from or how to delete it - not that I want to, but I don’t know where the HTML is written on my posts).
[Serena] I’d like to learn more about this, it’s just that most of the documentation I’ve read assumes a level of technical know-how that I don’t have.
[Serena] I’m not a programmer of any kind, I just fiddle with this sort of thing. The most complicated kind of stuff I’ve done so far on my blog is create my own functions.php, but all the code in there are taken from other people.
jeremycherfas [jgmac1106] may also be able to help and miklb__

jackjamieson joined the channel
soahccc10, dougbeal|mb1, [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks] and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed fyi all, i just upgraded my semantic-linkbacks a few versions, from 3.7.x to 3.9.0, and i'm no longer getting avatar images. example: https://snarfed.org/2018-09-04_i-dont-hang-out-on-the-internet#comments
snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [Serena] Here is the draft of a new WordPress Getting Started guide I have been developing: https://indieweb.org/User:Jgregorymcverry.com/getting-started-with-WordPress-for-beginners

[jgmac1106] but basically if you manually add an h-card you don't need the plugin....but be careful as you need the hcard on the post pages and the plugin will put them there. The best option for a manual h-card is usually in the header of the footer.

[chrisaldrich] snarfed: there was an initialization error in one of the recent versions. Try going into the settings and resaving them. That may fix a part of the problem you're seeing.

[chrisaldrich] [Serena] You might also find some value in some of what I've written at https://boffosocko.com/research/indieweb/, and in particular the first few articles as well as the pencast and/or youtube walkthrough which does a bit of explanation on some of the individual parts and what they do

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] snarfed, I think this was the issue: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/183

[chrisaldrich] or something similar...

[jgmac1106] what did he have to do? I need to do that? I am nothing but blank avatars...except when through bridgy

snarfed [jgmac1106]: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/183#issuecomment-393944756 worked for me
[chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] I think what you're seeing is related to this issue: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/178#issuecomment-407884642

[jgmac1106] i can't even send webmentions so I guess a blank face pile is the least of my convern

snarfed, jackjamieson, [chrisaldrich] and metbril joined the channel
[metbril] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] yes

[pfefferle] this was requested, I think from [snarfed]

[pfefferle] no, not mentions… only replys

[pfefferle] but [metbril] feel free to file an issue, so we can discuss about a more user friendly solution

[pfefferle] not in one of the last releases

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[metbril] Thanks for searching. My new issue (for discussion) is https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/208
[pfefferle] 👍 thanks

[kevinmarks], kaushalmodi, GuntherDW12, [davidmead], jackjamieson, Kamilion1, [jgmac1106], [eddie], Cajs19, [tantek] and [aaronpk] joined the channel